Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Well, I thought I was keeping it together, just barely but still...

And then my sisters just had to go n’ argue about something really stupid. Thanks to one lying to the other. Naturally, that’s the parent’s fault, because they weren’t in on it; thus they did’nae tow the party line on this secret scandal. Therefore, it’s their fault. Cuz that’s what ye do when ye cannae bring yersel‘ tae actually acknowledge and admit ye made a mistake, blame someone else, right? :mad: Arguing about shopping... again ! I don’t know anymore. :rolleyes:

Why did I have to be the “good” kid? I failed at life until I was in my early 20s. :cry:


Well-known member
Well, I made it to the weekend but it feels like the entire week has been kind of a strange weekend with this lockdown/work from home situation. Strange times.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
I had to put my cat down today. :cry: I'm relieved she's no longer suffering, but it still hurts. I feel so horrible, I tried so hard to give her the longest life possible. I guess I did? She was still too young though. She was too sweet and too pure to be handed the shitty cards she was dealt since birth.

I feel you. My boy Fatbutt died this past summer. After 20 years he was basically a part of me, and a part of me died with him. Still hurts.

Fountain, I'm glad I can still see your post. (y)


Well-known member
I feel you. My boy Fatbutt died this past summer. After 20 years he was basically a part of me, and a part of me died with him. Still hurts.
I'm so sorry to hear, Peaslee. 20 years is a long time, and I bet he was pretty damn happy for all of those 20 years. <3

I always get very attached to animals. I have always felt I relate to them and sometimes understand them more than I do humans. This was particularly hard on me. She had FELV, from the moment she was born. I had no idea what I was getting into when I took her in as a stray little kitten, but I'm so glad I did. She taught me so much with feline health, I did so much research with her, and she reminded me exactly why I love animals the way I do. Especially cats. She always loved laying on my shoulders when I studied, the first cat I've ever had to do so. She was also the first cat I had that wouldn't even bother to bolt outside if the door was open. She'd sit there, look out, but stay in. At our last place, when I'd get home from work or school, I could always open my garage door, pull in, and she'd be there waiting. She wouldn't run out, she'd wait by my car and greet me. She also loved being in the kitchen whenever I was cooking. For a cat that was born in a barn, she had some gourmet refined tastes. Lamb was her absolute favorite. Any other cat I've owned in the past was perfectly happy with Meow Mix and cheap chicken. Not her. She was too good for that, and I'm glad she was. I really did give her the best, food-wise.

I didn't even have her for 3 years. I'm so heartbroken by that the most. I wanted so badly to give her the long life she deserved. I really tried. But unfortunately FELV is such a bitch, it becomes active when it wants to - if the cat has it - and it's almost always a death sentence when it does.


You want to know how I got these scars?
I had to put my cat down today. :cry: I'm relieved she's no longer suffering, but it still hurts. I feel so horrible, I tried so hard to give her the longest life possible. I guess I did? She was still too young though. She was too sweet and too pure to be handed the shitty cards she was dealt since birth.
Sorry to hear that Phoenixx :cry:


in a VAN down by the RIVER
It's scary how few young people in my town are wearing masks right now.

No, in all likelihood you're not going to get sick and die from Corona, but what about your grandparents and every older person you come into contact with? I went to Walmart today and the cavalier attitude of Zoomers was shocking.