Well-known member
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.Quite a long tale. I'll keep it short. I stopped the fight. Yes, sort of ballsey in my department (this is very rare) and therefore that behaviour in accordance to the policy makes me suspicious and part of it.Mad jokes.
You've had some high-pressure jobs, haven't you? I wouldn't have the patience and level-headedness to be a dispatcher - I work at the Police station and have seen a few of those calls - because it takes a special person to do something like that. I can understand some of those things will haunt you, but you can take solace in the fact that you've done all you could and saved a lot of lives in the process.thanks Mikey - it's not something i think about very often
i feel better having worked for many years as a 911 Dispatcher
helping suicidal callers get the assistance they need to save their lives
although there's a few of those incidents that haunt me as well
A thankless job needs to be acknowledged sometimes.