So I had a GROUP interview today and I'm totally over-analysing it now lol.
I'm SO convinced that that's the last I'll hear of it. I know that I didn't come across as anxious -- I'm good at hiding it -- but I was definitely quiet. Did that make me look disinterested? I hope not. One of the staff looked like my cousin -- it almost COULD have been, if her name wasn't Siobhan. lol. I don't know, maybe it made things a little easier somehow. It was my mum that made it hard, all the preparation and the "it doesn't matter if you don't get it". She knows I won't and so do I -- although --
-- Thinking about it now - I was quiet, so what? I speak when spoken to. I do not speak out of turn. There were three "challenges". That's an exciting way of putting it. I did the best I could. There was a maths test. A task where we had to stack items on a shelf, in a group. Finally, a task where we had to pick out an item for a made-up customer's made-up children. I thought my choice was pretty cool. I actually feel like I did a good job with those things, and I NEVER feel like I've done good at ANYTHING. Ever. I think I was dressed quite nicely too... and the phone interview was... passable... hmm.
As usual, though, I'm sure being loud and confident and being friends with the staff (as at least a half of the candidates seemed to be) matters more. lol. Maybe all I'm good for is the volunteering where I don't get paid. Well I'm probably not even good for that. They tend to be desperate enough not to reject me. That's why I do it. And it makes me feel a little useful.

I made £18.62 for a couple hours work this week, doing my own thing. MAYBE I'll just never go out again and live on £18.62 a week.