Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
While filling shelves in the book department today I found a book on how you could ''cure'' homosexuality.

Books look very majestic when they fly towards the dumpster.

I'm not supposed to discriminate against believes/book subjects or anything, but in this case I couldn't help but make an exception.

Awesome work Puma :D


Well-known member
While filling shelves in the book department today I found a book on how you could ''cure'' homosexuality.

Books look very majestic when they fly towards the dumpster.

I'm not supposed to discriminate against believes/book subjects or anything, but in this case I couldn't help but make an exception.

Was it an old book?


Well-known member
While filling shelves in the book department today I found a book on how you could ''cure'' homosexuality.

Books look very majestic when they fly towards the dumpster.

I'm not supposed to discriminate against believes/book subjects or anything, but in this case I couldn't help but make an exception.
Welcome to the middle ages!

Good job :cool:


Well-known member
While filling shelves in the book department today I found a book on how you could ''cure'' homosexuality.

Books look very majestic when they fly towards the dumpster.

I'm not supposed to discriminate against believes/book subjects or anything, but in this case I couldn't help but make an exception.

I believe Dorothy Parker got it right with this one:
"This is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown with great force."
Good job puma:D! Normally, I'd love to preserve books, but that was a no-go on that one.
Thanks guys, just doin' as a good Puma should. ::p:

Was it an old book?

No, it was actually relatively new. I was rather surprised by that too. When I opened it up I did hover over the sentence ''...on the road to a true and pure Christian''. So I can only assume it was a Christian self-''help'' book.

The only thing that book would help with is sending some poor dude/girl into a deep state of denial.


"This is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown with great force."

That's just.. badass-ly funny. :'3
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Well-known member
Gotta leave for physical therapy in a few. Anxiety level rising. So many uncomfortable things to look forward to. Stranger touching and making me do weird movements to retrain the ankle. OH JOY!


Well-known member
Gotta leave for physical therapy in a few. Anxiety level rising. So many uncomfortable things to look forward to. Stranger touching and making me do weird movements to retrain the ankle. OH JOY!

Well, you're on the road to recovery, so that's a good thing! As for the anxiety, why don't you keep on making jokes like you just did? That should put you at ease. That, or you can keep your eyes on the prize and not the road that gets you there. Kinda risky, but, if done right, should calm you down, while paying attention to the "road." Good luck, Pookah, and I hope that your ankle gets better quickly:)!


Well-known member
While filling shelves in the book department today I found a book on how you could ''cure'' homosexuality.

Books look very majestic when they fly towards the dumpster.

I'm not supposed to discriminate against believes/book subjects or anything, but in this case I couldn't help but make an exception.
You did the right thing.

Gotta leave for physical therapy in a few. Anxiety level rising. So many uncomfortable things to look forward to. Stranger touching and making me do weird movements to retrain the ankle. OH JOY!
Good luck, Pookah. I can't imagine how uncomfortable that would be.


Well-known member
While filling shelves in the book department today I found a book on how you could ''cure'' homosexuality.

Books look very majestic when they fly towards the dumpster.

I'm not supposed to discriminate against believes/book subjects or anything, but in this case I couldn't help but make an exception.

Bahahahahahahahaaa...that's awesome. :)


Well-known member
Bleh. I realised ages ago I'm going to die alone, it's just a bit annoying when all the friends you used to have at school are off in relationships and you're still sitting here on the computer with no friends and no-one.

I thought I might make friends at university, but no.
I thought I might make friends at my new job, but not really. Sure I'll chat to them at work a bit, but that's it.

Sometimes I really wish I could just do something like move to a new country and totally start again, but let's face it, it would just be exactly the same outcome.


Well-known member
It just dawned on me today why I've been feeling extra depressed lately, besides the whole "I hate it here" feeling. My dog's death anniversary is coming up. I always get depressed towards Thanksgiving since then. It's been 4 years, you'd think I'd be over it by now. No, not really. ::(: I don't think I've ever felt this way about a pet before, so sad. I've had pets die, but this one always gets me, every year. I think why I was so attached to him in the first place is because he was there for me at my hardest time. He was always there. He was the only one who knew there was something wrong. Funny how pets can do that, sense your emotions....

Okay, I'm going to stop now. I'm probably gonna sob all over my keyboard if I continue.


Well-known member
I was asked to join a roller derby team at school. beating the crap out of girls and doing it on roller skates...I think yes! :D
I think it's an awesome was to break out of my shell...what do you think?


Well-known member
Sometimes I really wish I could just do something like move to a new country and totally start again, but let's face it, it would just be exactly the same outcome.
You're quite welcome to come to Australia, mate. You can make friends with the kangaroos and spiders here. :)

It just dawned on me today why I've been feeling extra depressed lately, besides the whole "I hate it here" feeling. My dog's death anniversary is coming up. I always get depressed towards Thanksgiving since then. It's been 4 years, you'd think I'd be over it by now. No, not really. ::(: I don't think I've ever felt this way about a pet before, so sad. I've had pets die, but this one always gets me, every year. I think why I was so attached to him in the first place is because he was there for me at my hardest time. He was always there. He was the only one who knew there was something wrong. Funny how pets can do that, sense your emotions....

Okay, I'm going to stop now. I'm probably gonna sob all over my keyboard if I continue.
Damn, I'm really sorry to hear that, Phoenixx. You can never get over pets, especially if they were really good to you. You say he was there at your time of need, and that's probably the big thing - you can tell your pets anything and they won't repeat. They'll love you unconditionally.

I went through a similar thing to you recently, so yeah, I can relate. I hope you don't cry, you sweet girl. *hug*


Well-known member
I was asked to join a roller derby team at school. beating the crap out of girls and doing it on roller skates...I think yes! :D
I think it's an awesome was to break out of my shell...what do you think?
I definitely think you should do that. An excuse for some (organised) violence and exercise...what's not to like!? :)


Well-known member
Damn, I'm really sorry to hear that, Phoenixx. You can never get over pets, especially if they were really good to you. You say he was there at your time of need, and that's probably the big thing - you can tell your pets anything and they won't repeat. They'll love you unconditionally.

I went through a similar thing to you recently, so yeah, I can relate. I hope you don't cry, you sweet girl. *hug*
^ Yeah. It's not like I even had him that long either, less than a year, before he died. But I got so attached in that short amount of time. He was great, wonderful and extremely smart for a dog that randomly showed up on my doorstep one day.

I'll be okay, thanks. No crying. I have work to finish. ::p:


Well-known member
I was asked to join a roller derby team at school. beating the crap out of girls and doing it on roller skates...I think yes! :D
I think it's an awesome was to break out of my shell...what do you think?
^ I've never actually seen a roller derby, so I don't know how it all works, but it sounds like it'd be fun. :D I say go for it!


Well-known member
^ Yeah. It's not like I even had him that long either, less than a year, before he died. But I got so attached in that short amount of time. He was great, wonderful and extremely smart for a dog that randomly showed up on my doorstep one day.

I'll be okay, thanks. No crying. I have work to finish. ::p:
It doesn't matter how long you had him, it's the fact that you got attached in that time. It's easy to love a pet easily and it's obvious that happened. I'm glad you won't be crying. :)

While I don't want to take the gloss off your story, I had a cat since I was about 4. She was great and would sleep on my bed and could even sleep to my death metal. She loved me and she was the most awesome cat ever. She died last year (the circumstances around her death is a long story for another time) and that was really sad, because she saw me through my toddler years, to being a child, through my tweens and teens into adulthood. She's been there no matter how I felt or what I had to say, if anything. No pet could ever replace her.