Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Active member
I want to feel beautiful at least once in my life. The reason I often skip classes (besides my SA) is that I feel repulsive and I don't want to go out of the house where everyone could see my ugly face. Pathetic.


Well-known member
I want to feel beautiful at least once in my life. The reason I often skip classes (besides my SA) is that I feel repulsive and I don't want to go out of the house where everyone could see my ugly face. Pathetic.

You're not ugly and you're not pathetic; beauty is in the eye of the beholder and, in my eyes, you are a very beautiful person. I don't need to see you to know that much. If you believe that you're ugly, then those thoughts become apparent in your posture and body language and people treat you and see you like that. When you believe that you're pretty, then the same thing happens and people treat you and see you as pretty. I want you to look in a mirror right now and say that I am beautiful and believe it with all of your heart.


Well-known member
I want to feel beautiful at least once in my life. The reason I often skip classes (besides my SA) is that I feel repulsive and I don't want to go out of the house where everyone could see my ugly face. Pathetic.

I know the feeling and I used to that a lot in high school. I just felt so, so ugly that I wanted to throw something on the mirror and scratch my face. So I stayed at home and missed important classes. It affected my grades.

The best thing I can say to you is that your 'ugliness' is only in your head. Nobody will see you as repulsive. They won't notice anything wrong on you and they have their own thoughts in their heads. Perhaps they are thinking of what is coming on TV or what they are going to eat this evening, but I can guarantee you they are not thinking of you being ugly, cuz' your not.
My mommy says I'm cool. :rolleyes:

Well then I guess your mom's an alright gal. ;)

You guys. Seriously, you guys. I've finally figured out what love is. Do you want to hear it? Okay, here we go.

Love is... being the owner of the company that makes rape whistles, and even though you started the company with good intentions trying to reduce the rate of rape, now you don't want to reduce it at all cause if the rape rate declines then you'll see an equal decline in whistle sales. (Without rapists, who's gonna buy your whistles?)

:D I'm sorry, I'm really sleepy but too jacked up to sleep.


Well-known member
exist I do, thank you :]

Yes, stepping onto the scales is the preferred method
You're welcome.

And you're sooooo funny! ;) In all seriousness, I didn't like the numbers that came up but have no motivation to decrease them. Why am I like this? I think I'll eat a big bowl of ice-cream and contemplate it.


Well-known member
its 4:30 and i woke up because anxiety crap keeps waking me up. i just know come tomorrow I'm going to get berated by my professor and made feel inadequate because i can't work well in groups and because i haven't done my assignment well enough so now I'm going to work on it until class at nine and hope to god that at least he doesn't laugh at me this time or says anything that will want to make me cry.


Well-known member
Having a lot of sleep paralysis dreams/nightmares recently. Not enjoyable.

I used to have sleep paralysis two or three times a week two years back. I still get it sometimes but not often as I used to. The worst thing about it though was that I went to the doctors to ask him about it and he basically told me that there was no such thing. Made me feel like a real headcase about a week until I did some hardcore internet research on it after it happened again.

I personally found them pretty cool after a while. Terrifying at first, but the scariness ended up becoming kind of thrilling.


Well-known member
I'm craving for some swiss roll. Though I promised myself I would stop eating such things... I'll just have to fight the urge!
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Well-known member
Since getting up this morning, I've been hacking like I have a hairball. Blech. :/ No hairballs though. Just disgusting mucus buildup in my chest.


Well-known member
I used to have sleep paralysis two or three times a week two years back. I still get it sometimes but not often as I used to. The worst thing about it though was that I went to the doctors to ask him about it and he basically told me that there was no such thing. Made me feel like a real headcase about a week until I did some hardcore internet research on it after it happened again.

I personally found them pretty cool after a while. Terrifying at first, but the scariness ended up becoming kind of thrilling.

I've only experiences sleep paralysis a few times but I agree that it was scary at first with the terror giving way to excitement. I want to experience that consciousness of the dream state again, whether during paralysis or vivid dreaming. I think there are people out there who say that if you can master your dreams, you can speak to your inner self and find the answers you seek. You could even ask questions like 'what am I scared of'. I think that's interesting. Trouble is it's not easy to get into that state where you become aware you are dreaming, especially when you are tired.


Well-known member
You could even ask questions like 'what am I scared of'. I think that's interesting. Trouble is it's not easy to get into that state where you become aware you are dreaming, especially when you are tired.

Well I can tell you what I was scared of last night: it was the clawed hands wrapped around me pulling me down into the bed and the inability to cry out for any help. ::(:

I can never call out, or make any sound at all. All that happens is I start breathing really quickly in a panic and eventually it wakes me up or I manage to shake myself awake, since I can't really move properly.


Well-known member
this is the first time in my life that i'm seriously considering quitting a job because i feel so disrespected and mentally challenged. it's a shame because i like the actual job, i love working with kitties (even doing the not so glamorous stuff), but my supervisor (the only person i work with) is out of control. i've already talked to the owner (who's never around when i'm working) about him and unfortunately he's continuing to micromanage, making me feel that he has no trust in me and that i'm basically no good. i have to leave for work in about fifteen minutes. i'm absolutely dreading it. (we had a bit of a blowup yesterday because i stood up for myself. :p i came so close to quitting on the spot.)

(parenthesis attack, sorry!)

phocas! phocas. <3

oh noes! I'm sorry to hear that your supervisor is making your job unenjoyable. :( I love working with kitties, and I get frustrated too sometimes, but the kitty kisses always make it worth my while.