Hey! Yeah he is great - I was just trying to maintain fairness in my comment but really I completely share his ideologies and I happily side with him! yep there's some drum stuff on my youtube, I haven't done anything recently so I'll try to soon... also, don't bash washing the dishes; drums is fun but nothing beats a good dish wash
Hi Waybuloo, just wanted to say I really liked reading about your motherhood experiences on the "wrong to have a baby" thread. You hit the nail on the head with so much of why I want a child someday and gave me some hope so thanks so much for sharing. Best of luck to you and your little one! MG
ちひろ, your signature, means "chihiro", your former username, in Japanese. Does the tongue-sticking-out icon mean that you did not believe anyone would work it out (?)
I know the feeling, I spend half of my life on here. It has helped me through some tough times though to be fair, plus all my friends live here ::
Hope you do stick around x
ha ha It was for health reasons - I don't do that well with artificial minerals and vitamins, natural food is better - I'd totally be a vegetarian or vegan otherwise..!