Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I get that - felt this way so many times. I can't explain how I get sometimes in person, but I know it's not always what we do. We're our own harshest critics. Hard to see the truth. I'm trying to build my confidence back up but with my situation now it's hard... hardest thing is getting back up after your down on the mat and feel beaten and out of the count down there. I think we all can do it tho. :)

thing is im a very happy positive person in general but i suppose everyone has there breaking point lol anyway thanks bud

watch out for those lions :D


Well-known member
thing is im a very happy positive person in general but i suppose everyone has there breaking point lol anyway thanks bud

watch out for those lions :D

OH so am I... maybe feign happy more, but so you can be so again breaking points can be mended we can get back up yeahhh. And I'll watch out for them lions!

Oooh lovely! Finding stuff is the best. I found a steel gate the other day.

A steel gate? What a steal! ;)


Well-known member
I hate when people try to talk to me and suddenly they say "I'm sorry do I talk too much? Am I annoying you?" I know they think I'm being stand offish or don't like them or something and I really hate when my shyness seems to hurt peoples' feelings

I'm actually usually the one asking other people that, always worrying if I am a bother.
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Well-known member
OH so am I... maybe feign happy more, but so you can be so again breaking points can be mended we can get back up yeahhh. And I'll watch out for them lions!

A steel gate? What a steal! ;)

He ain't "lion" either;)!

Also, I'm the only one here allowed to make corny puns! Are you trying to steal my thunder good sir:rolleyes:? Prithee I challenge you to a joke-off:eek:!


Well-known member
I remind myself of Hitch, always able to cheer others on with their love life and advise them through the treacherous twists and turns, yet never able to do what I advise. I need to get help one day.

On another note, people do talk with you Pips. I talk with you.


Well-known member
just noticed on my girlfriend's Facebook profile that she no longer lists being in a relationship with me

wonder what that means...


Well-known member
I meant on IM

How can you ask someone "am I talking too much?" when posting on a thread?

If you ever wanted to talk on IM, then all you had to do is ask. I'm always willing to talk with others (beware though, I may fall asleep::eek::).

In a way, you can't so don't think about it so much. Just talk on a thread for a while and then travel to others threads. Eventually, you return back to the first thread and do the cycle all over again (at least that's what I do).