Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
moon_x knows what's going on. He was definitely staring because he thought you were hot. That's what guys do.
^ "Hot" is definitely not something I'd call myself.

But I see what you're both saying. My insecurities and negativity are always the first to react in situations like that. Need to learn how to just ignore those thoughts, start thinking more positively. :)


Well-known member
^ "Hot" is definitely not something I'd call myself.

But I see what you're both saying. My insecurities and negativity are always the first to react in situations like that. Need to learn how to just ignore those thoughts, start thinking more positively. :)
I would be the same if a girl looked at me, so I can understand where you're coming from, Phoenixx. It's difficult to think positively about those situations if you're wired to think the opposite, but you will feel so much better if you do. :)


Well-known member
bahahaaa ><
3 minutes into The Musical Korean drama and I'm going to have a heart attack OR bust a lung. XD omaigah-omooo!


Well-known member
Just finished Welcome To The NHK,pretty good it became one of my favourites,and reading that the creator was a hikikomori too,I am pretty sure Misaki was someone he at least dreamed about in real life,which is sad,those things dont happen in real life.


Well-known member
Ok, so I had in my hand: keys, case for my train ticket so it doesn't crease, wallet, ipod and phone.

I don't care about the first 3 things to fall on the ground, they won't break....

2 of those 5 things fell of my hand this morning... probabilities say it's quite unlikely that those 2 things are the phone and the ipod..... but ****ing Murphy's law say it's 100% ¬¬


Well-known member

mom: ...why do they always stuff the vases with paper?
I can't get it out! AGHHHH!!! 0__0

me: try filling it with water. :rolleyes:

mom: okay... *fills it with water - paper curls up into a ball* -___-'

me: it's really not coming out of there! bahahahaha!!! >D

mom: why do I listen to you?! AHH! D<

mom: ...why do they always stuff the vases with paper?
I can't get it out! AGHHHH!!! 0__0

me: try filling it with water. :rolleyes:

mom: okay... *fills it with water - paper curls up into a ball* -___-'

me: it's really not coming out of there! bahahahaha!!! >D

mom: why do I listen to you?! AHH! D<

Bad Weirdy. Stop teasing your mother. ::p:


Well-known member
God, I just want to be done with classes already. The minute this class gets out, I'm going to a different building to work on this stupid animation in Flash, then I'm heading back to my apartment to work more on this paper. Once that's all done, I'm relaxing for the rest of the night.


Well-known member
God, I just want to be done with classes already. The minute this class gets out, I'm going to a different building to work on this stupid animation in Flash, then I'm heading back to my apartment to work more on this paper. Once that's all done, I'm relaxing for the rest of the night.

What's the animation about? And, yes, I know the feeling you have about papers; I understand it too well. Now, enjoy the rest of your day after you're done with work! Hopefully, your R&R will turn out to be a good one:D!


Well-known member
It's two weeks til Thanksgiving and I'm sitting here with the back door wide open, listening to birds singing in the trees outside. There are still rose bushes in bloom everywhere, and some trees still have green leaves!
It's totally weird, but I'll take it. It's usually freaking COLD around here long before now.


Well-known member
I wish I knew how to act so then people will just leave me alone and stop picking on me. It seems however I react, angry, submissive or upset, i'm just giving them what they want. When I ignore people who have said something offensive I just get people saying "talk, you little dickhead", Or "If you just ignore people one day someone's going to turn around and hit you in the face"

And sometimes I get a barrage of pens and pencils stealthily thrown at me from the people sitting behind me for no reason at all. When I get upset, people just carry on but even worse.

So i'm a bit depressed that I don't know how to deal with situations like this.


not actually Fiona Apple
And sometimes I get a barrage of pens and pencils stealthily thrown at me from the people sitting behind me for no reason at all. When I get upset, people just carry on but even worse.

My brother is one of these types of people, he's not a bad person he just enjoys annoying people. Ignoring them really is the best option. I wish I could tell you it would make them stop, but probably not. I should probably thank my brother for making such a patient and cool headed person in these types of situations though.

I just try to look at the big picture, while getting things thrown at you is a pain in the ass, it really doesn't hurt you in anyway and only will bother you as much as you let it. Knowing it bothers you is what makes it enjoyable for them, and if you don't show is (No breathy sighs, tensing up muscles) it loses a big thrill factor for them. You start "winning" almost, they may even become frustrated themselves.

And those people who say "Talk, you little dickhead," they are prime examples of those getting frustrated. They're losing control of the situation, not getting the rise out of you that they want. They can only really bother you if you let them, Ignoring them is easier said then done but when it is they don't even matter anymore.


Well-known member
My brother is one of these types of people, he's not a bad person he just enjoys annoying people. Ignoring them really is the best option. I wish I could tell you it would make them stop, but probably not. I should probably thank my brother for making such a patient and cool headed person in these types of situations though.

I just try to look at the big picture, while getting things thrown at you is a pain in the ass, it really doesn't hurt you in anyway and only will bother you as much as you let it. Knowing it bothers you is what makes it enjoyable for them, and if you don't show is (No breathy sighs, tensing up muscles) it loses a big thrill factor for them. You start "winning" almost, they may even become frustrated themselves.

And those people who say "Talk, you little dickhead," they are prime examples of those getting frustrated. They're losing control of the situation, not getting the rise out of you that they want. They can only really bother you if you let them, Ignoring them is easier said then done but when it is they don't even matter anymore.
But I tried this strategy today and it just made things a whole lot worse. When I ignore people they get angry and say some hurtful things, and i'm scared they might even attack me. Usually the popular kids are doing the bullying and the rest are just laughing in the background. I think avoiding situations is the best and easiest way to deal with it.
God, I just want to be done with classes already. The minute this class gets out, I'm going to a different building to work on this stupid animation in Flash, then I'm heading back to my apartment to work more on this paper. Once that's all done, I'm relaxing for the rest of the night.

I hate Flash. I hate the Flash development program, I hate the Flash Player, I hate the whole idea of Flash, I hate the underlying philosophy...

Anyway, I know a thing or two about Flash, so if you run into any significant barriers, I may be able to assist.


Well-known member
Ignoring them really is the best option.
While this is not bad advice, if I was back at school, I would do the opposite. Ignoring bullying was terrible for me and it just made me crawl even further into the pit of depression because I was never told to retaliate, or even speak up.


Well-known member
I really need to draw the line how long I start looking at Facebook. Haven't really looked at Facebook in a while, so I just started looking to see where other people are, how they're doing, and it seems already everyone is changing so fast, all for the better. While I'm stuck here, going to a crappy school I haven't even been the slightest bit happy about for the last 3 months, still knee deep with issues, trying to work my way out. I guess I just feel "stuck" while everyone else is moving forward. It's so aggravating...

*sigh*... But I really shouldn't be throwing myself another pity party, no way, not a chance. I'm sick of feeling sorry for myself. I should be happy where these people are, how great their lives are going. Something positive will happen for me eventually, I'll get the jumpstart I need, I just have to have patience.


Well-known member
I really need to draw the line how long I start looking at Facebook. Haven't really looked at Facebook in a while, so I just started looking to see where other people are, how they're doing, and it seems already everyone is changing so fast, all for the better. While I'm stuck here, going to a crappy school I haven't even been the slightest bit happy about for the last 3 months, still knee deep with issues, trying to work my way out. I guess I just feel "stuck" while everyone else is moving forward. It's so aggravating...
I never do that on Facebook. Some people are happy, others aren't. If I delve too much into someone's life and realise they're happy with a high-paying job and a lovely girlfriend, I'd be upset, too.

We should be Facebook friends. My last update was about getting therapy.