Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
Ugh I can't stop posting/talking thanks to many many cups of black poison err nectar that is coffee! =D And Queen songs not helping matters, either.
Finally got my PlayStation phone in the mail today. It's so modern and nice. :3 <3 Can barely wait to install all the emulators! :X
A play station phone? There's a PS phone!? Wow.

I cannot keep up with technology these days. I feel so old. ::p:

If that doesn't make you the happiest little geek in the world, I don't know what will. <3

I mean, Gameboy games, Gameboy Advance games, Nintendo- and Super Nintendo games, many N64 games, PS one games, and pretty much every other older game system (and its games). Plus the games that are currently being made for it.

And I wouldn't be surprised if PSP games will ported to it in the near future. :3


Well-known member
Zelda OoT on xperia play - YouTube

If that doesn't make you the happiest little geek in the world, I don't know what will. <3

I mean, Gameboy games, Gameboy Advance games, Nintendo- and Super Nintendo games, many N64 games, PS one games, and pretty much every other older game system (and its games). Plus the games that are currently being made for it.

And I wouldn't be surprised if PSP games will ported to it in the near future. :3

Holy freaking crap I had no idea there was a Playstation phone either :eek:
Gamer instincts are kicking in.. Must... have... PLAYSTATION PHONE!!! >.<


Well-known member
Zelda OoT on xperia play - YouTube

If that doesn't make you the happiest little geek in the world, I don't know what will. <3

I mean, Gameboy games, Gameboy Advance games, Nintendo- and Super Nintendo games, many N64 games, PS one games, and pretty much every other older game system (and its games). Plus the games that are currently being made for it.

And I wouldn't be surprised if PSP games will ported to it in the near future. :3

absolute nostalgia.. I'll probably invest in something like that in the near future so I have something to do while out and about.


Well-known member
Zelda OoT on xperia play - YouTube

If that doesn't make you the happiest little geek in the world, I don't know what will. <3

I mean, Gameboy games, Gameboy Advance games, Nintendo- and Super Nintendo games, many N64 games, PS one games, and pretty much every other older game system (and its games). Plus the games that are currently being made for it.

And I wouldn't be surprised if PSP games will ported to it in the near future. :3
^ That is wicked awesome! I want one!

*Googles it, looks at price tag*


Well... I know I won't be buying one any time soon. ::p:

I'm broke anyway.


Well-known member
Zelda OoT on xperia play - YouTube

If that doesn't make you the happiest little geek in the world, I don't know what will. <3

I mean, Gameboy games, Gameboy Advance games, Nintendo- and Super Nintendo games, many N64 games, PS one games, and pretty much every other older game system (and its games). Plus the games that are currently being made for it.

And I wouldn't be surprised if PSP games will ported to it in the near future. :3

<---Happy Geek. Though for different reasons. I haven't owned a console for many years. Still cool nifty phone station thing! :D


Well-known member
Where'd everybody go??

Did the internet die for anyone else?
I keep waiting for things to happen... but nothing happens.

Sorry, ladies. I stumbled across a guy's collection of WWII field/technical manuals on scribd and spent my evening, night, and morning combing through them. And downloading some.

Folder size before: 52 files. Folder size now: 124 files. Woohoo!

And I sometimes wonder why I'm still single....



Well-known member
I didn't realize my early grey tea would taste so sh*tty with wildflower honey as opposed to the usual unrefined sugar w/milk i usually put in it.
