Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

DFinaly stood up to my Mum and Sis. Told them both NO I am not babysitting for 2days and nights so Sis can go see her boyfriend in Germany. They always want me when it suits them and I don't hear from then until they do.

Chuffed with my self.......

Good for you!

talking about tooth-faeries, thinking about love, should go to bed

This kid is a thinker.
Little girl tries to fool the Tooth Fairy - YouTube

It never fails. I always run into someone I know at the laundromat. I usually try to stay low and put my face into a book or magazine. I don't want to be talking to someone while I'm folding my clothes.


Well-known member
.... Lee ?

Ehem... sorry, I guess I'm easily amused, but I laughed hard here XD

Anyway Paul Simon is the boss :cool: