Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I have no idea!

It's so ****ing bright they could be signalling batman for all I know!::p:

Batman IS pretty old



Well-known member
haha~ I'm horrible with numbers but for some reason I remember the release dates of most Disney movies as a kid.
That's how I remember what year my brother was born.
The Lion King came out around that time~ XD


Well-known member
The Lion King is coming out in 3d theatres on the 16th!! No wayyy!! :D
I loved that movie! By far my favourite movie as a kid.
I memorized all the dialogues (not only the songs XD) with my sister and used to tell them loud, watching the movie again and again. I think my parents wanted to sell us or something because of that :p


Well-known member
I wish I had the chance to go to the movies again to see The Help. That was such a fantastic movie. Emma Stone is officially my favorite actress.

Tried looking for the book in the library today. They have 3 copies... And all 3 are checked out. :rolleyes: Must be a good book.


Well-known member
I wish I had the chance to go to the movies again to see The Help. That was such a fantastic movie. Emma Stone is officially my favorite actress.

Tried looking for the book in the library today. They have 3 copies... And all 3 are checked out. :rolleyes: Must be a good book.

If only you lived here in Southern California. I work at the local library as the librarian's assistant and I could easily get you a copy of the book.

I really like Emma Stone too. She was okay in Zombieland but she really stood out in Easy A. Love that movie :D


Well-known member
If only you lived here in Southern California. I work at the local library as the librarian's assistant and I could easily get you a copy of the book.

I really like Emma Stone too. She was okay in Zombieland but she really stood out in Easy A. Love that movie :D
^ Ship me a copy! Steal it or something, I don't care. I'll still pay for the shipping. ;)

Oh man, I've always wanted to see Easy A. She was awesome as Jules in Superbad. And yeah, she really didn't stand out to me in Zombieland either.


Well-known member
^ Ship me a copy! Steal it or something, I don't care. I'll still pay for the shipping. ;)

Oh man, I've always wanted to see Easy A. She was awesome as Jules in Superbad. And yeah, she really didn't stand out to me in Zombieland either.

Haha I would love to, free of cost too :D
Good thing I own a copy of the master key for the library. I could always sneak in there at night, use my ninja skills to avoid the cameras, and get a copy of the book ::p:

You haven't seen it yet? You have to! It's great! It's funny and it teaches girls a very valuable lesson (don't be a slut for attention - something a lot of girls on this earth need to learn).


Well-known member
Haha I would love to, free of cost too :D
Good thing I own a copy of the master key for the library. I could always sneak in there at night, use my ninja skills to avoid the cameras, and get a copy of the book ::p:

You haven't seen it yet? You have to! It's great! It's funny and it teaches girls a very valuable lesson (don't be a slut for attention - something a lot of girls on this earth need to learn).
^ Yesss! Ninja skills are a plus! :D

And I completely agree. There are way too many girls that are like that. :rolleyes: