Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I've got a Japanese presentation tomorrow. Wish me luck. Or pray that my school gets hit by a meteor.

it's ok to screw up

the more mistakes you make, the more you'll learn

besides, you're not expected to be perfect - it's school

if you already knew everything, there would be no point in your being there


Well-known member
Can you spot another person with social anxiety? If we did then maybe we could all have a friend. Or at least someone who understands a little. In person that would help, don't you think so?
Can you spot another person with social anxiety? If we did then maybe we could all have a friend. Or at least someone who understands a little. In person that would help, don't you think so?

Yeah,it would be great but in real life I can never spot another person with SA. I always get so confused.
The high for today is 70! There is a wonderful breeze. And I think I may have to pull a hoodie out of storage for my walk tonight. You guys have no idea how happy this makes me. Fall is coming! Death to summer!
The high for today is 70! There is a wonderful breeze. And I think I may have to pull a hoodie out of storage for my walk tonight. You guys have no idea how happy this makes me. Fall is coming! Death to summer!

Bleed sunshine, bleed.


Well-known member

Life has whatever meaning you choose to give it.
Does that mean there should be no morals? No. There will always be morality because we are human beings and that's the way humanity works. But isn't it a comforting idea to think 'I don't have to agonize over what that meant. Sometimes **** just happens and I'm on the receiving end. Time to get on with life.'


Well-known member
DFinaly stood up to my Mum and Sis. Told them both NO I am not babysitting for 2days and nights so Sis can go see her boyfriend in Germany. They always want me when it suits them and I don't hear from then until they do.

Chuffed with my self.......