Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
Will try to sleep and be happy with all that ive been blessed with in life. Will stop being a soppy romantic fool daydreaming about the non existent Mr.Darcy's of the world...will instead focus on practical love and that bottle of wine I plan to drink tomorrow night when I return from work.


Well-known member
Is it my poor motor skills or my lack of numeration that contributes most in my inability to braid hair?
wahhh T___T


Well-known member
I hate it when people forcefully give me the phone and make me talk to persons i have absolutely no interest in talking to because we have NOTHING to talk about, they bore me , and I do not care about their ****ing existence or their children. My mother who was talking to this distant relative who only calls when she needs smth gave me the phone and forced me to talk to her, and while i only said a word or two and giving her hints that i want to end the call, she still wouldnt shut the **** up.
I have no more patience with some people.
I hate it when people forcefully give me the phone and make me talk to persons i have absolutely no interest in talking to because we have NOTHING to talk about, they bore me , and I do not care about their ****ing existence or their children. My mother who was talking to this distant relative who only calls when she needs smth gave me the phone and forced me to talk to her, and while i only said a word or two and giving her hints that i want to end the call, she still wouldnt shut the **** up.
I have no more patience with some people. sucks! My relatives do this all the time.Hate it!
Incredibly tired. I'll get biology and english homework done, then I can rest for a bit.
Thank **** it's Thursday, I'm about to drop.

Hate this time of year. I do like Autumn though.... just,I meant like school. Yeah.


Well-known member
Well I have figured out why I have not been able to fall asleep. The nursing home across the street decided to put a huge sign in front of their building. Well at night they turn it on, and it is all a florescent, bright ass, huge ****ing sign.

I have curtains and shades over my windows, and it is still light in my room. I debated all night whether or not I should walk across the street, and throw a big ass blanket over it.

but really, it is a ****ing nursing home, they don't need a bright ass sign. No one cares wtf it is at night.


Well-known member
Lemur, you userpic is freaking me out. :) I think it's the hair.

(quoting Super from an Intro thread, don't want to hijack that thread away from the OP)

My avatar is the new poster from the 40 Year Old Virgin sequel I wrote, with a lemur! Voiced by Steve Carrel. It looks better full sized... (that's what she said). :D
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Well-known member
Oh my god, haha. While that is kind of comical, I'm sorry to hear that :/ Maybe you could give them a call and let them know? And while you're at it, inquire as to why the **** they need a glowing neon sign for a NURSING HOME?

I have no idea!

It's so ****ing bright they could be signalling batman for all I know!::p: