Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
狼;495617 said:
Hi welcome to the forums :) glad you found some help sorry about your son. take care.

Thank you, I stummbled upon this place googling after a rough session with my therapist. Wish I'd known about this place sooner.


Well-known member
I got a message on a dating site and I'm too afraid to read it right now. I'll probably look at the girl's profile and my mind will convince me that I'm not good enough and she would be better off with someone else. I always find some way to deny myself a chance at happiness.
I got a message on a dating site and I'm too afraid to read it right now. I'll probably look at the girl's profile and my mind will convince me that I'm not good enough and she would be better off with someone else. I always find some way to deny myself a chance at happiness.

Please try and find a way to convince yourself to try with this girl megalon!:)
Your obviously lonely and need some friendship/company if you bothered to register on this dating site in the first place. Go for it! Just take one step at a time. Goodluck. :)


Well-known member
I honestly wanted to kill someone today, too bad there is an ocean between us.

EDIT: and I don't know exactly who they are.

**** anyone that preys on the vulnerable young.
This is my 256th post (that hasn't been deleted). As I'm sure everybody already knows, 256 is the first value that would overflow a 1-byte, unsigned integer (on most common computer architectures). I'm in 2-byte land!

Sure, it's not quite as monumental as, say, a 1000th post, but I won't overflow 2 bytes until I hit 65536 posts (then it's 4 bytes at around 18.5 quintillion).


Well-known member
Sometimes it takes a powerful movie to make you realize what's important in life. Anybody watch The Boy in The Striped Pajamas?


Well-known member
I often question if my life is real, because sometimes it seems like a nightmare and other times it seems like a dream.


Well-known member
There are some radio stations on Spotify - for different genres - but nothing personalised yet, like Pandora or Last.Fm offer.

Though what I've started to do is just click on 'related artists' at the top of each band's profile page and then blitz through any of the bands I've not heard of :) I love that no streaming is required and you can just click and go!
^ Hm, I wonder if Spotify will expand their stations? That would be really nice. :)

And yeah, that's exactly why I like it too! The fact that I can just go through different artists with a few clicks. Love it! :D


Well-known member
wondering why i share i'm thinking with my husband then have him twist it and make a joke of it later...why don't i just shut up and stop sharing?
wondering why i share i'm thinking with my husband then have him twist it and make a joke of it later...why don't i just shut up and stop sharing?

Thats really heartbreaking to hear when people's partners make jokes of personal things they have told them. :(
Sorry to hear you have that problem atm Violet. Is there anyway you would be able to let him know you are disappointed he made a joke about it?


Well-known member
Thats really heartbreaking to hear when people's partners make jokes of personal things they have told them. :(
Sorry to hear you have that problem atm Violet. Is there anyway you would be able to let him know you are disappointed he made a joke about it?

unfortunately, he's pretty callous and has the emotional depth of a puddle. so my attempts at conveying how much it bothers me fall on deaf ears pretty much.

honestly, i'm getting to the point where if I could afford to live alone...i would totally do it.