Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
It's not even 6:30am and I'm wide awake. I have too many things on my mind. Thanks anxiety for always being there for me when I never wanted you in the first place. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Starting to have some doubt whether quitting my job is the right way to honor myself, by cutting myself some slack before school starts (if school starts). It feels like i'm doing the avoiding thing again, and it feels like i'm chopping off the only part of a life that I have. But at the same time it's been hindering my growth, so I know it's better for me... so? long drawn out thoughts


Well-known member
Pandora, I usually love your music recommendations, but why did you suggest Paramore in my metal station?

I love Paramore, and I'm happy you're taking notice of my interests, but in the metal station? Really? :confused:


Well-known member
Pandora, I usually love your music recommendations, but why did you suggest Paramore in my metal station?

I love Paramore, and I'm happy you're taking notice of my interests, but in the metal station? Really? :confused:


Those things have a mind of their own. I posted the other day how craftily threw Kate Nash in amongst my decent indiepop!

I miss Pandora though. I used to love that service, but they took it out of the UK about 3 years ago ::(:


Well-known member
Shoe shopping today... ohhhhh man... the stores are gonna be packed with kids getting 'back to school' stuff!
I need a paper bag or a mask or a watch that can freeze time!
Maybe I should just buy some cheap shoes online instead?
-__- I do need exposure though... it's been awhile.
wahh! T__T

...I never got back to school stuff- why do you need all new stuff?
I don't... oh well. haha


It's absolutely gorgeous out today.

For some reason the stereo in my car sounded better than it ever has.

I put together a new outfit for myself using clothes I already own, and it's adorable.

So far, great day. I just wish I had someone (or more than one person) to spend it with :(

But, class starts next week. Wish me luck in making friends.... *gulp*


Well-known member
**** PTSD.

I don't remember half my life. Today at the bank a childhood friend came up to me, and I had no idea who he was, still don't. Apparently we were really good friends, he remembered my name and everything. :(

I feel like a complete ******* for not remembering him.


Well-known member
my whole life has gone to sh*t. At 15! By my calculations that gives me at leas 5 years to screw the world and piss my life away

When I was 15 I said the same thing. Now I'm 33 and my life is still mostly ****, but I'm trying to have as much fun as I can while I watch my life go down the drain.


Well-known member
18 years of **** doesn't sound like a fun plan. I think I'll chuck in the towel if it doesn't get better before then. Good luck getting a less ***** life

It hasn't been fun at all so you should try to change your life while you're still young. Don't throw in the towel :mad:. In my experience all the crap I've been through makes the good things ten times better.

My problem is that I have wasted most of my chances. I have let fear control my life for to long. I have just recently begun to turn my life around, and my choices earlier in life has made things a lot harder for me. You still have a chance to do something with your life. Please, no matter what, don't give up pebblesdundee ::(:.

I have seen your posts and you seem like a witty and charming person. I bet you have lots of potential. You are fifteen you shouldn't even think about taking the easy way out. You haven't even begun to live your life :).

Please take care
my whole life has gone to sh*t. At 15! By my calculations that gives me at leas 5 years to screw the world and piss my life away

By my calculations, you are going to be saying that at least once a year, every year, for the rest of your life, just like the rest of us. Life has its ups and downs. Sometimes there are more ups, sometimes more downs. You'll make it. Look at all the people on SPW who are older than you and still keep ticking. ;)


Well-known member

I started feeling **** at 5 years old. And to those of you who disbeleive this there is very good reason why my life went sour a 5. Now I am 34, married and have 2 children. I am a home carer for my wife who has depression, anxiety and panick attack issues and my son has cystic fibrosis. I did not know about why I felt the way I did until 17 weeks ago when I began therapy after my wife found me a nervous wreck sat in the dark in the kitchen at 2am. People survive because it is in our nature to do so. It will be difficult at times. I had an episode this evening and a 5 minute chat in the chatbox with someone I just met for the first time helped me through it by just taking my mind away for a moment.
Chin up.
I gave the dog and cat baths today. The dog was good. I gave him a haircut first, which is not easy to do with a chow. He was perfect during the bath. The cat is another story. She clawed the **** out of me, as she normally does. Such a diva.


Well-known member

I started feeling **** at 5 years old. And to those of you who disbeleive this there is very good reason why my life went sour a 5. Now I am 34, married and have 2 children. I am a home carer for my wife who has depression, anxiety and panick attack issues and my son has cystic fibrosis. I did not know about why I felt the way I did until 17 weeks ago when I began therapy after my wife found me a nervous wreck sat in the dark in the kitchen at 2am. People survive because it is in our nature to do so. It will be difficult at times. I had an episode this evening and a 5 minute chat in the chatbox with someone I just met for the first time helped me through it by just taking my mind away for a moment.
Chin up.

Hi welcome to the forums :) glad you found some help sorry about your son. take care.


Well-known member

Those things have a mind of their own. I posted the other day how craftily threw Kate Nash in amongst my decent indiepop!

I miss Pandora though. I used to love that service, but they took it out of the UK about 3 years ago ::(:
Kate Nash in indiepop, ha! ::p:

They took Pandora out? D: That's awful. ::(: You guys also have Spotify though.

Now we have it too. :D I really like that, even though it's not an internet station. I do like the fact I can listen to some pretty unique artists though, their whole albums at that. :]


Well-known member
When someone talks to me which isn't very often and they don't say something which I can reply a simple "Yes" or "No" to I will not say anything. I will just shrug.