Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
No Last.Fm. Please don't recommend 'Kate Nash' to me. Please. From which of my previous searches did you deduce that I may enjoy her music too.



Active member
You've got to hand it to Kate Nash, though. Not everyone can write a song based on something so trivial as mouthwash and still create a piece of music on the piano that can hold its own with the likes of Beethoven and Chopin.
Around a week ago:
*Me having a coffee alone*
*Attractive woman starts walking on my direction*
Girl: “Oh hai…are you here alone?”
Me: “Hi…yes, I am”
Girl: “Oh good, mind if I take this chair?”

Something similar happened to me back in college. I was killing a few minutes before a 12:30 class, and a beautiful girl comes up and says "are you leaving soon?" When I answered in the affirmative, she dropped her bag and went to grab her lunch. Needless to say, I left a bit early for my class....

Once in high school, I was sitting in the cafeteria before school started. I was sleepy and had my head down on the table. A younger kid, maybe even in junior high, came up to me. I thought he was going to say hi and be nice. Instead, he asked me if I was high. :rolleyes: I don't miss high school one bit.

No Last.Fm. Please don't recommend 'Kate Nash' to me. Please. From which of my previous searches did you deduce that I may enjoy her music too.


Wha? No love for Kate Nash? Anyone that can write a catchy tune with the title of "Dickhead" is pretty cool in my book.

I feel pretty good. Althought, Phoenixx, your signature keeps throwing me off. I keep wondering what you could possibly be quoting me for. :)


Well-known member
I feel pretty good. Althought, Phoenixx, your signature keeps throwing me off. I keep wondering what you could possibly be quoting me for. :)
^ Heh. I've been getting a little confused myself after I look at my posts. I might just take it down, although it is pretty awesome.


Well-known member
Why would someone marry a person who is very promiscuous,cheats a lot and doesnt even try to hide,do they think this person somehow is going to change?

Then they wonder why it doesnt work out,no pity from me,I just cant understand, its like sane persons are really hard to come by,maybe I meet one in half a decade,it is honestly driving me crazy.
I'm watching the prequel to the remake of "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and I'm thinking "so the family were originally German? They sounded pretty American in the TCM.

Took me about 20 minutes to realise I was watching the German dub.


DAAAhhh, hate it when that happens.

Great gif, perfect for description.


Well-known member
Wow, I can't believe NO ONE has posted about the earthquake!

First one I have ever east coast people aren't used to this. :) Not a wimpy one either....5.9 magnitude. My daughter said our dog started acting odd right before it happened. Waiting for aftershocks now. I was kind of scared to drive home over the bridge on my way home.

Also must prepare for hurricane that is heading right towards me. No electricity for a week is gonna suck!

A hurricane and earthquake in one week....
^ I never even felt the earthquake. I live on a pretty big hill, and I'm surrounded by them. But the towns nearby felt it, since they're a lot lower in elevation. I have a few cousins in DE and they were pretty freaked out, heh. Not something you get everyday at all.

Ugh, that hurricane looks ugly. Stay safe!
Seems easy to spread lies, doesn't it?
Compared to truth, which no one really believes anyway.

Revenge is best served cold.

Hope you're able to get things sorted out.
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