Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

I hate that poxy feeling you get when you hide away from the SA a while, don't have a panic attack, don't think about it, and then one stupid thing happens and t all comes flooding back


Well-known member
uh yeah garbage means all kind of waste i think.

thank you!

Its because I had to translate something at work,keep it simple they told me and its been eating at my brain the whole day if I did it wrong, I can now sleep in peace.:)
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Well-known member
I KINDA think I'm bitter and distant b/c of all of this. I hate making people mad but if they are I don't see the point in them being around anymore. I experienced that online and off.


Well-known member
Hurrah, I'm having a panic attack out of fear of having a panic attack... this is why I hate vacations, I need things to occupy myself with. Thank god for exams in a month.


Well-known member
Can anyone please answer a question I have?

does garbage means only food waste and similar?
can I use it as I use "trash" for all kinds of waste like paper,plastic and etc?

'Garbage' or 'trash' is waste mixed together, so it's not useful and is usually discareded in landfill or incinerator, bad for environment and health of people...

If stuff is separated by waste streams (paper separately, plastic separately etc) it's actually 'useful' and not 'garbage' - recyclables can be recycled, food waste can become compost etc.

'Garbage' and 'trash' are more informal words, 'waste' is used more in any public documents or such...

(I am not a native speaker so feel free to double-check, usually you can google things up too...)


Well-known member
in americanglish

"garbage" and "trash" are practically interchangeable

in different regions of the US one word is usually preferred over the other

but they're used to refer to the same thing

kind of like the words "bag" and "sack"
I thought it was a bit weird how i was thinking about someone as i was walking down this unfamiliar street, and then when i looked in front of me, there was this shop with the name of that person i was thinking of, it was a rare name aswell.

i have other weird things happened to me too.


Well-known member
Noticing that pretty people on the site get much more attention and positive reactions. Granted, this is purely anecdotal and I have the bias of being a cynical bastard, but there definitely seems to be a correlation (though that doesn't necessarily imply a direct cause).


Well-known member
Why did I have to be the black sheep of the family?

My two sisters are the complete opposite of me. They both have really good jobs, NO SA and NO problems.


Well-known member
I think I might be thought of as favored, but I don't want to be the center of attention...hit the lights...