Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I had a penfriend in Norway, just washed my Norway T-shirt, it's different when you know someone from that country...

Also, it worries me what is being done and said in the name of 'war against terror'...

Some other weird things happening in our country and Europe-wide too, media-related...

I wonder if these things are just coincidences... or not?
One mans actions is not a reflection on man as whole.

Do not "lose faith in mankind" because of one mans actions. He is not mankind, he is a man, one man.


Well-known member
One mans actions is not a reflection on man as whole.

Do not "lose faith in mankind" because of one mans actions. He is not mankind, he is a man, one man.

very well put

it's a terrible tragedy, to be sure

but it's just one crazy guy

not the apocalypse


Well-known member
It's a shame, really... Amy sang with such soul but she lost herself completely.
As they say: 'The star that burns brightest, burns fastest'


Well-known member
It's a shame, really... Amy sang with such soul but she lost herself completely.
As they say: 'The star that burns brightest, burns fastest'

That seems to be the case with many celebrities and it's not always drug-related. Some of them, like Amy, have huge talent, but they waste it. They can have a meaningful impact in people's lives, but end up being a bad influence. They get corrupted by the big machine.


Well-known member
Aww, bad to hear about Amy.... I liked her songs...

She did have a bad lifestyle though, sorry to hear about her... I did hope she'd get her act together...

It's very difficult to be a celebrity, or even a non-in/famous performer... There's lots of stress before the performance, and then there's a buzz afterwards ('lots of energy') so it may be difficult to 'wind down', you may have had a bad day but supposed to be 'cheerful' or at least 'presentable' on stage, I'm not surprised people resorted to 'uppers' and 'downers'... even Beatles and others took'em... many did clean up their act later though and started living more healthy...
(I'm against any drugs, had some mini experience in performing though...)

it's even more difficult for 'superstars' due to lack of privacy or 'normal' life, sometimes people around them (management etc) even encouraged pills... just taking people as 'commodity' and 'moneymaking machines', not real humans with feelings...


I don't have any other way to express my frustration with people other than saying the same tired phrases such as "I hate people", "People suck", "People are such a-holes," etc. True, this is never going to change, and I don't want to spend the majority of my time letting it consume me..... but the frustration does build up after a while.

It just blows my mind sometimes how tactless people can be. How do they live with themselves? They must literally have empty minds, so the first thought that pops into them they blurt out.



Well-known member
I don't have any other way to express my frustration with people other than saying the same tired phrases such as "I hate people", "People suck", "People are such a-holes," etc. True, this is never going to change, and I don't want to spend the majority of my time letting it consume me..... but the frustration does build up after a while.

It just blows my mind sometimes how tactless people can be. How do they live with themselves? They must literally have empty minds, so the first thought that pops into them they blurt out.


Perhaps you should try to stop letting the actions of other people bring you down and focus more on yourself. In order to beat my depression, I had to do that. It's not selfish, it's just taking care of yourself.


Perhaps you should try to stop letting the actions of other people bring you down and focus more on yourself. In order to beat my depression, I had to do that. It's not selfish, it's just taking care of yourself.

Not trying to be rude, but I knew someone was going to say that, which is why I included the part about not wanting to dwell on it and let it consume me.

I do my best to just forget about them, and today it seemed to work pretty well. BUT, as I also said, sometimes it gets to me whether I want it to or not, and I just want to go on a tirade to get my frustration out.