Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I am in love, I am taken, so this is the end of flirty Zac. No mroe flirting, no more jokes about girls, or even men. I have found the girl of my dreams and she is the only one that matters to me.

Just thought i'd put that out there
A lot of women are crying today, but there's a very happy lady somewhere.

Congratulations, pebbles :)


Well-known member
Dude I get that all the time...
Do you mean like you can't talk right and ****. and sometimes your blank and then other times you have racing thoughts and ongoing negative thoughts.
Yeah, that's it. It must be a second-hand broken brain or something hahaha

Well, good to see I'm not alone :D


Well-known member
Can't help it your on my mind....


~~> Sometimes we have to loose the monstrosity within. Use it! Let them know.
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Well-known member
I need people in my life. But im too afraid to let people know how much support i actually need because im afraid they wont want to give it to me. All i want is a to feel like a part of something other than my own loneliness and angst. Im tired of being a perpetual lonesome loser.


Well-known member
My exit strategy: Slaps daughter real hard and leans over her. I say: I want you to remember this every time you even think of yelling at your mother again telling her you hate her and wishing she would just go back to her country. Hun she is just much of filipino of blood as you are. Don't her ever disrespect her again. Hear me (shoves dinuguan down her it)...ugh...I can't. Want to but I'll just leave quietly. This is their family matters not mine anymore.
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my psychologist is a bitch she destroyed my self-esteem , telling me im a jerk, she doesnt understands me at all and she almost seems to laugh at my depression ::(:
my psychologist is a bitch she destroyed my self-esteem , telling me im a jerk, she doesnt understands me at all and she almost seems to laugh at my depression ::(:

Wow, that is not professional! You should look for a well trained psychologist, who is understanding and knows about SA/depression issues.

*hugs* just look for a better person, this is not good for your self esteem

You need someone who can help you! that's what they are for! (oh and some of them just care for the money, I like therapists who are ''Motivated in giving real help and are fully working on giving a better opportunity for a client'')

EDIT: A therapist who is working on an individually purpose, not only view the headlines and what is written in the big book, just what is coming from the client and what he is asking for, each client = different plan.
Not just the facts of psychology, it's way more... It is different all the time, I like details! not only headlines!
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my psychologist is a bitch she destroyed my self-esteem , telling me im a jerk, she doesnt understands me at all and she almost seems to laugh at my depression ::(:

With the greatest effort I try not and never to offend. If this in anyway does offend, my apologies.

Are you certain you are not overreacting, comprehending what was said then interpreting it the highly negative way you project it here?

Granted some therapists are rough around the edges and tend to ruffle the feathers of their patients most likely due to impatiens on their part. And actually may even be troubled socially themselves. Read recently some therapists are quite avoidogenic. Perhaps it was something else... not sure.

Perhaps you are mistaking the therapist's words and reactions negatively. Perhaps nothing negative was intended by the therapist at all. Perhaps, you, it is the building of a wall, defense against, resisting the therapist's attempts to help. Perhaps a feeling of needing to be kept where are you is wanted, desired?

Regardless, however, it is you and your decisions. If replacing the therapist you think will help then do so. But do not give up. Try to really look at what is happening and what you are doing/thinking/feeling.