Post your random thoughts/feelings etc



The other day at work I found a Euro penny in the change drawer.... and kept it :cool: Because I'm cool like that :cool::cool:

Okay that's not really cool, I know. But still, I'd never seen one before and at first I couldn't figure out what it was until I saw "Euro Cent" on it. And I don't understand what the face with all the hair is.... and I thought it was two pennies stuck together, but I guess it has a groove in it. Hmm. Interesting. I guess.

Well, this IS the random thoughts thread.

Edit: Just googled it and found out it's from France. Hmm.

Edit II: I'm jealous of England's currency. It's so pwetty :3 Ours are boring in comparison, haha. Canada's is nice, too.
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My cousin just called me and told me he's coming in an hour to pick me up -__-

I'm not complaining, but it was such short notice! But at least I'll be going out! WOOOOOOOO! :D Other humans my age!!!!! Or, at least, one......


Well-known member
My cousin just called me and told me he's coming in an hour to pick me up -__-

I'm not complaining, but it was such short notice! But at least I'll be going out! WOOOOOOOO! :D Other humans my age!!!!! Or, at least, one......

This is when it's best... too much notice leaves too much room for wiggling out of it and being negative. So enjoy. And your hair smells nice apparently, so that's a plus.


Well-known member
...Edit II: I'm jealous of England's currency. It's so pwetty :3 Ours are boring in comparison, haha. Canada's is nice, too.

Canada's coins are the same as ours, except that instead of old, dead, white men with beards, they have cool stuff like beavers, and moose, and sailboats
My dog plays dirty. We're having a tug of war with a sock, and I managed to get it off him and hold it at arms length.

At first glance: He decided to use me as support and rested his paw in between my legs.

What I think actually happened: He punched me in the balls to disorientate me and steal the sock :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Drove back from Oklahoma Tuesday( after staying up to catch up with my cousins till 3 a.m.) . Drove to Lubbock and back yesterday for a doctors appt.( which took all day because the doctor was an hour behind and I didn't know the time of my appt., so I was 30 min. early.

and my teacher changes my final from Sunday to today. I have had no time to study.

I am pooped.

whine over.


Well-known member
Life is so, so cruel.

I have absolutely no anxiety around people I despise because I can act like a total douche and not worry a bit.

I've only been around people I loathe for so long that I thought I might actually have gotten over my anxiety.

But today I met someone who actually seemed cool and I started to speak, thinking I could and BAM! I practically have a heart attack and wind up making some excuse about a sick puppy (seriously) and walk away.



Well-known member
My cat almost had a heatstroke today. :( He had me in such a panic, I had no idea what was going on at first. I'm so relieved he's okay now, after dumping water on him, forcing water down him, and getting him in the A/C. He's soaked, but at least he's sleeping quietly and breathing fine, no more panting or yowling.

I'm still trying to calm down, almost had a panic attack myself. D:
Ha! I have finished my resume update. Fantastic! It appears to have shrunk. Suppose that happens when one has worked nearly 8 years in one place. ****.


Well-known member
I feel alone, or invisible for that matter. I may have a few people that care about me possibly, but I can't relate to anyone or talk about how I'm really feeling
I feel alone, or invisible for that matter. I may have a few people that care about me possibly, but I can't relate to anyone or talk about how I'm really feeling

This is common. Challenge the thoughts.

Those few people who you perceive to care about you probably do. Have you become open to them? Are you around for them? Don't hide. Go to them and share what you will.

You can relate you are putting walls in place so you will fail to relate.


Well-known member
This is common. Challenge the thoughts.

Those few people who you perceive to care about you probably do. Have you become open to them? Are you around for them? Don't hide. Go to them and share what you will.

You can relate you are putting walls in place so you will fail to relate.

You may be right. But the thing is, I'm terrified of letting them know I'm weak. I don't want to bring them as far down as I am.