Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
Pretensious in our prime,
The rind,
Hindmost of the sunrise,
Take these feathers mary anne,
Cropped this morning in sweet dew,
Sweet sweet sweet,
It perspires from her chin,
Now let us begin,
Chants in unison on this warm morning.

A random poem for yer @ss!


Well-known member
I feel good. I'm trying to challenge myself daily, and I see that it is really helping my overall mood and being.

I'm exhausted, but I feel content.


I am totally gonna **** up my melatonin and serotonin by staying up this late......I'm sssssoooo restless right now.



Well-known member
My cousin came over today and she told me that she's being bullied alot at school and the teachers just ignore her when she says anything about it.

I seriously want to hurt somebody.

How bad is the bullying? Teachers, you have good ones, bad ones and others who just don't get it or don't know what to say. If they won't listen, maybe she should go to the principal. Or rather her parents. It's the principal's butt on the line if anything bad were to happen, heaven forbid.
Sometimes I wonder how much different my life would've been had I been born into different circumstances.

On one hand I find it appealing, as the likely hood of anxiety and deeply rooted bad habits would be less, but I also wouldn't have some of the skills and observations that were forced upon me by rough/scarring events. Skills and observations that are very strongly part of me now.

We all deal the hand we've been given. But I can't help but wonder.


its interesting how SOME people go through a rough patch in life but all of their family and freinds help them get back on their feet...but then when OTHER people go through a rough patch everyone is just like "forget him...he's not worth the time of day" and then you have to crawl out of the rut on your own and even AFTER you get back on your feet people still judge and critisize you, take cheap shots at you and make judgement calls left and right.....what a bunch of bullshit....over time iv just figured out that nobody really gives a **** and I just have to watch my OWN back or the world will tread all over me again....thats what happens: the world will swallow you up and spit out the bones if you let it ...and people will just stand there watching and judging....its the cold truth.
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Well-known member
I get acid reflux when I eat something after dinner. I just ate 3 cookies and felt it right away. If I don't eat anything until I go to bed, I don't get acid reflux. Does this make sense?
It's hard not to eat anything after dinner, I start getting hungry an hour after it and I only go to bed 4/5 hours after dinner.


Well-known member
Idk, but I think Starscream has become the role model for most kids these days.

The decepticon Starscream?
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Well-known member
I try to wake up early but I always end up staying in bed for an hour or two. I saw an article that said you could find yourself a morning show to watch, so you'd have a reason to get out of bed at a given hour. I was going through the TV listings of my cable provider and I couldn't find a single interesting show between 7 to 8.30am.