Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I wonder if one reason I won't be hired now is because my traffic citation. I ruin my life, no matter what :/

But I think they ask if I want the job and offer it to ne before they do a background check. Plus that could be different. Anyone can look up my violation.


Well-known member
I wonder if one reason I won't be hired now is because my traffic citation. I ruin my life, no matter what :/

But I think they ask if I want the job and offer it to ne before they do a background check. Plus that could be different. Anyone can look up my violation.

Is that a parking ticket? I don't think people care that much, at least not where I live. Unless you have tons of them.


Well-known member
I need a passion.

Passion is something you build. Pick something that interests you enough and start working on it, get involved. If after a couple of months you don't like it any more, just pick something else. Just make sure you don't drop because it's getting difficult, it's usually when you master something difficult that you start liking things better.

That's pretty much what I did when I wanted to find a field of study where I'd be doing a master's degree and developing a professional career, and I think it has worked for me (I can only apply to the master's next month, but I've been studying it online for the past 5 months).


Well-known member
I've been invited to be a community TA for the online courses I've been doing. This simply means I can apply to become one, but I won't necessarily be selected. Either way, it seems like a great opportunity and also something that would look nice on a CV/resume.


Well-known member
It's hard when no one answers to feel as though there's any point in speaking. I sent off an e-mail to an instructor asking for some clarification on textbook material, but like the two women I was recommended to for a potential mentor/mentee relationship before him I expect to be ignored entirely.


Well-known member
It's hard when no one answers to feel as though there's any point in speaking. I sent off an e-mail to an instructor asking for some clarification on textbook material, but like the two women I was recommended to for a potential mentor/mentee relationship before him I expect to be ignored entirely.

I'd say you're lucky. If they didn't answer, they'd probably behave the same way if they accepted you. Both my sister and my cousin struggled a lot during their master's thesis because their thesis advisor didn't help them at all. Two friends of mine had to give on an non-mandatory project in a subject in university because the teacher never replied to any e-mails (even though he checked his e-mail at the beginning of each class).

Anyway, you can try approaching him in person and ask about it or, if it's lengthy, try to schedule it for another time.


Well-known member
I'd say you're lucky. If they didn't answer, they'd probably behave the same way if they accepted you. Both my sister and my cousin struggled a lot during their master's thesis because their thesis advisor didn't help them at all. Two friends of mine had to give on an non-mandatory project in a subject in university because the teacher never replied to any e-mails (even though he checked his e-mail at the beginning of each class).

Anyway, you can try approaching him in person and ask about it or, if it's lengthy, try to schedule it for another time.

Perhaps, but I'm still fighting my way through a field where I'm a minority and have less hands-on experience than many of my peers. I don't intend to give up, but I didn't intend to so much as be born and - boo! I'm still here trying to ride out the neverending suckage.

I study 3+ hours a day if possible, but I fight constant feelings of inadequacy and a fear that I'm rejected because I'm simply lesser or that I'll never find work because of how much people dislike me.


Well-known member
The thing about life is that it requires this sort of, what I call, structured looseness. Nobody teaches you this. In fact, they teach you the opposite. They basically teach you to be safe and obsessive.
Life requires two opposing things from us at the same time. It requires us to be fluid, risk takers while at the same time requiring that we keep things in check, maintained.
Most people seem to gravitate to one side or the other but to live to the fullest you really need to do both at the same time.
...and it's hard!


Well-known member
Passion is something you build. Pick something that interests you enough and start working on it, get involved. If after a couple of months you don't like it any more, just pick something else. Just make sure you don't drop because it's getting difficult, it's usually when you master something difficult that you start liking things better.

That's pretty much what I did when I wanted to find a field of study where I'd be doing a master's degree and developing a professional career, and I think it has worked for me (I can only apply to the master's next month, but I've been studying it online for the past 5 months).

What has filled that need in the past? Is there something you can revisit, or a theme that gives a clue to a new one?

Thanks, guys. Food for thought. :thumbup:


Well-known member
The thing about life is that it requires this sort of, what I call, structured looseness. Nobody teaches you this. In fact, they teach you the opposite. They basically teach you to be safe and obsessive.
Life requires two opposing things from us at the same time. It requires us to be fluid, risk takers while at the same time requiring that we keep things in check, maintained.
Most people seem to gravitate to one side or the other but to live to the fullest you really need to do both at the same time.
...and it's hard!
It reminds me of Yoda's advice to Luke... Do or do not... there is no try!


Well-known member
My cousin came over today and she told me that she's being bullied alot at school and the teachers just ignore her when she says anything about it.

I seriously want to hurt somebody.


Well-known member
Regret is an odd word. Can anyone gret? Would the 're' prefix mean you're committing the gret action again, or redoing it? The mysteries of life, eh.

Weird. So I looked it up, and gret is an alternative form of grete, which is a Middle English word meaning great; massive; amazing. The opposite of regret, I'd say. Unless one regrets doing something awesome. Those people are recrazy.

^LOL! :D

My cousin came over today and she told me that she's being bullied alot at school and the teachers just ignore her when she says anything about it.

I seriously want to hurt somebody.
That is bad. :thumbdown:
I think the teachers nowadays are so overloaded with work and extra activities that they simply don't have the time to deal with bullies. From experience, I think they kind of deny it is a problem so then they don't feel obligated to put the energy into the necessary discipline to stop it. :sad: