Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

So here it is folks: the people who will be the happiest in life are the people who are best at lieing to themselves. I'm convinced that life reqires it or else a person will go insane!
Happiness requires a certain amount of ignorance.
The only happy people I have encountered during my life have either been unwittingly ignorant or have chosen to keep their heads buried in the sand.
I suppose some people do get to a point where it comes down to either insanity or chosen ignorance. I am still on the fence to which option is best. :bigsmile:


Well-known member
The only happy people I have encountered during my life have either been unwittingly ignorant or have chosen to keep their heads buried in the sand.
I suppose some people do get to a point where it comes down to either insanity or chosen ignorance. I am still on the fence to which option is best. :bigsmile:
I'm awfully close to that point you mention there. In fact, I've been practicing being "stupid" I'm too logical and *that* is my biggest problem.
To have any piece of mind you have to be able to ignore a bunch of things. Things inside you and things going on around you.
You have to tell yourself lies and then not question your own lies.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Sometimes talkin' tae me is a bit like askin' Stephen Hawking tae tap dance - pointless! :bigsmile: Sorry, ah know ah should laugh - but still it's better than greetin'. :crying:


Well-known member

Stop being nice?
Why do people have a problem with niceness?
Why is it wrong to be nice?
I am not perfect but I feel good when I am nice to someone,when I am bad it truly hurts me most times unless the person truly deserved,if people won't like me so be it,my goal in life is to better myself,that includes being nice,the people that bring me my most fond memories are nice people,I want to be like them to others.


Well-known member
I'm thinking about going to an anime convention in a city 3 hours away from here. I don't really want to be associated to the type of person that goes to these conventions but maybe I'll find someone more like me, which is kinda my goal.

I don't know if I'll go one or two days though. My options are going and coming back home in the same day; going to the convention one day, spend the night at a hotel and come back in the morning of the second day; staying there the two days (one night at a hotel) and come back in the evening of the second day.
I might go with just one day, since this event will come to my city in October. It's actually harder to get to the place when the event is held in my city though. The one in the other city is right in front of the train station, the one in my city is actually pretty far from the actual city.


Well-known member

Stop being nice?
Why do people have a problem with niceness?
Why is it wrong to be nice?
I am not perfect but I feel good when I am nice to someone,when I am bad it truly hurts me most times unless the person truly deserved,if people won't like me so be it,my goal in life is to better myself,that includes being nice,the people that bring me my most fond memories are nice people,I want to be like them to others.

The only people that believe that "Nice guys finish last" are people who are only nice in hope of being rewarded for it in some way.
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Well-known member
I'm thinking about going to an anime convention in a city 3 hours away from here. I don't really want to be associated to the type of person that goes to these conventions but maybe I'll find someone more like me, which is kinda my goal.

I don't know if I'll go one or two days though. My options are going and coming back home in the same day; going to the convention one day, spend the night at a hotel and come back in the morning of the second day; staying there the two days (one night at a hotel) and come back in the evening of the second day.
I might go with just one day, since this event will come to my city in October. It's actually harder to get to the place when the event is held in my city though. The one in the other city is right in front of the train station, the one in my city is actually pretty far from the actual city.

I can relate. I've been to some anime events but never felt very confortable with most of the people. Only when going with some close friends that used to think the same way.
All that cosplay stuff and people reenacting fighting game scenes almost makes me lose the interest.
I just wanted to go, buy what I want, watch only what I really like then leave as soon as possible.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I just wanted to go, buy what I want, watch only what I really like then leave as soon as possible.

Reminds me of ma experience durin' tha Edinburgh Festival last year. :giggle: And ma weekly shop, buy what I want or need then git oot asafp.


Well-known member
Reminds me of ma experience durin' tha Edinburgh Festival last year. :giggle: And ma weekly shop, buy what I want or need then git oot asafp.

I had friend who was more of the sports guy, but was insanely addicted to games and collecting action figures. One day he got pissed at people reenacting a Street Fighter scene close to him, in a Star Wars convention and quit going there.
I still laugh at his description of this event.
Sometimes I can't believe people will obsess over a exclusive action figure, how they can get hypnotized by some game developer showing a new extremely violent game in a video wall. The only other reason I would go to any of these events again was to panels, where you can actually talk to people like directors and voice actors.
The only people that believe that "Nice guys finish last" are people who are only nice in hope of being rewarded for it in some way.

I also feel that 'being (a) nice (guy/girl)' isn't in itself enough to really make something happen, even if it's a consistent and effortless character trait. It's little more than the sugar on top of a person.

For niceness to have any significant use it needs to be combined with either assertiveness, dedication and discipline. Preferably all of those.

Niceness in itself is not enough.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Is it wrong in tha age of Facebook an' Twitter tae value privacy?

Is it wrong that ah much prefer ma own company to that of others?


Well-known member
Is it wrong in tha age of Facebook an' Twitter tae value privacy?

Is it wrong that ah much prefer ma own company to that of others?

Absolutely not. Although I made a Facebook account years ago, I only used it once, put very little real info on it, and deactivated it shortly. I do have a Twitter with my real name, but what few tweets I did, I removed. I never had a Myspace with any real info.

I have been a little careless with forum accounts and email accounts I'm fixing that and changing how I'm doing things online.
Is it wrong in tha age of Facebook an' Twitter tae value privacy?

Is it wrong that ah much prefer ma own company to that of others?

It's only wrong if it bothers you, which I don't think it does. It sounds more like others think it's wrong.

They're entitled to that opinion but it's just an opinion. Whether it's beneficial, is a more complicated question. Facebook and Twitter can be great resources, but using it out of peer pressure defeats its purpose of social benefit.

Social media isn't for everyone - and even for people who do use it, not ever type of social media suits that person's need. Case in point, to many people this site is a form of social media.