Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Now... I wonder if I'll still have trouble getting a job even if I went to school and got BS in something. They will reject me just because they wonder what I did for those several years after high school.

I can't even get anything now. I can only imagine what I college degree would mean when I'm done. A HS diploma is something I should have but doesn't even matter does it :/

just lie...sometimes its ok to tell a little white lie, it wont hurt anyone.say something like you're grandma was deteriorating due to dementia and you had to spend alot of time taking care of her...its really the only way when it comes to explaining gaps in have to have an excuse or they might think your not worth employing...just be convincing and you'll be ok.

dont lie about anythign serious though like job experience....telling a small white lie is one thing but being a flatout dishonest person is another....finding a job can be tough and its one of those instances where sometimes stretching the truth a little bit is understandable.
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Well-known member
Going to let my facial hair grow. I usually shave after 5 days because it gets itchy, but it seems like that goes away after a bit. It's been over a week now. I'm interested to see what it'll look like since I have a few blonde hairs.


Well-known member
My "best friend" can't even respect the fact that I hate pictures of myself and would rather none exist on the internet.
He's always sneaking them and posting them on his Facebook profile and then treats me like I'm some sort of ******* for getting mad about it.
He's not even in the pictures with's just me
why THE **** does he need them on HIS profile?


I was watching that movie "faceoff" over the weekend and was thinking that would really be something I need to look into: getting a face transplant...they say you cant fix ugly but im hoping in the future there will technological/medical advancements like that so maybe there will be some hope for guys like me...because the current state of plastic surgery isnt enough..I need a whole new really though.

and on a more weird note, iv heard of scientists growing human appendages with genetic engineering. like they grew a human ear using a mouse or would be interesting if they could use the same technology to grow a human face in a lab and customize it to match all of society's standards of beauty...
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Well-known member
I still am socially anxious but I am starting to notice that every year I get older I care slightly less what others think of me. I thought the way to be happy is to change all the things that are wrong with me but I am starting to realize the right thing is to just accept it and not care. having just a few friends is better than nothing


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I still am socially anxious but I am starting to notice that every year I get older I care slightly less what others think of me. I thought the way to be happy is to change all the things that are wrong with me but I am starting to realize the right thing is to just accept it and not care. having just a few friends is better than nothing

Agreed! :thumbup:


Well-known member
I feel like some people are building a Berlin Wall. I would do the same thing that Conrad Schumann did. But to escape this planet, rather than to the other side of the wall.
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Well-known member
I swear...
She's exaggerating over something I have no control over. If some else happens the yes I can raise a problem but I'm not going out of my way just because I wasn't somewhere to prove if the bus driver assistant is lying and youre worried. ****ing swear.
I guess youre just mad and needed to complain about something.
Man, this must be apathy. I can function although I feel down a lot but not down enough to be absolutely miserable. I don't feel motivated to work toward much of anything, though, although I do work because I have to. I want friends but haven't the energy/motivation to cultivate them although opportunities keep coming and passing by as I watch them with half a feeling of dread and half one of I just don't care.

I feel old.


Well-known member
Messed up a messaged I sent for a job. After I sent it I realize how much it will not even stand out. I should have explained other stuff...


Well-known member
I guess I can't do anything anymore. I don't know how ****ed up I am.
I should just die...

Every morning I wish I never woke up.


Well-known member
Whenever I try to focus or concentrate on something I feel like I can't hear myself over other background noise, whether in my head or not.


Well-known member
My technical writing class' computer lab has this adorable old, unused Apple that looks like it's from the 80's. The screen is like the size of my open hand, and I have a little girl's hands. I wonder if they'd sell it off to me? What's it even there for?


Well-known member
Ooh. Okay.
So good parents is when they have honor kids? Although they are never in their childs life?

Yeah I can only imagine what they would think about me.


Well-known member
I think I convinced my dad not to go to Brazil tomorrow. He was on the fence about it, and I feel a bit bad about getting him on my side, but maybe it's for the best. I know for sure my brother and sisters are going to be pretty mad at him though. It was a kinda business trip where he was going to make inaugural presentations for a university and stuff like that.

He was going to be 3 hours on a train, followed by 8 hours on a plane. My dad doesn't like travelling by plane and I think he's a bit scared about it too. On top of that, the company has been having lots of strikes lately and as a result there have been many problems with their planes since the maintenance guys also go on those strikes. As if that wasn't enough, they also use a plane with two engines for this trip when every other company uses 4. You can see how that can really stress someone who's already afraid of flying on airplanes.

Now, if that was all he'd probably still do it. But when he gets there he only has a few hours of sleep and after that he has to go on a day-long car trip to give a 2 hour lecture, and then return. I'd say that's pretty exhausting. He only found out about this today because the organisation is pretty bad.

There are a bunch more problems. First of all, a month ago he asked for his schedule for the 2 weeks he'll be there, and they only gave it today. Not all of it, just the first 3 days. My dad needs to know what he's going to be talking about to prepare for it, and he still hasn't received an answer on that either. He wanted to know what kind of audience he would be speaking to, and he got nothing on that. To me, all of this would be enough to stay put.

But apparently there's more to their lack of organisation. My dad was supposed to receive some program a year ago and they never sent it. He was supposed to be the thesis advisor of some students but the organisation never sent anything his way.
My dad gave them the opportunity to get a partnership with a portuguese university, but they took so long to send an e-mail that the university had given up on them by the time they finally sent it (I think it took 4 months). All of this screams complete incompetence to me. I don't see how things would change for my dad after coming back from Brazil. He doesn't do anything for them right now because they don't send anything his way, and I don't think it will change.

My dad is 69 years old. All of this physical and mental exhaustion for a possible (he doesn't even know if he'll receive anything for it) couple of months' salary? Not worth it. I fear for my dad's well being. Unfortunately my siblings don't see things the same way, but my dad already seems to have decided not to go.


Well-known member
Part of the reason I have been struggling in life so much is because I have hung on too tight to things, people, places, ideas. The more I have learned to not cling the happier I am.

Worrying has also been a huge contributor to my negative state of mind. The less I dwell and worry and let things flow and happen the better I feel.

It has taken me a long time and a lot of mistakes, more than I want to admit, to get to this place mentally. I do love this place though and recommend it to everyone to try for awhile to experience.

I think when faced with huge life changes that normally might send me crawling and hiding under the bed, I face with calm, I am so happy with myself. This is when I know I am changing for the better. I wish that I could have learned this way sooner but I am glad I am at least able to experience it waves but I am making them/it more of a way of life.

It's basically facing your fears and conquering them that will lead you to this place. No magic pill or book or therapy. Just doing things you fear and no longer letting that fear control you. No one can do it for you. It does get easier is the only thing that I can say for sure. You will never loose your fears completely but they do get easier to face. I find laughing at them helps a lot. It is pretty comical how Big our minds make our fears out to be.

It's also important not to cling to anything. Relationships, ideas, toys, etc... I am guilty of the fear of loosing my best friend, my dog, everyday, so I am told to enjoy the time we have together in the present moment and that is what gets me to a better place...not a place of fear of loosing him.

In summation, it's all about letting go. Learn to let go, then amazing things will happen inside you.


Well-known member
So I've been growing a chin for the past few months. Musts be like 4" by now :)

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