Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


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I wish I had fur all over my body. It would just take longer to dry off after a shower but then I would invent a full body hot air fur dryer.


Well-known member
I'm a glutton for punishment. Must I live in continual humiliation........Pathetic.

I am sorry things are this way for you.

I found it took almost being killed for me to change and stop being punished. I was able to stay in a bad situation for far too long...stubbornness, lack of hope for better things, inability to change.

Lack of hope was the main thing keeping me there.

Do you have anything to be hopeful for? Do you still have dreams? Reconnecting with dreams helped me tremendously. I find simple things do help me with this, like my Pinterest account is full of things I love which keeps me grounded and hopeful. For example I love animals, I wish I had a farm/ranch so I focus on images of this dream daily. I am able to find things there I never knew existed, places to travel, things to dream about doing and seeing.

Maybe doing this will help you too?


Well-known member
I am sorry things are this way for you.

I found it took almost being killed for me to change and stop being punished. I was able to stay in a bad situation for far too long...stubbornness, lack of hope for better things, inability to change.

Lack of hope was the main thing keeping me there.

Do you have anything to be hopeful for? Do you still have dreams? Reconnecting with dreams helped me tremendously. I find simple things do help me with this, like my Pinterest account is full of things I love which keeps me grounded and hopeful. For example I love animals, I wish I had a farm/ranch so I focus on images of this dream daily. I am able to find things there I never knew existed, places to travel, things to dream about doing and seeing.

Maybe doing this will help you too?

Hey Thanks for commenting. To be honest, all of my hopes and dreams are now dead. I still dream and imagine but deep down in my heart, I know none of it will come true. Having no hope is a bad spot to be in and I can't seem to get it back.

Maybe "life" will throw me a rope and drag me out of my abyss. Right now, I'm still hanging on, "hoping" that if I hang on long enough maybe something good will happen.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Must you constantly tell me whit tae do, eh? Ye said ye were gonnae change. Funny 'hing is ah believe ya. Wrong again! When're you gonnae stop treatin' like a kid?

The mair 'hings change, the mair the stay the same.

And yin mair 'hing - an' this needs tae be said. If ye dinnae like it, tough! - ah'm no' daein' this fur your benefit, it's fur me, awright? And ma well-bein'... Plus, ah think it'll help me. Need summit tae genuinely lift ma mood. Be it f**kin' t-shirt that's bright as f**k or whatever it might be.
Something I really hate about the internet is how you're expect to psychically know when something is written in jest or sarcasm. And that if you don't, because the writer in question has no sense of delivery or punchline, twenty or so correction happy drones will jump at the opportunity to aggressively belittle you for ''not getting it.'' Likely because this makes them feel intelligent and dominant.

You're expect to see, know and do everything perfectly on the internet. There seems to be very little margin for actual human error, as it is beaten down in such a deeply unpleasant way. It's really no wonder the internet has the reputation that it does.
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Well-known member
Siege in Sydney. Media is already reporting about terrorism, ISIS, etc. All speculation, of course, but it adds to the drama.

Also I'm seriously considering sponsoring a child through World Vision. Any thoughts on that?


Well-known member
Siege in Sydney. Media is already reporting about terrorism, ISIS, etc. All speculation, of course, but it adds to the drama.

Also I'm seriously considering sponsoring a child through World Vision. Any thoughts on that?

I have no idea about the sponsorship so I can't say, just wanted to let you know, it will be a very good idea to do that:thumbup:


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Why won't you talk tae me...? :sad:

If ye want me tae leave, then tell me tae f**k off. Seriously, ah dinnae mind bein' telt that. Ah'll happily git oot yer life an' leave ye oan yer ain. If that's whit ye really want? Mibbe it'll be fur the best, eh?
I had a very vivid dream that I got a C+ on the essay I worked so hard on (it was written the day before it was due but I did still put a lot of effort into it). It was very upsetting :p


I'm having a really difficult time finding any reason whatsoever to be optimistic about the future. It's practically inevitable that there will be a serious crisis within a decade or two, and the only way to deal with it is to get out of the cities and hide, which unfortunately takes more money than I have.


Well-known member
My toes are always freezing. I don't know why, my room temperature is decent, my hands are also usually very cold but with this room temperature they're fine. I read something about your feet actually being cold versus feeling cold, the difference being that they can feel cold but when you touch them they're not cold. So I tested that, and I noticed that it's not my feet that are cold, it's my toes.


Well-known member
Something I really hate about the internet is how you're expect to psychically know when something is written in jest or sarcasm. And that if you don't, because the writer in question has no sense of delivery or punchline, twenty or so correction happy drones will jump at the opportunity to aggressively belittle you for ''not getting it.'' Likely because this makes them feel intelligent and dominant.

You're expect to see, know and do everything perfectly on the internet. There seems to be very little margin for actual human error, as it is beaten down in such a deeply unpleasant way. It's really no wonder the internet has the reputation that it does.

I figure that sometimes they're not actually trying to be sarcastic. They say something that is plain stupid or ignorant, something that clearly is not sarcasm, and when people barge in to berate them for their idoicy, they reply that they were being sarcastic as a defensive measure.
Something I really hate about the internet is how you're expect to psychically know when something is written in jest or sarcasm. And that if you don't, because the writer in question has no sense of delivery or punchline, twenty or so correction happy drones will jump at the opportunity to aggressively belittle you for ''not getting it.'' Likely because this makes them feel intelligent and dominant.

You're expect to see, know and do everything perfectly on the internet. There seems to be very little margin for actual human error, as it is beaten down in such a deeply unpleasant way. It's really no wonder the internet has the reputation that it does.

Yes, and if you simply disagree with something said (or overlook something someone said or misunderstand it) you're a "****ing moron" or whatever other insult implying idiocy.