Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I'm the one that feel horrible because I like(d) someone that doesn't even think about me. They don't care about me, no matter what they said. They still did it, which was so wrong, yet I'm the one that suffers.


Well-known member
Was he ever diagnosed with autism? Because that would be a sure way to dismiss any doubt people may have about it. If anything that should provide clarity for everyone involved.

He's at risk and he has his appointment scheduled but these appts are always book up to months. Even then people will say it's because I don't talk to him. I'm just going to ****ing believe them. I will leave them too so I don't have to deal with it. Once I get the money. Then when I'm gone I'll just say "I don't talk, what's the difference whether I live near you (family) or not?" :thumbdown:


Well-known member
Also known as long service leave, it is accrued after 10 years work. I've worked in the same place 22 years, and have 174 days owing.
A solid six months off may be just what you need, mate, but then the issue of having to go back will come up.


Well-known member
I want to read Kerouac's "on the road" again but I don't feel like paying the 8-9 dollars for the kindle/Google Play version, I also don't feel like re-buying the actual book(my copy was ruined in a storage unit years ago), wish we had a library around here worth a s***!


Well-known member
I want to read Kerouac's "on the road" again but I don't feel like paying the 8-9 dollars for the kindle/Google Play version, I also don't feel like re-buying the actual book(my copy was ruined in a storage unit years ago), wish we had a library around here worth a s***!

How about reading
takes you from the Beat Generation to LSD psychedelia

too me and many others its as much a classic as On the Road
I think I've forgotten how to sleep
I'm exhausted but I can't actually make myself fall asleep.

Have you drank/consumed a lot of caffeine or any other such stimulants before throughout the day? I heard they can keep you awake involuntarily even if you are very tired.