Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

I figure that sometimes they're not actually trying to be sarcastic. They say something that is plain stupid or ignorant, something that clearly is not sarcasm, and when people barge in to berate them for their idoicy, they reply that they were being sarcastic as a defensive measure.

Yeah, that too. That kind of thing is also pretty spineless.

Yes, and if you simply disagree with something said (or overlook something someone said or misunderstand it) you're a "****ing moron" or whatever other insult implying idiocy.

And when you call them on it and comment on their utter lack of courtesy you're called ''too sensitive'' followed by vulgar name. Which is funny, considering they'll fly off the handle for the slightest reason.


Well-known member
I just remembered the girl I had a crush on... She was so pretty, I fell for her almost instantly when I saw her the first time at intro camp. She was the first ever to give me the butterflies, and it wasn't in the stomach I felt it, it was in my heart. I couldn't take my eyes off her that week. But nothing ever happened between us, and that's something I regret. I'm quite certain she liked me too, 'cause she seemed to act differently in my presence, and at the first school party, two of her friends came up to me, saying, after introducing themselves, "She's nice, don't you think?" But I never had the courage to do anything, not even to become her friend, and it didn't make it any better that she was shy too. And then came the day she announced in class that she'd switch to another school. My pulse increased quickly and I started sweating, and at night that day I shed a tear or two. Time passed and I started to forget about her, but I got kinda sad when I saw the infamous "x is in a relationship with y". Today, I'm thinking of her again, and I guess I'll always remember her; she was my first crush after all.


Well-known member
They're gonna screw it up. I just know they're gonna screw it up. So anxious, so much at stake, and there's nothing more I can do. I've done my part. Why can't they do theirs?


Well-known member
Nothing like some coffee before getting down to work. It's my only friend these days, and it's helping me earn an extra 60 bucks.


Well-known member
change the wine to grand marnier and you got a deal! :blushing:::p:

you and your top shelf liqueur! wines not in a box but......

Feeling Proud to be American after watching the "Band of Brothers".
Damn that was inspiring. Unbelievable men.


Well-known member
Okay, hear me out...

...bathe in chocolate. Like, the entire tub. Sanitary? Maybe not. But it's a freakin' chocolate bath man.

Lol who said that? That's crazy talk :p

wait....ok might be onto something BlackPuma...I can see it now...actually sounds down right dreamy! Who needs water when there's chocolate? Is that a movie haha yeah-J:inlove:eek:hnny Depp...mind wanders....


Well-known member
You're not right in the head! That is French- Sissy-boy-over-priced dribble!

I drink the Blood of The Gods!!!! Rawrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!


You don't know what you are talking about! :eek:h:

Your wine taste like vinegar and lighter fluid whereas my GM tastes like sweat fresh from the armpit of an angel!
An ORANGE angel!:perfect:


Well-known member
Ahhh, remembering 1987 and going to my friend's house after school and playing Duck Hunt on the original NES, good times!


Well-known member
I just remembered the girl I had a crush on... She was so pretty, I fell for her almost instantly when I saw her the first time at intro camp. She was the first ever to give me the butterflies, and it wasn't in the stomach I felt it, it was in my heart. I couldn't take my eyes off her that week. But nothing ever happened between us, and that's something I regret. I'm quite certain she liked me too, 'cause she seemed to act differently in my presence, and at the first school party, two of her friends came up to me, saying, after introducing themselves, "She's nice, don't you think?" But I never had the courage to do anything, not even to become her friend, and it didn't make it any better that she was shy too. And then came the day she announced in class that she'd switch to another school. My pulse increased quickly and I started sweating, and at night that day I shed a tear or two. Time passed and I started to forget about her, but I got kinda sad when I saw the infamous "x is in a relationship with y". Today, I'm thinking of her again, and I guess I'll always remember her; she was my first crush after all.

I just wanted to say your story made me feel something. I don't have exact words for it. Most probably I would have not commented, but I wanted to let you know that I hear you. Its hard isn't it, when these things happen, something that you want so much, becomes something you miss out on. It still reminds us of how we feel about it, not something you can easily forget.


Well-known member
Doing this course project for an online course. I like the challenge, but it always takes me a while to get started. I just feel overwhelmed by the amount of things I have to take care of, but when I get started I find it hard to stop. Sometimes I get stuck and try to take a break and play a game, but while the game is loading I figure out a possible way to get unstuck and so I just close the game before playing it and get back to the project.
I'm so happy for my mom. She's felt so down about herself lately (well she always has but especially since she's gotten older) and this guy who was flirting with her for a while asked her out yesterday :)

Now when is that going to happen to me? :p


Well-known member
Before and after I graduate high school she or no one for that matter helped me on how and where to apply for jobs but now she is really pissin me off about it. She think it's easy ad think I'm not trying probably.


Well-known member
What's wrong, Deja Vu?

Just life I guess. Its gotten better I suppose. Taking meds and prepping to go back to college. A lot more knowledge/wisdom as I age and branch out. Though I still struggle with an issue I won't bother mentioning. A trigger of mine.

I should really avoid coming here since it just depresses me. Memories that hurt and remind me of bad times. Bad times that I created for myself.

Still alone.

Sorry for the late reply. I barely use the site anymore. It's hard to tell if someone is talking to me because I don't use the email I signed up here with.
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