I relate so much with this. I think about taking my dogs on walks but I really don't want to deal with feral packs of savages who "holla" at me like they've never seen a lady before. It's not just that they call out, it's that if you don't engage with them they turn hostile and aggressive and follow you. One time I had a savage with his crew follow me all the way INTO my car... literally, he forced himself in between me and the door and would not allow me to close it until I gave him my number. He acted so hostile and violent like he was going to punch me in the face, all while demanding that I give him my phone number. I gave him my old childhood number, I was so scared. He even made me repeat the number back to him because he said I was lying. (This was before the days the government gave them all cell phones) After that he left me alone. Charming, huh? They circle the block in their vans trying to lure you in, they wait for you to pass by and then expose their genitals. I DO NOT GO FOR WALKS ALONE ANYMORE. I just stay caged. After I graduate I think I am moving somewhere else where these beasts are not viewed as victims and seen for what they really are- aggressors.
^Exactly. :sad:
When someone suggests I just go for a walk at night, I want to scream "WTF"!?
Not all men are rapists, though. It's only a very small proportion that give all men a bad name.
^ Yeah but it only takes ONE to be successful.:sad:
When you have no idea WHICH ones they are, it's like having to walk through a field that you know has a few mines buried throughout it, but you have no idea where.
Every step needs to be a fear-filled tip-toe and you know it's not a matter of if you step on one of the mines, It's a matter of WHEN.
If men knew the true extent of how many woman get sexually assaulted at some time in their life, they would be shocked.
The printed statistics are rubbish because many, many woman don't always report them. Out of the 9 girls/women who I have known personally throughout my life who have spoken to me about being sexually abused as a child or sexually assaulted in adult life, only ONE of them has reported it.
The true extent of it goes unreported.:sad: