Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
Every single time I go out and try to be social, I just end up not saying anything to anyone and sitting there looking sad. I'm sick of it. If I keep trying, I f*ck up, and if I stay inside, I'm just doing the same thing I always do. I have no clue what to do, and I can't reach out to anyone, because everyone always claims to be busy. Even then, I probably wouldn't say anything, I just don't know how to go about being social. All I keep thinking about is harming myself, but I'm trying not to think too far into it. I want to drink myself to death when I turn 21, which is soon.


Well-known member
I just wish there was a way for me to get over things besides always wanting to destroy everything I don't like, because it's distracting me from progressing in life. I want to stop thinking so much.

... *exhale*

I always saw visualization as a good technique for pretty much anything... then again, I've never had an anger problem and I'm not in your shoes so I can't know how difficult it is for you.

Would it help to take up boxing and let your anger out physically on an inanimate object rather than just visualizing things?

One of the guys then replied 'there you go.. thinking you're brown again. Maybe you're roots lie with an albino tribe?" Then they all laughed, and I just left.

I would report them to upper management for racial insensitivity.
That is just ridiculous!

I got made fun of by my grandfather's band/reserve, too. ALL the time. I'm very pale all year around and don't really have any physical native traits although I'm 1/2 metis.
It used to be a really big issue-- I was left out of everything for how I looked.

I want to drink myself to death when I turn 21, which is soon.

Have you drank before?
I know that some people on here say that drinking helps them to socialize-- what if it worked out that way for you?
There are still possibilities.


Well-known member
I always saw visualization as a good technique for pretty much anything... then again, I've never had an anger problem and I'm not in your shoes so I can't know how difficult it is for you.

Would it help to take up boxing and let your anger out physically on an inanimate object rather than just visualizing things?

I would take up some sort of sport like that if I could afford it, but I probably would lose interest after a while. Even having a punching bag in the house would be nice, any way for me to physically push all of my anger out of me. I'd like to fight someone, but that isn't a great idea.

Have you drank before?
I know that some people on here say that drinking helps them to socialize-- what if it worked out that way for you?
There are still possibilities.

Yeah, more in the past month or so. I know it could help me socialize, but I find myself in more drinking by myself situations than social situations. I fear that I'll drink a lot more when I turn 21, since I'll be of legal age. Not sure how I would function in a bar setting, considering the fact that I can't function in a lot of settings. I'm not even going to go into my birthday, no one gives a shit.


Well-known member
I would take up some sort of sport like that if I could afford it, but I probably would lose interest after a while. Even having a punching bag in the house would be nice, any way for me to physically push all of my anger out of me. I'd like to fight someone, but that isn't a great idea.

I propose that you look up local boxing clubs in your area. There are plenty of martial arts studios that offer a free 30 day trial-- and you won't know if you're going to lose interest until you try, right? (that always annoys me when people say it... but it's true.)

You should look into getting a punching bag.
You can find cheap used ones on kijiji or craigslist.

Why isn't fighting someone a great idea?
... because you want to really wail on them and possibly end up killing them...? Yeah-- that wouldn't work out well, I guess. ><

Not sure how I would function in a bar setting, considering the fact that I can't function in a lot of settings.

There are all sorts of kinds of bars, though-- if you could find one to frequent a few times a month where you feel minimally comfortable then over time you might just make acquaintances with other regulars.

If you like sports-- a sports bar; if you like videogames-- a barcade; if you like pool-- a pool hall... etc.

You should think about it at least. Any amount of exposure in public could end up helping you immensely over time-- even if you're not drinking.
Stuck on how to word something, if people were considerate in the first place, I wouldn't have to be working out how to say "No" without seeming evil


Well-known member
You should think about it at least. Any amount of exposure in public could end up helping you immensely over time-- even if you're not drinking.

I will, I know I have to keep getting out there, staying inside only keeps me in the same state. I could really go for a drink right now :bigsmile:


Well-known member
I don't understand how the Adults Only section works anymore. There are threads in there that don't seem like adult only threads in any way. I thought threads were moved there if there were certain words in the titles. Is it the same with the first post? Do Mods have any say in what goes in there and what doesn't? Is it only the webmaster? Does the webmaster manage that section? Is that why my thread, that was moved in there 16 hours go, still doesn't show up on the forum page (it says the last post in there was 6 days ago)?

I wish there was a way to have Recent Adults Only Threads thing or something. Maybe with age verification. I know that sounds really lazy, but I'm so used to being able to easily see new threads. And I keep forgetting the adults only section even exists. xD


Well-known member
^ "New Posts" :thumbup: I rarely even glance at the front page anymore.

The neighbors are grilling in my backyard again. It always makes me feel extra isolated and confined when they do that. Can't go out on the porch; gotta stay away from the windows. Dante had it wrong. Apartment life is the seventh circle of Hell.


Well-known member

My little brother's friend has been staying with us for the past month while he gets enough money saved to get his own place.
He has social anxiety- is quiet and introverted and recently (as in 4 months ago, I mean) was cheated on and dumped by his first serious girlfriend.
He is a polite kid-- young man, I mean. He's almost 20. He's been a friend of my brothers since they were 4 and has been like a little brother to me all his life.
His father used to beat him on a daily basis and his mother was an alcoholic who mentally abused him and his younger brother forever... neither he or his brother have finished highschool.

So, he works housekeeping at a resort near here.

He befriended a girl about a week ago who had a bad breakup with her ex and has been supporting her through it.
Well-- today when he went to work; without any provocation, he was slugged in the face by her ex who ALSO works at the same resort.

And NOW he is in the emergency room with a broken jaw and needs 3 teeth removed- and to stay overnight for observation with an IV and heavy painkillers.



Well-known member

My little brother's friend has been staying with us for the past month while he gets enough money saved to get his own place.
He has social anxiety- is quiet and introverted and recently (as in 4 months ago, I mean) was cheated on and dumped by his first serious girlfriend.
He is a polite kid-- young man, I mean. He's almost 20. He's been a friend of my brothers since they were 4 and has been like a little brother to me all his life.
His father used to beat him on a daily basis and his mother was an alcoholic who mentally abused him and his younger brother forever... neither he or his brother have finished highschool.

So, he works housekeeping at a resort near here.

He befriended a girl about a week ago who had a bad breakup with her ex and has been supporting her through it.
Well-- today when he went to work; without any provocation, he was slugged in the face by her ex who ALSO works at the same resort.

And NOW he is in the emergency room with a broken jaw and needs 3 teeth removed- and to stay overnight for observation with an IV and heavy painkillers.


That sounds like a hot mess!

See how people are?!?!


Well-known member
Never leaving for fear of being punched or because you are mad?

I've been assaulted multiple times by random people and by people I know which is the main reason why I am agoraphobic; because I am afraid of being hurt.
... and this is why.
People are crazy. T_T


Well-known member

DO IT. So sorry for your brother's friend. Horrible.

I've been assaulted multiple times by random people and by people I know which is the main reason why I am agoraphobic; because I am afraid of being hurt.
... and this is why.
People are crazy. T_T

ETA: I've never been assaulted but in junior high and high school I saw a lot of violence from wannabe gang hoodrats. Savages. I think that is what took me from being shy to phobic. It is scary to leave your house, you don't know who is going to snap.
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without any provocation, he was slugged in the face by her ex who ALSO works at the same resort.

And NOW he is in the emergency room with a broken jaw and needs 3 teeth removed- and to stay overnight for observation with an IV and heavy painkillers.

Sounds like when he goes back to work he needs to beat that guys eyeballs loose.


Well-known member
Sounds like when he goes back to work he needs to beat that guys eyeballs loose.

If the other guy already broke his jaw with one punch (as I interpret Weirdy's account), he might do well to make other arrangements . . . and learn to duck.

The only thing to do in a case like this is to counteract the effects of the sugar by ingesting copious amounts of caffeine. :mad:
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