Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I had planned to go shopping with my mum yesterday for some things I needed to get at a (far away) sports store, but we rescheduled it to today after dinner. At around 8pm I went to the kitchen to check why my mum hadn't call us for dinner yet, and to see how much longer I'd have to wait. I happened to notice that the table in the dining room had 6 plates instead of 3.

So yeah, without even telling me or asking me if I was ok with it, my mum made plans with someone else, completely disregarding our plans. Not only that but she acted as if she couldn't do anything about it, saying "I was just told about it when I was coming home from work", as if she couldn't have rejected it at all (it's my uncles for god sake, not her boss).

On top of that, when I asked her why she didn't say anything she said "I was too busy with other things". The thing is, when I noticed the 6 plates, I also noticed her sitting on the couch browsing facebook.

Is it so hard to have some consideration for other people?


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
It'd be really, really cool if people came with warning labels.

I don't need 'caution: coffee may be hot'.

I need 'danger: backstabbing cunt', or 'warning: would happily con his own grandmother out of her last dollar for a pack of cigarettes'.


Well-known member
I was sitting down at my bus stop today waiting for the bus to arrive so I could go home. Since a football game is happening this weekend, the roads are usually more packed because everyone and their mother is trying to set up their tailgating area. Because, you know, it wouldn't be wiser to have a certain number of people come on campus throughout the week and set up, so that the roads don't become congested and make everyone's lives more difficult:giggle:. Anyway, while I was waiting, I was reading The Dresden Files (an awesome series:D) as I usually do, when, what I can assume to be a couple came up in my general area. I kept my head in my book and tried to block them out when I heard them kissing each other. Which only deigned to make me feel more awkward::p:. I don't know if it's some sort of curse or something, but I always seem to be an unwilling spectator to PDA. Maybe the universe is just spiting me and my (lack of a) love life. It feels really awkward and uncomfortable for others to witness it and it should be even more so for the people doing it since that's a private moment best kept behind closed doors. So why? Why do it out in public?

.....Ah, whatever, this is just me being selfish and self-centered again. Anyway, in other news, Blazblue: Chronophantasma came out and I'm nerding out over it:D! And I got my vampire costume for the party I plan on attending on Sunday. Maybe I'll post a picture of myself in it that day. I'll think on it.


Well-known member
^ I've been trying my best to ignore all the store advertisements and early merchandise already. As much as I do love the holidays, I'm not prepared either. I never am.
Just tell people you can't afford gifts. I bet that's the truth for a lot of people!

I was sitting down at my bus stop today waiting for the bus to arrive so I could go home. Since a football game is happening this weekend, the roads are usually more packed because everyone and their mother is trying to set up their tailgating area. Because, you know, it wouldn't be wiser to have a certain number of people come on campus throughout the week and set up, so that the roads don't become congested and make everyone's lives more difficult:giggle:. Anyway, while I was waiting, I was reading The Dresden Files (an awesome series:D) as I usually do, when, what I can assume to be a couple came up in my general area. I kept my head in my book and tried to block them out when I heard them kissing each other. Which only deigned to make me feel more awkward::p:. I don't know if it's some sort of curse or something, but I always seem to be an unwilling spectator to PDA. Maybe the universe is just spiting me and my (lack of a) love life. It feels really awkward and uncomfortable for others to witness it and it should be even more so for the people doing it since that's a private moment best kept behind closed doors. So why? Why do it out in public?
They want other people to see how much they love each other. I'm not against it, personally, but it does make me jealous when I see it!


Well-known member
Drawing this Picasso's Igor Stravinsky upside down. Haven't drawn in years, and even when I used to draw I was really bad at it (I was just a 12 year old drawing medabots).

Still half-way through but I think it's going well enough considering I'm an absolute beginner.


Well-known member
Drawing this Picasso's Igor Stravinsky upside down. Haven't drawn in years, and even when I used to draw I was really bad at it (I was just a 12 year old drawing medabots).

Still half-way through but I think it's going well enough considering I'm an absolute beginner.

This is how it turned out:

Upside down (original and mine) (and how it was supposed to be drawn)

Turned around (original and mine)

I think it turned out ok, though there are some proportion issues. I noticed it halfway through and it was because of how I started (and also because I always sucked at drawing proportionately), but I didn't want to start over so I did a few things like drawing the guy's right wrist.

Is there a way to spoiler images? I only posted the links because I didn't want the pictures occupying the whole page and I couldn't find something similar to a spoiler tag.


Well-known member
Just tell people you can't afford gifts. I bet that's the truth for a lot of people!
^ I've actually taken to making gifts for people lately. Of course you have to spend money either way, but it's cheaper (and better, imo) when you buy materials and make stuff for people. Lots of awesome DIYs on the internet too to get ideas. I've also bought plates with nice designs on them for people before too and just filled them up with cookies and sweets for the holidays. No one can resist food. :bigsmile: (Unless it's fruitcake)
There is this lady co-worker where I volunteer and she has this amazing level of social confidence, yet she displays no arrogance whatsoever.
She is afraid of NO ONE, not even the whip cracking manager.
I envy her so much.

On a lighter note, did you know that a dentist from New Orleans came up with the concept of dental floss in 1815. He used Silk floss.
I have started to develop an obsession with finding out what year things were invented.:giggle:


Well-known member
The nicest thing someone said to me "Why is it always so hard?" and perceptive too. Not a criticism or judgement, but an observation. Why is it so hard for me to talk to others. The closest someone has got to seeing through my anxiety.


Well-known member
^ I've actually taken to making gifts for people lately. Of course you have to spend money either way, but it's cheaper (and better, imo) when you buy materials and make stuff for people. Lots of awesome DIYs on the internet too to get ideas. I've also bought plates with nice designs on them for people before too and just filled them up with cookies and sweets for the holidays. No one can resist food. :bigsmile: (Unless it's fruitcake)
Making gifts is actually a really great idea! If I was at all good at arts and crafts, I would do the same, but I'm not. I hope you are able to do this, as it'll give your gifts a more personal touch to them.

There is this lady co-worker where I volunteer and she has this amazing level of social confidence, yet she displays no arrogance whatsoever.
She is afraid of NO ONE, not even the whip cracking manager.
I envy her so much.
Why is the manager "whip cracking" when it's a volunteer group? Nevertheless, it does take a strong will not to worry about people like that. Perhaps you and I will get to that stage one day soon. :)


Well-known member
Just had the nerdiest conversation. It was great.
^ Nerdy conversations are usually the best conversations.

I found this map on Tumblr about the world's countries and what they lead in. ( Fairly humorous, quirky, and interesting. Some are not too surprising. (Here's looking at you Australia and Japan) America leading in getting killed by lawnmowers though? I can't say I know anyone who's gotten killed by a lawnmower or even heard of it. o_O

Edit: Never posted the link! Ha! My apologies. I blame last night's sleepiness.
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Well-known member
Just gunna let it out might make me feel better...Feeling down last few days. 33 weeks pregnant with twins tomorrow. Can't do much cos of groin ache and gettin tired quickly all the time, it takes me like 4 trips to the sink to do the washing up cos i can't stand in the same spot for long. (Sooo need a dish washer!) So yeah not gettin out much either as bodys not functioning right at mo. Feelin lonely too, partners always workin, my mums got a new bf so never really see her now and when i do she just talks all about herself doesn't ask me much, doesn't listen to anything i say which makes me feel uninteresting. I dunno probably feelin so crappy from lack of sleep as well, takes me ages to nod off with all the kicking and last night my partner came home at 2.30am made a right racket then got in to bed and started snoring...was still awake at 5am. Also feeling overwhelmed with how hard lifes gunna get when the babies are here in a few weeks. Can't seem to build up courage to go to a mummys and babies group either. Ah well hopefully my day will get better...


Well-known member
Yesterday, friends and I went to one of the worlds largest board & card game fairs, where companies from all over the world let you try their new or popular games, people selling used games, and visitors from many different countries show up. :)

This photo shows some friends and I at the end of our yesterdays visit, with our purchases in front of us. :)



Well-known member
Why is it so hard to find a small smartphone?

I started with the Xperia Miro because it had a lot of the features I was looking for, but I drew down its measures and compared it with my current phone and it was bigger than I wanted.
So I checked out this so called "Vodafone Smart Mini". It was slightly bigger than the Xperia Miro, though it doesn't have half the stuff I wanted.

Then I checked out Motorola Droid Mini. It was even bigger than the last one.

Guess I'm not getting a smartphone then.


Well-known member
I found this map on Tumblr about the world's countries and what they lead in. ( Fairly humorous, quirky, and interesting. Some are not too surprising. (Here's looking at you Australia and Japan) America leading in getting killed by lawnmowers though? I can't say I know anyone who's gotten killed by a lawnmower or even heard of it. o_O
I suppose lawnmower deaths don't really make the news out there!

The Australian one is hardly surprising, and I already knew about those, haha. We have loads of deadly animals, and since most of us live near the coast, we go to the beach often...often with no sunscreen, so we get heaps of melanoma. It happens!

Iceland leads the world in "Internet penetration." What the hell does that mean? :bigsmile: Also I know to go to Russia for my raspberries!

Just gunna let it out might make me feel better...Feeling down last few days. 33 weeks pregnant with twins tomorrow. Can't do much cos of groin ache and gettin tired quickly all the time, it takes me like 4 trips to the sink to do the washing up cos i can't stand in the same spot for long. (Sooo need a dish washer!) So yeah not gettin out much either as bodys not functioning right at mo. Feelin lonely too, partners always workin, my mums got a new bf so never really see her now and when i do she just talks all about herself doesn't ask me much, doesn't listen to anything i say which makes me feel uninteresting. I dunno probably feelin so crappy from lack of sleep as well, takes me ages to nod off with all the kicking and last night my partner came home at 2.30am made a right racket then got in to bed and started snoring...was still awake at 5am. Also feeling overwhelmed with how hard lifes gunna get when the babies are here in a few weeks. Can't seem to build up courage to go to a mummys and babies group either. Ah well hopefully my day will get better...
I hope things get better when the twins are born! It should be exciting times, but prepare to still get no sleep!


Well-known member
Just gunna let it out might make me feel better...Feeling down last few days. 33 weeks pregnant with twins tomorrow. Can't do much cos of groin ache and gettin tired quickly all the time, it takes me like 4 trips to the sink to do the washing up cos i can't stand in the same spot for long. (Sooo need a dish washer!) So yeah not gettin out much either as bodys not functioning right at mo. Feelin lonely too, partners always workin, my mums got a new bf so never really see her now and when i do she just talks all about herself doesn't ask me much, doesn't listen to anything i say which makes me feel uninteresting. I dunno probably feelin so crappy from lack of sleep as well, takes me ages to nod off with all the kicking and last night my partner came home at 2.30am made a right racket then got in to bed and started snoring...was still awake at 5am. Also feeling overwhelmed with how hard lifes gunna get when the babies are here in a few weeks. Can't seem to build up courage to go to a mummys and babies group either. Ah well hopefully my day will get better...

Congrats! You need to get some sleep now. When the twins are born, be prepared to not get any sleep at all! :eek:

By the way, I like your signature!


Well-known member
^ Nerdy conversations are usually the best conversations.

I found this map on Tumblr about the world's countries and what they lead in. ( Fairly humorous, quirky, and interesting. Some are not too surprising. (Here's looking at you Australia and Japan) America leading in getting killed by lawnmowers though? I can't say I know anyone who's gotten killed by a lawnmower or even heard of it. o_O

Edit: Never posted the link! Ha! My apologies. I blame last night's sleepiness.

Personal space. Greenland just might be the place for me. And not far from Iceland, which has incredible scenery.
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