Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I am pissed at watching the news every day, I hate those psychos so much :kickingmyself: It´s one big tragedy God has allowed this cancer on this planet.

noooooooooo don't do it to yourself!


...replace "terrorism" with... _______ . (fill in the blank, any horrible thing...)

the other day, in an interview with russel brand :eek:mg: (i had to google "guy who married katy perry" to pull up his name) he used the term "emotional porn" to describe television... i think this term especially applies to the news. the news has more to do with exploiting people's emotions (fears) rather than giving updates on current events.

did someone else post this picture here? can't remember how i came upon it...


Well-known member
If you watch from the beginning of a season you'll be okay. You'll probably die before you finish if you go back to the beginning of the series itself. :bigsmile:
^ Heh, yeah no worries I definitely have no intention of starting from the very beginning. I've always wanted to watch it from the beginning of its most recent revival. 2005 I think it was...?


Well-known member
I was able to choose to not go on a three day trip away with work colleagues. I am relieved and deflated.
There's 80 mph winds out there.. And I ride a bicycle..

Well, it's been good knowing all of you. I'm off to hit several busses in sequence, resulting in my probable untimely demise.


Well-known member
I'm lonely. I'm really craving some female attention right now. :sad:

Or maybe I should just go to bed. Yeah, I'll do that. :)
I'm lonely. I'm really craving some female attention right now. :sad:

Or maybe I should just go to bed. Yeah, I'll do that. :)

I'm not a female, but I could put on a dress and hang out? I mean, I've been waiting for an excuse to wear- achem, I mean, I could probably borrow a cocktail dress from someone.





I'm currently missing an old friend and sorely wishing I knew how to go about being friends and actively talking to each other and hanging out again without making a fool or annoyance out of myself to her. (If anyone has any advice and wants to help me, it would be greatly appreciated.)

I'm planning to see my psychiatrist with a list of symptoms of my other problems, all of which seem to point to one of the schizo disorders, and hoping that whatever medicines I'm prescribed, that they will actually help me out of this hell and not **** me up.

I currently am having what seems to be a mental breakdown.

I can remember my most obscure, abstract, bizarre dreams in decent detail, but I often can't even remember if I ate breakfast that day.
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Hie yer hence from me heath!
Hud a rather upsettin' experience on here in Chat or Mini-Chat as it use tae be known. Anyway, the conversation started oot friendly. But then ah asked this follow user of this forum for some advice relatin' tae ma depression.... and the (c)unt insults me! :sad:

Assumin' ah'd just trolled, ah asked 'em if they were trollin' me. Because they're a user that doesnae post in the forum much but long intae Chat. Pointed oot the conversation was gan quite until this point. Got nae response. Probably effin' hates me noo, anyway. Or course, ma "WTF! Huv you just been wastin' ma f**kin' time?" response didnae help matters.

And that's a pretty calm n' reasoned response comin' fae me. Being the aggressive, shite Scottish person that ah um, ah could've went the fully on: "You messin' wi' me, ya wee(c)unt, eh? Right, listen up, ya f**kin' jazzy b*stard...!" :veryangry:

As y'know, ye don't mess wi' a Scottish person!

Anyway, the (f)ucker probably hates me now, but then am use tae that. Kinda feelin' depressed, weary n' slightly paranoid aboot postin' on here now. But ah know most o' youse on here are lovely people, though. Ma recent experience is probably a one-off, I'm guessin'...? :idontknow:


Pirate from the North Pole
^That sucks! But there is a lot of random people using the minichat, a lot of unpleasant people, but a lot of good people as well. Don't let the bad ones drag you down :)


Hie yer hence from me heath!
That sucks! But there is a lot of random people using the minichat, a lot of unpleasant people, but a lot of good people as well. Don't let the bad ones drag you down :)

Ah know, ah know... It's just the first time ah've experience anythin' like on here, that's aw. Don't worry am no' sayin' just because one user of this forum is total (c)untin' bawbag, that it's mean y'all are. Clearly that no' true. Since most o' youse, as ah said, are lovely, nice, charmin', beautiful people...

D'ye think ma response was justified, though? Ah didnae overract, did ah? It's just we Scots huv quite a temper n' the word "f**k" is like a comma tae us.

Ah don't know. it just kinda caught off a guard, sent fleein' intae a f**kin' rage, y'know. Felt like a right buckin' eejit efterwards! :eek:mg: Like ah'd be seduced n' unknowningly hoodwinked by f**kin' pre-op tranny. But then, ye cannae exactly convey yer personality via text. Can ye? No, unless, like me, yer some wee-mad-mental, Scottish (c)unt who talks in an exotic accent. :bigsmile:


If I didn't know that other people were having fun and accomplishing things, I probably wouldn't feel so bad about myself.