Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I hate it when people know your weaknesses. They can use it to blackmail you and put you in uncomfortable situations. Are these people really friends? Or more like frenemies? I can't help but recall from the Grandfather an everlasting quote: "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer."


Well-known member
I'm thinking of skipping class today. I will go next time. My mom doesn't feel well and I have a bunch of things to do this week. I have a test, an report due, and an oral presentation on Saturday. Plus I gotta order ink. I hope it's ok that I skip class just for today.


Well-known member
I was feeling a bit sick last time, as if I was going to get a fever when I woke up next morning.

Had this weirdest dream that combined Breaking Bad, Guild Wars 2, the movie '10 things I hate about you' and kanji (japanese characters).

Guild Wars 2 set the general background of the game. Breaking Bad was the main story, with kanji having a role similar to meth I guess. The movie '10 things...' was the cover life.

As the dream progressed and I fixed the "kanji distribution/organization" I also got physically better and woke up without a fever or anything like it.
I need to make a choice between buying the retina iPad mini, a DSLR camera or wait until next year to get a Macbook Pro 13. It's time for some new gadgets!


Well-known member
I fear it could all fall apart and I lose everything tomorrow, but right now, despite how difficult it is, I've never loved life more. The things is when you begin to love, you begin to fear losing it.


Well-known member
I fear it could all fall apart and I lose everything tomorrow, but right now, despite how difficult it is, I've never loved life more. The things is when you begin to love, you begin to fear losing it.

Yes you're right, but what are you fearing to lose tomorrow?


Well-known member
I need to make a choice between buying the retina iPad mini, a DSLR camera or wait until next year to get a Macbook Pro 13. It's time for some new gadgets!
Win lotto and get all three. :)

I fear it could all fall apart and I lose everything tomorrow, but right now, despite how difficult it is, I've never loved life more. The things is when you begin to love, you begin to fear losing it.
What is it that could fall apart? I'm glad to hear you're enjoying things, but it all sounds like it's very fragile.

I have a $50 cinema voucher that I will use today. Nobody wanted to come with me, so I will watch Captain Phillips today and eat a monstrous amount of popcorn and chocolate in the process - and it won't cost me a cent. :D


Pirate from the North Pole
I fear it could all fall apart and I lose everything tomorrow, but right now, despite how difficult it is, I've never loved life more. The things is when you begin to love, you begin to fear losing it.

I am way too familiar with this feeling! I hope things will be alright for you


Well-known member
Yes you're right, but what are you fearing to lose tomorrow?

A lot of things Planemo

My physical health, Lenny my Cockatiel, this beautiful earth, my freedom and independence, my sanity.

That's really beautiful Kiwong. What an amazing truth. *Hugs* to help you through.

Thank you April Snow :)

Win lotto and get all three. :)

What is it that could fall apart? I'm glad to hear you're enjoying things, but it all sounds like it's very fragile.

I have a $50 cinema voucher that I will use today. Nobody wanted to come with me, so I will watch Captain Phillips today and eat a monstrous amount of popcorn and chocolate in the process - and it won't cost me a cent. :D

My mental health, is very fragile at times, MikeyC. The last five years have been a kind of oasis. Enjoy the movie.

I am way too familiar with this feeling! I hope things will be alright for you

Thanks Pacific_Loner :) Same for you. To have something to lose feels different to the times of having nothing to lose
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Hie yer hence from me heath!
For reasons beyond ma ain sanity, ah've felt compelled, lately, to respond to internet trolls on YouTube. Ah know, ya should ignore 'em but... how can ye pass up such a great opportunity to perfect the quick-witted comedic skill that is... The one-liner, aka the comedy putdown.
Just four more months. Fours more months till I can afford the new computer that'll give me sufficient (digital) power to do/create pretty much anything I can imagine.

I can hardly wait.
I heard about the killing of a teacher in a town that's pretty close to me now and even closer to where I used to live, but I thought it was another school shooting so sadly I didn't give it much more thought... but then I saw this:

Student, 14, held without bail in Mass. high school teacher's death - CBS News

...and it wasn't a shooting at all, it was a seemingly random (but probably not) cold-blooded carrying out of the slaying of one teacher and the suspect was found walking along the highway alone, and blood in the bathroom and the teacher reported missing before her body was found near the school. WOW. The kid is 14. And then that 12-year-old who shot the teacher and students a few days ago... WTF. Pretty crazy stuff...


New member
There's no reasons to feel this bad. I have the entire world to die of loneliness and boredom.
I really need a long, long nap.


Well-known member
I'm finding trying to change my attitude to the circumstances in my life, as difficult as trying to walk up a huge flight of stairs with a sumo wrestler attached to me.