Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I've been asked to help someone for the second time at the gym. It feels good. The first time I hadn't been able to help because the guy was huge and I'm tiny, the weight was too heavy for me to get it to his hand, but this time I was able to help.

I am sure that you will learn fast as you seem like an smart guy,but if you have any trouble or want to talk about,pm me,anyone learning can pm me too,I dont know much,but I will be glad to help with what I know,besides if I dont know,I will ask my teacher or other people around me.

Thank you. I'm learning 5 kanji a day right now (learned 10 so far, going to learn 5 more today). Do you think that I might be going too fast or too slow?

I'm using this website called Kanjidamage, the kanji are sort of ordered from simple to complex and they're usually related to the previous one. For example, I learned 一 二 三 , then 了 and then 子 which combines this last one with the first. Then I learned 女 and 好 which combines the last two I had previously learned. I think this order makes it easier to memorise the stroke order.


Well-known member
I watched "*****'s Glory" last night on Netflix. I am so sad for those women. I wish I could help them, especially the young girls who are born into it. I cannot believe how objectified women are in our world. At one point the film maker showed a young Pakistani girl talking about how there is nothing for women there to do with themselves they have been beaten down so badly by the men, they have no future, and she was maybe 14, a beautiful young life so destroyed, trying to make it in the world of prostitution, since she had no other options. Life is not fair.

***** is another word for prostitute that was edited by the software here
I'm on a Avatar Last Airbender/Legend of Korra marathon and have been for the last three days. Just one more episode of Legend of Korra and I'm all caught up again.

I wasn't enjoying the second season of Korra so much, so I decided to refresh on all that had happened. It definitely did the trick.


Well-known member
Last week it was my birthday. Now, apart from when I was a child and young teenager, I never had a party on my birthday. I hated the attention and didn't have the friends I'd like around me.

Last year though, I spontaneously told some friends about it, and we met at another friend and just played some board games, and it was fun. So I decided to repeat that. And this time I told friends earlier about it, and today I'll meet for that at a friends place. We'll play board games, have cake and stuff, and about 10 people I guess will show up.

On the one hand, I'm very much looking forward to that, because I only invited really nice people that I definately want around me. I did stress several times that it's not a birthday party, but I know there will be some presents and stuff, and I'm a bit worried about the attention. But some friends of mine kept repeating "don't worry about it!".

So I try not to. It'll be fun.

Happy Birthday!!


Well-known member
I just chatted with some people over Omegle, and I quite like it, although there are some awkward moments where nobody are writing. I chatted with an American about the current US debt crisis, and with another about being bored and needing interaction with real people. I also just chatted with a Norwegian, which reminded me of how fantastic it is that Norwegians and Danes can understand each other when speaking in their mother languages. The fact that everyone are anonymous makes it so easy to talk.


Well-known member
There are many bushfires raging in New South Wales currently. It's apparently making international news. There's a bushfire on the mountains to the west of here. While we're in no immediate danger of the fire, smoke is billowing over this way, causing an ominous fog. You can easily smell it, too, so I feel for all those with asthma and emphysema.

Here are some photos I took from different locations:





Well-known member
There are many bushfires raging in New South Wales currently. It's apparently making international news. There's a bushfire on the mountains to the west of here. While we're in no immediate danger of the fire, smoke is billowing over this way, causing an ominous fog. You can easily smell it, too, so I feel for all those with asthma and emphysema.
^ Yikes! I hope those bushfires don't come your way.
There seem to be certain regions of the world that aren't mentioned much in American "world" news... I can't think of all of them, but what comes to mind are countries like Scotland, Ireland, Scandinavian countries... Why do we never hear what's going on with them? Lately I've been really curious about them too. In school I've had to learn quite a bit about countries that are always in the news because they are immediately relevant to us (like Middle Eastern countries, Asian countries, Australia, Russia, etc.), but I know much less about Germany, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Ireland, Scotland, Poland... not to mention smaller or overlooked countries like... Lithuania. Countries in Africa. Greece. Whatever else I can't think of...


Well-known member
I've been on a Facebook/app game binge lately. This week alone I've played 3 different games on Facebook quite regularly and now since I got the smartphone my brother gave me up and running, I've played several games on there today just to try them all out and find something I like (and of the dozen I downloaded I think I only found two I actually like). I really need to find other constructive things to do....

I'm pretty confident they won't. I just have to wait it out and let the brave firies do their thing. :thumbup:
^ I totally read that as fairies at first. I'm tired. I'm going to bed.


Well-known member
Nirvana Shatakam by Sri Adi Shankaracharya

Neither am I the Mind nor Intelligence or Ego,
Neither am I the organs of Hearing (Ears), nor that of Tasting (Tongue), Smelling (Nose) or Seeing (Eyes),
Neither am I the Sky, nor the Earth, Neither the Fire nor the Air,
I am the Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness;
The Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness.

Neither am I the Vital Breath, nor the Five Vital Air,
Neither am I the Seven Ingredients (of the Body), nor the Five Sheaths (of the Body),
Neither am I the organ of Speech, nor the organs for Holding ( Hand ), Movement ( Feet ) or Excretion,
I am the Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness;
The Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness.

Neither do I have Hatred, nor Attachment, Neither Greed nor Infatuation,
Neither do I have Passion, nor Feelings of Envy and Jealousy,
I am Not within the bounds of Dharma (Righteousness), Artha (Wealth), Kama (Desire) and Moksha (Liberation) (the four Purusarthas of life),
I am the Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness;
The Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness

Neither am I bound by Merits nor Sins, neither by Worldly Joys nor by Sorrows,
Neither am I bound by Sacred Hymns nor by Sacred Places, neither by Sacred Scriptures nor by Sacrifies,
I am Neither Enjoyment (Experience), nor an object to be Enjoyed (Experienced), nor the Enjoyer (Experiencer),
I am the Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness;
The Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness.

Neither am I bound by Death and its Fear, nor by the rules of Caste and its Distinctions,
Neither do I have Father and Mother, nor do I have Birth,
Neither do I have Relations nor Friends, neither Spiritual Teacher nor Disciple,
I am the Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness;
The Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness.

I am Without any Variation, and Without any Form,
I am Present Everywhere as the underlying Substratum of everything, and behind all Sense Organs,
Neither do I get Attached to anything, nor get Freed from anything,
I am the Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness;
The Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness.

I use this as daily reminder of our true nature of being, it's my anti-depressant.
I'm pretty confident they won't. I just have to wait it out and let the brave firies do their thing. :thumbup:

Mikey, if there is any brush or anything else flammable within 100 yards (300 meters, give or take) or so of your house, this would be the time to hack it down and remove it if it can be done quickly and only if it can be done safely. If the fire starts getting close to your home, use a water hose to keep the yard as wet as you can keep it as well as soaking your house thoroughly. But once it reaches a certain point it's time to evacuate. Remember, the safest places are those that have already burned. Looks as though you're in an urban area and that's great because all the streets act as fire breaks but wind can make it jump a paved road. Best of luck, dude.


Well-known member
Mikey, if there is any brush or anything else flammable within 100 yards (300 meters, give or take) or so of your house, this would be the time to hack it down and remove it if it can be done quickly and only if it can be done safely. If the fire starts getting close to your home, use a water hose to keep the yard as wet as you can keep it as well as soaking your house thoroughly. But once it reaches a certain point it's time to evacuate. Remember, the safest places are those that have already burned. Looks as though you're in an urban area and that's great because all the streets act as fire breaks but wind can make it jump a paved road. Best of luck, dude.
Cheers for the advice but the fire is very unlikely to come down this way. It's on the mountains well away from my location, so I'm pretty safe. :)
Cheers for the advice but the fire is very unlikely to come down this way. It's on the mountains well away from my location, so I'm pretty safe. :)

Oh ok, even better :thumbup: We always fought that particular kind of fire by making a breaker around it and letting it burn out. Or we'd call the state forestry boys and they'd take a bulldozer and push out a fire line around it or call the Army and have them drop chemicals on it with helicopters . Cool to watch.


Well-known member
Oh ok, even better :thumbup: We always fought that particular kind of fire by making a breaker around it and letting it burn out. Or we'd call the state forestry boys and they'd take a bulldozer and push out a fire line around it or call the Army and have them drop chemicals on it with helicopters . Cool to watch.
I can imagine things like that would be kind of awesome to watch, actually! If the fire ever reached here, there'd be little we could do except leave, I reckon, but we'd be quite unlucky.
I can imagine things like that would be kind of awesome to watch, actually! If the fire ever reached here, there'd be little we could do except leave, I reckon, but we'd be quite unlucky.

I remember as a small boy standing out in the yard and watching a big air force tanker jet dropping water on a big brush fire in the mountains. It was awesome. Now they mainly use big helicopters which ain't as fun to watch. :thumbdown:


Well-known member
I can imagine things like that would be kind of awesome to watch, actually! If the fire ever reached here, there'd be little we could do except leave, I reckon, but we'd be quite unlucky.

Worst bushfires in a decade and it's not even summer yet. Not looking forward to the months ahead, the heat is going to be unbearable.


Well-known member
Thank you. I'm learning 5 kanji a day right now (learned 10 so far, going to learn 5 more today). Do you think that I might be going too fast or too slow?

I'm using this website called Kanjidamage, the kanji are sort of ordered from simple to complex and they're usually related to the previous one. For example, I learned 一 二 三 , then 了 and then 子 which combines this last one with the first. Then I learned 女 and 好 which combines the last two I had previously learned. I think this order makes it easier to memorise the stroke order.
Unfortunetly kanji is one of the things I got left behind,because to adapt here it was way more important to speak than write in my situation,but I am picking up,japanese people learn kanji by grades,what that means is that by grade one they have a set of kanji to learn,by grade two another and so on,it is also crucial to learn when they are used,what words and when they are grouped with other kanji,otherwise you may know all the kanji in a word and all their meanings but grouped together you wont know their meaning,yes its that complicated,sometimes even japanese people forget and make mistakes,there are some kanji that have other meaning besides the ones listed in the dictionary too,its really hard.

Another method of learning its by the japanese proficience test,again they have a list of kanji for each tests,an app which helped me a lot is ikanji
its very organized and has a lot of exemples and tests.