Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


There seem to be certain regions of the world that aren't mentioned much in American "world" news... I can't think of all of them, but what comes to mind are countries like Scotland, Ireland, Scandinavian countries... Why do we never hear what's going on with them? Lately I've been really curious about them too. In school I've had to learn quite a bit about countries that are always in the news because they are immediately relevant to us (like Middle Eastern countries, Asian countries, Australia, Russia, etc.), but I know much less about Germany, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Ireland, Scotland, Poland... not to mention smaller or overlooked countries like... Lithuania. Countries in Africa. Greece. Whatever else I can't think of...


Well-known member
^ That's cool! Random question: What's a whinger? Is that supposed to be a whiner? Is that just another spelling variation in which you people throw in extra letters for no reason? :giggle: (Kidding! Kind of. ;) )I've seen this word before, but I've never known what it's supposed to mean or how to pronounce it or anything.

My mom got a schedule for our trip to Michigan late next month. We're going by Amtrak and will be staying in Michigan for a week. During the trip though, we have a 3 hr. layover in Chicago and I'm kind of pumped about that because I've always wanted to visit that city. I know there's a few Chicagoans on here, so do any of you guys know of any neat places to look around and check out that's near Union Station? I'm either going to be wicked tired or wired with excitement after a 10 hour train ride, and my mom will probably be pretty tired, so I'm kinda looking for places that are about 10 - 15 min. walk (or less, even better) from there.


Well-known member
My mom got a schedule for our trip to Michigan late next month. We're going by Amtrak and will be staying in Michigan for a week. During the trip though, we have a 3 hr. layover in Chicago and I'm kind of pumped about that because I've always wanted to visit that city. I know there's a few Chicagoans on here, so do any of you guys know of any neat places to look around and check out that's near Union Station? I'm either going to be wicked tired or wired with excitement after a 10 hour train ride, and my mom will probably be pretty tired, so I'm kinda looking for places that are about 10 - 15 min. walk (or less, even better) from there.

Fun! Where are you staying in Michigan? I loooove Michigan; want to move there someday. :)
I'm not from CHicago, but I've been there a time or two. If you head due East from Central Station, you can walk around Grant Park/Millenium Park. There's always something going on there, and you can get some great views of the city behind you. If you have a bit of time and the energy, there are tons of things to do in that immediate area: Shedd Aquarium, Field Museum, Art Museum, etc. Everything is fun and I guarantee you will love it!


Well-known member
@ Phoenixxx

Union Station is just off "the Loop" and all the downtown attractions that Marie
mentioned - grab a cab to Michigan Ave and you'll be right in the middle of everything - no problem if you don't mind walking around a little

don't miss the Art Institute

sounds like a great trip!

(wish i could meet up and show you around)


Pirate from the North Pole
Working under-pressure and having a bunch of people to manage and tell what to do brings me to such a confused state of mind, that at the end of the day I couldn't even tell which day we were.

Even after thinking about it.


Well-known member
Working under-pressure and having a bunch of people to manage and tell what to do brings me to such a confused state of mind, that at the end of the day I couldn't even tell which day we were.

Even after thinking about it.

managing other people is one of the most difficult things to do

that's why managers get paid more than workers


Well-known member
Fun! Where are you staying in Michigan? I loooove Michigan; want to move there someday. :)
I'm not from CHicago, but I've been there a time or two. If you head due East from Central Station, you can walk around Grant Park/Millenium Park. There's always something going on there, and you can get some great views of the city behind you. If you have a bit of time and the energy, there are tons of things to do in that immediate area: Shedd Aquarium, Field Museum, Art Museum, etc. Everything is fun and I guarantee you will love it!
^ We'll be staying in Battle Creek for a week, spending the Thanksgiving holiday at my brother's place with his girlfriend. I've never been to Michigan before either, so this is a whole new trip for me and should be fun. :) I was thinking about Millenium Park, sounds pretty neat. Museums and aquarium might be out of the question, since I'm not really keen on paying too much extra. I'm going to see how close Threadless is to the station because that is a store I've always wanted to step foot in to. I love their site with all their creative shirts and designs, even though I have yet to actually buy something off from there.

@ Phoenixxx

Union Station is just off "the Loop" and all the downtown attractions that Marie
mentioned - grab a cab to Michigan Ave and you'll be right in the middle of everything - no problem if you don't mind walking around a little

don't miss the Art Institute

sounds like a great trip!

(wish i could meet up and show you around)
^ Do you know how much cabs cost? I did notice while searching online a lot of shops and stuff are up towards Michigan Ave, and I know I'd love to check that out. I totally forgot about the Art Institute there too, but I might have to miss that my first time around.

I have another 3 hr. layover on my trip back (since we're getting roundtrip Amtrak tickets), so whatever I miss this first time in Chicago I'm going to try to make sure to see it on the way back.

Thanks for the suggestions guys! :)


Well-known member
^ That's cool! Random question: What's a whinger? Is that supposed to be a whiner? Is that just another spelling variation in which you people throw in extra letters for no reason? :giggle: (Kidding! Kind of. ;) )I've seen this word before, but I've never known what it's supposed to mean or how to pronounce it or anything.
Yeah, whinging = whining, complaining. I guess that's an Australian term. ::p:

My mom got a schedule for our trip to Michigan late next month. We're going by Amtrak and will be staying in Michigan for a week. During the trip though, we have a 3 hr. layover in Chicago and I'm kind of pumped about that because I've always wanted to visit that city. I know there's a few Chicagoans on here, so do any of you guys know of any neat places to look around and check out that's near Union Station? I'm either going to be wicked tired or wired with excitement after a 10 hour train ride, and my mom will probably be pretty tired, so I'm kinda looking for places that are about 10 - 15 min. walk (or less, even better) from there.
This sounds cool! I hope you have a lot of fun!


Well-known member
It is a horrible thing to think that people are afraid of you. Not as bad as feeling fear inside and seeing that people are angry with you.
My first cat went outside - I looked everywhere, couldn't find her -
she was gone for 7 weeks, found her just in time, nearly dead.

Second cat went outside - I looked everywhere, couldn't find him -
he never came back. To this day wonder what happened.

Third cat went outside - I looked everywhere, couldn't find her -
was gone for a week. Permanent stomach issues as result.​

These events are in the past, but it goes without say I DO NOT want these cats outside, and I DO NOT want people to leave the door open. Today I find out, my brother and his girlfriend are intentionally letting one of the cats out on the balcony - a mere jump to the ground outside. I'm so unbelievably mad I can't even handle it.

Why won't people just f***ing leave and let me live in peace?! I ask ONE thing. Just ONE SINGLE thing, and they ignore it. They don't have to wait in front of a damn window for months on end waiting for them to come back- or deal with the fact that when they disappear you never get to know what happened. It's a tortures experience that I refuse to go through again.

I take care of all these cats when they're sick and hurt. I have to, and am expected to, because they don't know what they're doing. I'm happy to do it and I'm good at it. I know what they need physically and psychologically. But why, for all the is holy, would they think they know better? It is maddening that they don't f***ing listen to me when it concerns my responsibilities. It isn't safe for them to go outside here.