Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


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I was out with some friends because an old friend of ours came back from Brazil. I was coming back from the bathroom in a pretty small and packed club, two girls trapped me between their arms and one of them asked "Strawberry or chocolate?". I didn't know what that meant so I just said strawberry, and then she said "Hmm ok you can go".

I have no idea what that was supposed to mean, but then again since I spent all night trying to pee and failing (sucks to be pee-shy) I wasn't really in the mood to ask what it meant.


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Since it's currently 33 degrees, I spent a little over an hour at the beach. It was glorious and I got smashed by waves. :D


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Just Spoke to the Vipassana Teacher about a course starting from 23rd oct to 03 nov, for which I have applied. But since I began taking meds after a week that I had applied for it. I had to notify them. Now taking meds and trying Vipassana is futile says the teacher and when she asked what happens If I don't take meds. I was unable to clearly explain on the phone what really my problem is ( i.e, Staring at people inappropriately)

this is the fourth time I have applied 3 times I have voluntarily cancelled the registration. as soon as the date of the course came close I began to panic as to what all might happen during the course whether i'd be able to keep my cool and be normal or I'd go psychotic. Every time I go through such stuff my stomach kinda feels awful!


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Listenin' tae the song "Bitch" by Meredith Brooks the other day. Like, actually listen to the lyrics of the song, as well as the music. And it got me thinkin', right...?

See when Meredith plays that song live, does she ever humourously introduce it by sayin' - "Here's a little song about PMS..."?
Nae offense intended there, ladies... ;)


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^ just heard that SN Goenka has died aged 90.

Vipassana pioneer SN Goenka is dead

I cannot believe it, I mean I am just getting introduced into the world of Dhamma and Vipassana. I only came to know about Goenkaji just a few years back. I saw a documentary about his workshops for Thihar Jail inmates. Till then even being from the same country I never even knew about Vipassana or Him. I read about his story and the work he has done so far.

A sad news indeed, but his legacy lives on with with and all those hundreds of Vippassana centres all over the world and many of his pupils now will have this huge task of teaching what he learnt from his great master and had been himself teaching all these years. great soul!


Well-known member
Since it's currently 33 degrees, I spent a little over an hour at the beach. It was glorious and I got smashed by waves. :D

A hot day up this way as well. There was a ripper sunset where I was, not another soul on the beach. Got my shoes wet.
Why do bad things always ''Go south''? That's nonsense. There's nothing bad at the south! There's penguins there.. nothing is bad when there's penguins around.


Well-known member
Why do bad things always ''Go south''? That's nonsense. There's nothing bad at the south! There's penguins there.. nothing is bad when there's penguins around.


Amazing isn't it? The stuff that can be googled at a moments notice?


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The two emotions I always seem to struggle with the most are guilt and irritability. For once I'd like not to feel so bad over such simple statements and situations and people I talk to. When I really think about it, I know both of those seem to stem from one thing: fear.
At least you're aware that it's happening, so when you feel yourself seeking approval, catch yourself. :) Easier said than done, but over time it will get easier.

It's not so much catching the behaviour as much as it is maintaining this constant vigilance for the impulses. It's really exhausting. Blegh~

Like constantly watching your door just in case a rabid mob of bunnies tries to bust through it. Why bunnies? Because if find the thought of pitchfork/torch carrying bunny mobs frankly adorable.


Well-known member
It's not so much catching the behaviour as much as it is maintaining this constant vigilance for the impulses. It's really exhausting. Blegh~

Like constantly watching your door just in case a rabid mob of bunnies tries to bust through it. Why bunnies? Because if find the thought of pitchfork/torch carrying bunny mobs frankly adorable.
You'll get there. :thumbup: