Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I feel like building something. Something small, mechanical. All the things I find online seem uninteresting though. Maybe I should learn more about electricity and do some electrical device.


Well-known member
My doctor gave me a scrip for Prozac today. ::eek:: I'm nervous about starting it.

Perhaps you could discuss it with a counsellor, Marie. I was nervous about taking medication too, and I discussed it with my counsellor. He left the options open to me, and suggested one of those options was suck it and see. In the end I decided to work at other techniques such as CBT and meditation. I was troubled by the doctors who prescribed medication without recommending other methods to manage anxiety.


Well-known member
Perhaps you could discuss it with a counsellor, Marie. I was nervous about taking medication too, and I discussed it with my counsellor. He left the options open to me, and suggested one of those options was suck it and see. In the end I decided to work at other techniques such as CBT and meditation. I was troubled by the doctors who prescribed medication without recommending other methods to manage anxiety.

That's a good suggestion. Though honestly I'm pretty lazy and taking a pill seems much easier than doing CBT or meditation. :) I'm willing to at least give it a try, anyway. Haven't tried meds for depression in several years so I'm curious to see how it goes. Since this is for seasonal affective disorder, he also suggested that I try light therapy instead of or in addition to meds.
Oh for Pete's sake!

People are petitioning against Rockstar because there are animals in the new Grand Theft Auto 5. The E-mail I got was ''Murdering Animals Isn't a Game'', which I agree with, if it regards real life.

So, what you mean to say is, mowing down hundreds of people in-game is totally fine. As is robbing them, beating them, even torturing them. But occasionally clipping a dog or deer (usually accidentally in my case) is suddenly a big deal?

And this petition is so important that it has to be sent to me via E-mail? When there's plenty of petitions that serve to reduce real life suffering of animals and people? I'm frankly baffled by the lack of perspective and priority shown here.. It is beyond me.


Well-known member
I can see my Dad's Shadow Self in me. If I could describe how his shadow self looks like.. It's Insecure, Lonely, a push over, a doormat, meek, timid, passive aggressive, lethargic, for me all these are not the shadow but me in the light.
This also defines the relationship me and my father have with each other. not to mention my mothers shadow but I am not quite familiar with her's yet.

For me I am intrigued by the concept of the shadow in us. I believe that this shadow self till it remains unaccepted and is repressed always finds ways to appear and even passes on from generation to generation just like favorable attributes that run in a family shadows also lurk beneath and sometime they begin to manifest in the light as negative and darker self.


Well-known member
I want to create something, I feel like the time is running out now I am 51. I want to write a plant book, I have made some progress, about 6000 words and 300 images of native plants. Writing a book is something big to achieve in a life. I feel like I have an opportunity, and I will forever regret it, if I don't make an attempt.


Well-known member
Just got "Japanese the Manga Way: an illustrated guide to grammar and structure". I can finally start learning the grammar and sentence structure now. I'm going to start learning the kanji as well but I have to avoid thinking about how many kanji there are or I'll get demotivated.


Well-known member
I haven't recieved any comment so this is a bit of shameless self promotion. would guys take a look at my art works and tell me what you think of them. It's in my pictures and albums. cheers :)

usually no comment means.. 'nothing'
Most unapologetically sugary dessert: hot chocolate pudding loaded with mini marshmallows and chocolate chips and drowning in whipped cream. You only need a very small portion because any more and you'll be sick :D


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I haven't recieved any comment so this is a bit of shameless self promotion. would guys take a look at my art works and tell me what you think of them. It's in my pictures and albums. cheers :)

usually no comment means.. 'nothing'

Awright... but be warned: Yer probably gonnae be better than me at art. :bigsmile: :thumbup:
I wonder if I disguised myself as a boy when on my way to class, if it would actually work and I wonder if I would be harassed less. Although, I've noticed it's died down since summer's been over (less skin showing?), and since I've mostly been in public during normal working hours and not coming home late at night from work.

Why is it that the weirdos really do come out at night in greater masses? I think that nighttime literally changes something chemical in our brains. People behave differently once it gets past, say, 8 pm or so.


Well-known member
I wonder if I disguised myself as a boy when on my way to class, if it would actually work and I wonder if I would be harassed less. Although, I've noticed it's died down since summer's been over (less skin showing?), and since I've mostly been in public during normal working hours and not coming home late at night from work.

Why is it that the weirdos really do come out at night in greater masses? I think that nighttime literally changes something chemical in our brains. People behave differently once it gets past, say, 8 pm or so.

thought this was interesting: A Photographer Turns Her Lens On Men Who Cat-Call : Code Switch : NPR


Well-known member
Oh no, this is one of those nights where I constantly check on my pulse and can't stop breathing manually, and I fear that I'm going to die. I hate this!

One of the commenters posted this video she made with a friend about reversing the roles to illustrate how silly it is (although I don't think it proves anything, since I have the feeling most men would enjoy being "objectified" by women, and it just isn't the same coming from a woman anyway... but it's still humorous).

"Cat-Calling" Potty Talk: Series 1 on Vimeo
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