Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
Apparently someone my mum knew died and she left right after dinner to go to the funeral (the funeral is tomorrow but it's like 400km away). Since my grandma can't stay home alone and I'm not going to babysit her, my cousin's aunt is staying over today (and possibly tomorrow).

I don't really like this, it traps me in my own room.


Well-known member
Thank goodness for friends... I'd be failing my classes if I didn't have an old computer engineer around. They didn't teach us half the stuff he's telling me about the material, even the important parts.

Or maybe they did, but it was so shrouded in the metaphor and abstraction of academia that it went right over my head. What am I paying them for? -_-
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Well-known member
Ordered something from amazon, the product is coming from Germany. It was supposed to arrive before today at 6.30 pm. It's only 2.30 pm right now, but the mail is usually delivered in the morning so I doubt it'll arrive today.

Is this normal with amazon orders from other countries? It was my first time ordering from amazon.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Ordered something from amazon, the product is coming from Germany. It was supposed to arrive before today at 6.30 pm. It's only 2.30 pm right now, but the mail is usually delivered in the morning so I doubt it'll arrive today.

Is this normal with amazon orders from other countries? It was my first time ordering from amazon.

Where do you live, Ithior?

Generally speakin', an item if it's being delivered by different postal service like a 24 or 48 hour courier service... then yeah it's normal. They can sometimes be deliverin' stuff until like 7pm in the evening. Unless you got a confirmation email from the courier sayin' - for example - "Your item will be delivered between 12pm and 7pm, approximately".

Though, Amazon orders from other countries can normally take up to 2 or 3 weeks, maybe. Just depends how quickly yer order get dispatch to you. But Amazon will also give yer order an approximate delivery date & time. It doesn't mean you'll get the item on that date & at that time, though. It's just them sayin' "Once we dispatch this item, yer likely to get it on or by this date"

Well, that ma experience as UK-based Amazon customer who has stuff delivery from them by a courier service. It might be different where you live? Though, any issue can usually be resolved gettin' in touch with Amazon or the seller if you've bought something from a third party via Amazon. Hope that's of some help to ya, mate? :thumbup:


Well-known member
Does anybody else get really nervous about crossing streets at intersection cross walks?
It's not that I'm afraid of getting hit by a car or anything..but rather the fact that there's so many people just sat there facing in your direction with nothing else to do but stare at you while you
I get across with plenty of time to spare,but I still feel like I'm not getting across fast enough for people who are stopped at the light.

Waiting for a break in flowing traffic and just jaywalking/running across the street makes me less nervous.:giggle:

Even if it's just crossing a single lane street and one car is waiting for me,I still can't handle it.
I walk around the back of their car rather than the front.

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Well-known member
When the crosswalk doesn't have traffic lights and there's a car coming, I usually pretend I'm not crossing and wait for it to pass before crossing the street. If they're just waiting at a traffic light then I'm ok with it.


Well-known member
Does anybody else get really nervous about crossing streets at intersection cross walks?
It's not that I'm afraid of getting hit by a car or anything..but rather the fact that there's so many people just sat there facing in your direction with nothing else to do but stare at you while you
I get across with plenty of time to spare,but I still feel like I'm not getting across fast enough for people who are stopped at the light.

Waiting for a break in flowing traffic and just jaywalking/running across the street makes me less nervous.:giggle:

Even if it's just crossing a single lane street and one car is waiting for me,I still can't handle it.
I walk around the back of their car rather than the front.
Interesting. If there's a reasonable gap in the traffic, I'll usually jog across the road. Sometimes I have no choice but to wait for the pedestrian light to turn green. I guess people who have stopped at the intersection will look at you, but I never usually try to think about that too much.

I can understand why you would feel nervous walking in front of cars, because people would look at you and judge you from the security of their vehicles, while you're on show for the whole intersection to see. I would say that the less you think of that, the better. :giggle:


Well-known member
I think I might be scared of getting my first job since it'll mean I'll lose most of my free time. If I get the likely 8hours a day job, I'll only have a maximum of 4 free hours a day, in which I'll be too tired to do anything I like.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Here's a rather personal question for youse lot on here... and ah'd like ye tae answer, honestly. Well, those o' you that huv heard it spoken, anyway...

What dae ye think o' the Scottish accent, seriously...?

The only reason ah ask is question, is because someone on YouTube responded tae a comment ah'd made, which was written in the Scots dialect fur the maist part.
Well, actually here's the response:
TheDemetriusblack said:
why are you typing in a scottish accent?

^ The only reason am askin'; ye the question aboot the Scottish accent is because ah've never hud justify writin' ma native language afore. Plus...

Ah responded with the slightly sarcastic: "Why no...?! Well, I am Scottish, duh! How? Huv ye got an issue wi' me writin' in ma native tongue?" That last bit isnae meant tae sound as threatin' as it appear. Nane o' this.... :bat: It's more... :idontknow: "Eh?! What...?!" :confused:

Though, that was'nae what ah was gonnae write, originally. Originally ah was gonnae say: "Geez! Is this c*nt dimmer than a f**kin' lightbulb or what? Hi, pal! If ye really need tae asked that question then yer obvious no' familiar wi' regional dialects. Or foreign accents fur that matter."

Ah mean it just seems odd in a multi-cultural world of such varied n' unique languages tae ask such a question. Well, tae me, anyway? Granted ah would've been mair offended hud the f**ker said: "Um, could you speak English, please..." Ma response tae a comment like that would typically Scottish:

"Ach! Away n' bile yer heid, ya shitebag!" Translation: "Oh! Away and boil your head! You shitbag!"

So, again... What do you think of the Scottish accent? Love it? Hate it? Indifferent? C'mon, lads n' lassie! Don't be scared, it's just a question. If yer scared, don't worry... ah'll no' set aboot ye or unleash a torrent o' verbal abuse for express yer opinion - it's no' like yer in YouTube comment section here.

So yer awright.
Seriously. Look... Ah know yer aw nice, lovely, beautiful people on here who seem tae understand me even when writin' in ma regional dialect contextually. Which is f**kin' weird! Am kiddin' with that comment. So... if ye could answer ma question honestly, that'd be greatly appreciated. Just indulge ma curiousity if nothin' else...
Here's a rather personal question for youse lot on here... and ah'd like ye tae answer, honestly. Well, those o' you that huv heard it spoken, anyway...

What dae ye think o' the Scottish accent, seriously...?

I rather like it actually, in both literal and verbal form. While a lot of people phrase thing slightly different when they type, general language tends to look the same and can look a bit bland at times. Being able to clearly distinguish an accent through text is refreshing.

Forget the fools on YouTube. They make a case about anything and everything, purely for the sake of it. There's nothing wrong with the way you type as far as I'm concerned.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I rather like it actually, in both literal and verbal form. While a lot of people phrase thing slightly different when they type, general language tends to look the same and can look a bit bland at times. Being able to clearly distinguish an accent through text is refreshing.

Forget the fools on YouTube. They make a case about anything and everything, purely for the sake of it. There's nothing wrong with the way you type as far as I'm concerned.

Fair enough - ah just thought it kinda weird tae huv to justify a speakin' a foreign dialect. :idontknow: Is that cultural ignorance, tae some extent? Not on ma part - just dim-witted, trollin' c*nts on YouTube.

I find it a bit hard to read, I have to read "out loud" in my mind to understand it. But other than that I don't have a problem.

Think yersel' lucky yer just readin' it, pal. Actually speakin' out loud in ma accent can be a effin' nightmare. Ah mean, yer-talkin'-that-quickly-naebody-can-understands-what-yer-sayin'.* *Remove the dashes and re-read that sentence.

I feel neutral towards it. Reminds me of Willie the janitor from the Simpsons. I've never heard a Scottish accent in real life before, so I can't really say.

Ah'd send ye some YouTube link but the Scots sense o' humour is quite dark as well as the frequent use to words like f**k, shite and c*nt. :bigsmile: Nice tae see you've got a frame o' reference, there, by-the-way. Groundkeeper Willie off The Simpsons. Nice! ;) Stereotypical but that's fine. If ye can't take the piss outta yersel' - ye wouldnae huv a very good sense o' humour. Well mibbe that's just me?

Cheers fur yer opinions. So there's nae need fur me tae feel like a self-conscious eejit when it comes tae writin' in ma muther tongue?


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I rather like it actually, in both literal and verbal form. While a lot of people phrase thing slightly different when they type, general language tends to look the same and can look a bit bland at times. Being able to clearly distinguish an accent through text is refreshing.

Ah know... double post. Oh f**k! What a wanker! :eek:h: But ah agree with ya, Puma, mate. General English language does get bland n' borin' at times when ye can only phrase things some many way. Nae offense intented, there... But ye cannae really distingush the English language in text form until it's spoken out loud - if ye get what am tryin' tae say there. Does that even make sense. :confused: :thinking:

And ah guess for me, that mixin' Scots & English makes yer sentence structure standout and unique. Also, as ye said, being able tae distinguish an accent through text is refreshin'. Though, there's is a Scottish stereotype that if ye speak entirely in Scots phrases that yer a bit of a Non-Educated Delinquent (NED). In other words a bit stoopid, immature and huv a bit o' a vaccant expression on yer face... Basically, the lights are on but naebody's hame!

And ye tend tae ramble on when writin' & speakin' in the Scottish accent/dialect. :bigsmile:


Well-known member
My friend and I planned a trip on the first weekend of November (we're visiting another friend in another city). Turns out that the transportation sector is going to do a 15 day strike and that weekend is right in the middle of it. All of this because they can't lose their stupid privileges. Yes, I mean privileges, not rights. These guys get paid bonuses for showing up to work for example.

Maybe the socialist government works in countries like The Netherlands and Sweden, but not here. The only way to improve this place is to remove the government almost completely (leaving only security and justice). Everything else is not required and is just there for someone to take advantage of to get some profit at someone else's expenses.


Well-known member
I only have one true friend, and she's a girl. We meet a couple of times each month, and watch films together and talk about school, politics, history, etc. The last time we were together, I really enjoyed her company and thought she was pretty, and I think I'm starting to like her as more than a friend. I don't want to fall in love with her, as that would make me feel nervous around her and make our relationship awkward. Besides, I'm already in love with someone else.