Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Active member

Don't use the platform, myself, but I'd imagine someone pointing it out recently garnered interest from folk who didn't have either access to or awareness of it three years ago. A more cynical alternative: maybe people are interested in responding to the same things their friends have, and you occupy that space, currently.


Well-known member

Don't use the platform, myself, but I'd imagine someone pointing it out recently garnered interest from folk who didn't have either access to or awareness of it three years ago. A more cynical alternative: maybe people are interested in responding to the same things their friends have, and you occupy that space, currently.

Well it was my cousin and aunt (it's more like her little hobby professional account, and I think it was actually my mum using it) liking some picture I uploaded 3 years ago. It feels like they're going through my stuff (especially considering I didn't add my mum or dad on facebook, and yet she looked for a way to go around that).


Pirate from the North Pole
What instruments do you play Pacific_Loner? Do you do any busking?

Accordion o_O Way too shy for busking just for the sake of it, if it means what I think (street performing?), I have a job right now. But I tend to end up in precarious situations quite frequently (as lots of people here?), and my life feels safer with this ridiculous back-up plan
I've found myself gravitating towards the song ''Mad World'' as of late. I've known and loved the song for years.. It's an odd thing to just happen.

But I'm not complaining, more appreciation for things you like is never a bad thing.


Well-known member
My fried bananas were kind of soft but super-sweet. On to surprise wontons filled with batches of whatever I can throw together to use up the wraps.


Well-known member
So there is a large forest near this town, that can be easily reached by tram. Wanted to go there for quite a while, but didn't. Asked a friend of mine whether she'd like to join me there, but she said that she's feeling a bit weak these days and a long walk might not be a great idea. Asked another friend of mine, and she said that she'd like to, but that she is super busy these days. But that another friend of ours loves long walks and doesn't have enough people for that, and that I should ask her. So I did, and she agreed.

I was a bit nervous, because... Well, I know her a bit, but not too well. She just moved to Germany this spring, and was quickly adopted in my circle of friends. And spending a longer time alone with someone I don't know well is a bit unusual for me.
But it turned out fine. We spent three hours in the forest, looking for mushrooms, making photos of mossy sun-lit clearings, and talking. It was nice.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Never get intae a argument wi' some humourless c*nt in a YouTube comment section! Especially in comedy, satire or parody videos - the point yer makin' get disregarded. And you just end up makin' a complete arse o' yersel', even if yer comment explains why the video's funny in that satirical context. Long story short: Some fanboys - and fangirls - don't get irony or satire when it relates to their favourite movie series. And mockin' it is NOT on!
Star Wars references used in British political double dealing - YouTube

You thought Twilight was bad for die-hard fandom! F**k! Ah just tried tae explain the "space hairdresser"/Luke Skywalker reference of this clip from the equally fictional British political satire The Thick of It, to a Star Wars fan who didnae get it! His reply admitted he was Star Wars - die-hard fanboy, tae, havin' seen all 6 Star Wars films "many times" - then stated the reference made no sense as at no point during Star Wars does Luke Skywalker admit to a love of hairdressing! :lol:

Talk aboot missin' the point, entirely, huh? Give ma regards tae Snow White n' the other dwarfs! Mind you, it could've been worse: He could've replied sayin' he was gonnae shove a Lightsaber up ma back passage!


Well-known member!

Turning a blind eye. Giving someone the cold shoulder. Looking down on people. Seeing right through them.

I was reading an article and this passage struck me. I've done all of this. Not because I'm rich and look down on poor people. I'm not even rich in the first place. I have severe avpd which causes me to avoid people at all costs. Even if I'm poor, I wouldn't be any more social than I am now. It's a personality thing.


Hie yer hence from me heath!!

I was reading an article and this passage struck me. I've done all of this. Not because I'm rich and look down on poor people. I'm not even rich in the first place. I have severe avpd which causes me to avoid people at all costs. Even if I'm poor, I wouldn't be any more social than I am now. It's a personality thing.

Definitely agree & relate tae yer point, Jaim. Ah wouldnae be anymair social even if ah was rich. Which am no'!


Well-known member
I feel like food has difficulty going down the throat. It goes down without drinking anything, but it feels a bit uncomfortable. It's not about not chewing properly, I've always chewed too much in fact. Could it be my sitting position maybe? I usually only feel it during lunch, when I'm eating on my desk.


Well-known member
So I spoke with this guy on the phone and he mentioned his partner has a terminal illness. I told him I was sorry to hear that and wished his partner on a good recovery. Then he said his partner won't recover because her illness is permanent and she might pass soon. I'm no good with this sort of thing so I didn't know what to say. I think I just apologized again and quickly changed topic. My question is, was I rude to change topic? What is the proper thing to say when someone is telling you about a loved one with terminal illness?


Well-known member
I feel like food has difficulty going down the throat. It goes down without drinking anything, but it feels a bit uncomfortable. It's not about not chewing properly, I've always chewed too much in fact. Could it be my sitting position maybe? I usually only feel it during lunch, when I'm eating on my desk.

Try drinking lots of fluid then walking around. Exercise or move around before eating to get metabolism up.


Well-known member
I wish you tube comments could be disasbled or turned off. The last thing I want to see is an argument going on when I am listening to one of my favourite songs.
I've decided to start saving for a new computer. I was putting together a VR fund for Oculus Rift, Omni treadmil and the Sixense STEM, but seeing as they're all PC devices, I figured it's time for an upgrade. It's only one I can actually get.

It's going to be disgustingly powerful and disgustingly expensive, which means I'll have to scrape together every penny I get over the next 6 months. But it'll be worth it.

Intel Xeon E5 - 1650
4TB harddrive (two of them)
32GB RAM memory (expandable to 64GB max)
Nvidia Quadro K4000 (3GB)
Sound card with 7.1 surround sound capability

To name a few of its features. ''Toaster III'' will be a beast!

This isn't just for games of course, I intend to practice high detail 3D modelling on it too. Which is not possible on my current PC. I'm excited.