Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
Some of the trains aren't too bad. The Waratah trains are OK. Tangaras and some of the older silver rattlers are a bit parlous. Weekends and outside peak hour you can usually get a seat.

Have fun anyway.
Yeah, the trains are okay, but I would very much prefer driving. It's not as relaxing but I just like it, and I don't live that far away that driving is not an option, too.

Still not sure if we're going yet, but thanks. :)


Well-known member
There's a wedding I'm going to tomorrow, but I have no idea what to wear. It's casual, but I feel like it's harder to pick something out that way. It doesn't help that my wardrobe is so small either. Hm...


Well-known member
I keep looking at self-improvement articles like I did in the past. There's a difference this time though. While last time I actually wanted to change (like at start of a new term or with exams coming up, I'd want to get more disciplined and stuff like that), this time I feel like I either don't want to change the way I'm living right now or I'm way too scared of moving forward.

I should be looking for my first job or internship right now, but my days can be resumed to reading books, internet, watching TV shows and anime, with the occasional workout at the gym and dinner out. But when I start reading something like "Ok, now get your pen and do a to do list" or "Do something right now that you've been putting off", I feel like "woah woah not so fast, I gotta watch another episode of Breaking Bad before I get on that...".

So... any advice on how to get out of this situation?


Well-known member
I keep looking at self-improvement articles like I did in the past. There's a difference this time though. While last time I actually wanted to change (like at start of a new term or with exams coming up, I'd want to get more disciplined and stuff like that), this time I feel like I either don't want to change the way I'm living right now or I'm way too scared of moving forward.

I should be looking for my first job or internship right now, but my days can be resumed to reading books, internet, watching TV shows and anime, with the occasional workout at the gym and dinner out. But when I start reading something like "Ok, now get your pen and do a to do list" or "Do something right now that you've been putting off", I feel like "woah woah not so fast, I gotta watch another episode of Breaking Bad before I get on that...".

So... any advice on how to get out of this situation?

I too fall back on this cycle, where it seems like it's just going to fast. Personally, I just tell myself to just do it. It is super easy to make excuses and push something off for "later." Even if it is just a small baby step, get it done. It's important to realize that the episode of Breaking Bad can wait, and that it will still be there when you're done.
I keep looking at self-improvement articles like I did in the past. There's a difference this time though. While last time I actually wanted to change (like at start of a new term or with exams coming up, I'd want to get more disciplined and stuff like that), this time I feel like I either don't want to change the way I'm living right now or I'm way too scared of moving forward.

I should be looking for my first job or internship right now, but my days can be resumed to reading books, internet, watching TV shows and anime, with the occasional workout at the gym and dinner out. But when I start reading something like "Ok, now get your pen and do a to do list" or "Do something right now that you've been putting off", I feel like "woah woah not so fast, I gotta watch another episode of Breaking Bad before I get on that...".

So... any advice on how to get out of this situation?

Not intending to sound rude, but there's no magic trick. You simply have to decide what your priorities are and then take care of them before you can sit down and do less productive or unnecessary things. Speaking from personal experience, I am a huge procrastinator - or, was, because I've improved a lot, but sometimes still struggle with it - and I've found that the only way to be on top of things and not fall into distractions is to force myself to do it, even against my mind's fiercest protestations. I mean, maybe you can try little mental tricks, like "If I fill that paperwork out and send it in by tomorrow morning, I can watch one half hour of television" or something like it, but it still comes down to just doing it :)


Well-known member
^ You can also break large tasks down into smaller steps. That way you're less likely to procrastinate because the smaller steps take little time and effort to complete (well, in comparison to the original task anyway).
I tried my walnut oil over strawberries and baby spinach today and the crazy thing is, it was almost like eating strawberries and cream (and... spinach). The fat of the walnut oil had the same feel as in cream, minus the sweetness from the lactose. It was very tasty. I really love that oil, wish I had known of it before.


Well-known member
I tried my walnut oil over strawberries and baby spinach today and the crazy thing is, it was almost like eating strawberries and cream (and... spinach). The fat of the walnut oil had the same feel as in cream, minus the sweetness from the lactose. It was very tasty. I really love that oil, wish I had known of it before.

I am huge into coconut oil myself. I will have to try walnut oil sometime. I feel the same about coconut oil-wish I would have know about it a long time ago. :) I have been making my own facial moisturizer with it and I love it. I use it on my hair, skin, and eat it all the time now. Makes me feel really great and is so good for ya.

here's 101 used for it ♥ it!


Well-known member
I have bananas, extra caramel dipping sauce from apples, and the need to combine these in a way more creative than just dipping...


Well-known member
I have bananas, extra caramel dipping sauce from apples, and the need to combine these in a way more creative than just dipping...
^ Fry the bananas in a bit of oil (whichever you prefer, I'd probably use coconut oil) to get them browned a little and then make a milky caramel sauce to drizzle over them by melting down the caramel slowly and then adding milk (maybe even some vanilla) and letting it simmer for a little...? Maybe add some spices to it (cinnamon, nutmeg, etc.) to add something a little extra....? I'm not sure if you were looking for ideas, but those jumped in my head when I saw your post.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Having had this link pointed out to me,it makes me appreciate just how sexist society can be at times.

Ah know... that last ad is ironic, though. I mean there all bad. But just when you consider the tag line is "The first thing I noticed was her Big Mouth" and it's a just a shot of a woman in a yellow bikini from the neck down. Sexism toward both genders, there, if ye ask me.

You know what, we can iron out these details later on, along with my shirts.

Nae idea why this made me chuckle, but it did. :bigsmile:


Well-known member
I'm ok. Content. Just took a long bath, with two large candles lighting the bathroom, and pondered about what the youth of my pen&paper rpg character could have been like.

Tomorrow I'll go to the video evening. While my best friend won't be there, other good friends will be there, and one will bring cake. :)

I'm also getting used to the people at work.

I think I'll now make dinner for me. I'll probably take apart some broccoli and slice some cabbage turnip, and fry it with some ginger in a bit of oil, before adding water and soy sauce. And I think I'll make some curry raice with that. :)
Turtles and food, and a whole of bunch of socially anxious people. Have you ever gone to a party just ready to leave all that SA behind and end up being the most awkward **** a person can find in the radius of two countries?


Well-known member
^ Fry the bananas in a bit of oil (whichever you prefer, I'd probably use coconut oil) to get them browned a little and then make a milky caramel sauce to drizzle over them by melting down the caramel slowly and then adding milk (maybe even some vanilla) and letting it simmer for a little...? Maybe add some spices to it (cinnamon, nutmeg, etc.) to add something a little extra....? I'm not sure if you were looking for ideas, but those jumped in my head when I saw your post.

This sounds like a good snack for tomorrow. Tonight, it's Sriracha on everything!