Went to the swimming hall today with a friend who I haven't seen for quite a while. It was nice. The swimming hall was pretty empty. The largest pool had maybe four other people in it, and the large outdoor saltwater whirlpool thingy was at times completely empty except for us. She said that she had been very stressed the last few weeks, but now she is relaxed and very happy to be there with me. So, that was nice.
I ordered a while ago some plants on the internet for a large flower box for my balcony. The package with the plants had written on it "warning / plants / living plants / fragile / glass / deliver to recipient personally only", plus additional "top" writings and arrows pointing there. The delivery service didn't deliver it directly to me. They were too lazy to walk up the four floors, and thought it would take too long to tell me to come down, so they just put a note in my box claiming that I wasn't there, and I could fetch the package from a nearby post office. When I went there and the woman at the counter was fetching the package, she kept turning it like this and that to find some stamps or whatever, completely ignoring any warning signs whatsoever written on the package.