It seems like at times I approach things the wrong way. Sometimes I think about the type of person I want to be, and then others I think about the type of person I don't want to be instead. Having an idea of who you do or don't want to be is good, but only when looked at productively. Thinking "I want to exibiet qualities A, B, and C and steer clear of acting like X, Y, and Z, by doing this that and the other" is perfect. But I find a lot of times it's not so productive. It's more like "I don't want to be like I am, however that is, and how I used to be, however that was" without knowing what I am know and want to change, or how I once was that I want to strive too. And above all, I don't look for any methods that will help me get there, it's like a wish that I hope will magically come true if I complain to myself enough. Things like this don't solve themselves on their own, I need to approach them as such. Figure out what I want and how to really get to it. Trial and error, observation, the archives of my mind.