Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

It's kind of gratifying (and maybe a tad bit spiteful) to see so many of my former classmates ballooning to larger and larger sizes while I'm the fittest I've ever been.

Not to mention I don't have a baby.



Well-known member
7% of Americans drink NO water each day (besides the water in soda, coffee, etc. possibly). That's almost 1 in 10! And 36% drink less than 4 cups.

I don't do the whole 8 glasses a day thing because there is no evidence to support we need that much, and even if there was I wouldn't care. It's a bit overkill. I just try to drink it when I wake up, with every meal, and a little between meals.

Anyway I think I write about health stuff too often on here. It's a strong interest of mine but maybe I should lay off for a while :shyness:
I reckon that statistic is true for Australians, too. Not drinking any water is really crazy. When I complete a gym workout, I'm not looking for a cup of coffee or chocolate milk - I want water.

what about Europe, Japan, India, and China? :idontknow:
Wow, India is more illuminated that I thought it would be. Australia has tiny patches of light, and nothing for the most part inland. Stupid desert. ::p:


Well-known member
I dropped my iPod today, and now the screen doesn't work. Now I have to purchase a new one and there goes money. And yes, it's a staple in my life. ::p:


Well-known member
If you manage not to catatrophize, but the catastrophe occurs, does that mean that not catastrophizing is not the right thing to do (?) No, because that is arguing from the specific to the general.


Well-known member
After 3 years without playing basketball, I got to "play" a bit today.

I finally went to the street court that I had found on google maps. When I arrived there I noticed that the post was way too short. Even I could perform a standing dunk there and I'm only 165cm tall (5'5 I think). Anyway, it was obviously empty so I just started throwing the ball from the middle of the court, I had already spent 20 minutes getting there so I might as well do something. The post was a bit loose so everytime I hit the board from a bad angle it would turn to the side. I couldn't do layups (which is my main shot) since it was way too short.

After 20 minutes I left, it was getting hot and I still had a 20 minute walk back home under the sun.

I feel good for finally getting the courage to go all the way out there by myself. Also feel good for having played a bit of basketball. But I guess I'll have to find myself another spot.


Well-known member
I know some people who did that with a budget between 3000 and 5000$. They travelled longer than 44 days though, and they certainly didn't take the plane 18 times.

Really? Not that I can afford it atm, but that's much more cheaper than what I had in mind... specially if they got to stay at acceptable hotels.:thinking:


Well-known member
God I hate reading youtube comments and watching youtube vídeos,it reminds me that I actually live around people like this,its unbelievable,yet I can stop watching and reading.


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Well I still have some hope left in regard to love, after spending some time with my cousin (she's my dentist) I realised she's pretty much the sort of woman I'm looking for. I'm not saying I'm in love with my cousin, but it gives me hope knowing there's actually someone like that out there.


Well-known member
wow just watched oldboy after hearing about it for years,its one of those movies that you never forget,the villain must be the sickest one that I have ever seen........
I'm getting back into baking. I haven't baked anything that wasn't store bought for years. I really missed being wrist deep in dough.

I think I'm gonna get some flower and eggs for a cake this Saturday.


Well-known member
please go home so i can leave my bedroom.

I know that feeling all too well. Right now I'm avoiding leaving my bedroom because my mum called me, I went to the living room as she is talking to some uncles via skype I don't want to talk to, since she ignored me I fled back to my room and I'll wait until she calls me again, which is probably after talking to them.
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