Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
My technical knowledge sucks..downloaded a song with a format thats highly obsucure i think( wma) and now no media player installed runs that song..have been trying to figure out how to make it work takes me further into the realm of unfathomable technical world.

i think i have wasted enough time on this , i know i can only use internet ..why do i even attempt to solve these problems.

Windows media player should be able to play that.
You can try converting it to mp3 or other type, but I don't know any trustworthy program/website that can do that for you. The program I use is not exactly a converter and can be a bit complicated to use the first times.


Well-known member
Sweet jebas, I'm living in hell. How could I forget how much I actually hate this holiday? Maybe it wouldn't be half as bad if I didn't live next to a douchebag of a neighbor. I thought him and his family were away for the holiday, but it looks like they came back today with the rest of their family or something. They will not stop riding back and forth past the house with their stupid 4x4 and golf cart, both of which he basically rigged to be loud as hell. (I honestly cannot even hear the tv, which is right next to my head.) :veryangry: The idiot already broke his neck this last winter in a snowmobile accident riding so wrecklessly (it's a wonder he wasn't paralyzed), and now I see him showing off on his 4x4, whipping it off the road and into his own yard. Ugh, stupid **** never has any respect for anyone, including himself. :thumbdown:

Edit: J-e-r-k is censored? Really? The censoring on this site, hehe.


Well-known member
I'm not really feelin' the 4th this year. I don't feel very holiday spirity, or patriotic for that matter. I haven't felt patriotic for a long time, though. It's kind of hard to be these days.

I celebrate what this country used to be, but not what it's become (although even in our history you have to overlook things like slavery, racism, etc. Nothing's ever ideal is it :/ ). I still appreciate the freedoms we have and the relative prosperity, but there's so much corruption...
There's corruption in every country, really. Even in sunny Australia. Are you wanting to move out of America or are you just not too bothered about being in it?

I dislike Australia Day because we have to get together with unknown family members. However I like the day because it celebrates who we are. I really like my country and I enjoy the freedoms, privileges, and wealth we have. I celebrate that day every day by having a roof over my head, food in my stomach, and clean, running water every day. :)


Well-known member
I'm going to Sydney shortly! Excited for the gig I'm seeing but nervous for eating alone. Never done that in the city before. Plus there's a good chance I'm going to get lost. ::p:

"Be afraid but do it anyway."


Well-known member
I'm going to Sydney shortly! Excited for the gig I'm seeing but nervous for eating alone. Never done that in the city before. Plus there's a good chance I'm going to get lost. ::p:

"Be afraid but do it anyway."

Even eating alone, I'm certain you're going to have a blast!


I was feeling better for a while. Truly was. Then I had the genius idea of suggesting to my boss that maybe I should train to be a server. Thought I was socially ready for this step.
Training day proved to me that this might not have been the best idea I've ever had. Bartending at least has the safety feature of, well, a bar between me and the costumers.
Oh well. I will overcome this.


Well-known member
Looks like I'm not going to have to try too hard in my last two exams since I pretty much guaranteed my average with the rest of the exams I had this semester. It's good because it takes pressure off me, but on the other hand I might get too complacent and I'll get less motivation to study. It's impossible to raise my average at this point so I can't find a goal that motivates me.


Well-known member
I'm going to Sydney shortly! Excited for the gig I'm seeing but nervous for eating alone. Never done that in the city before. Plus there's a good chance I'm going to get lost. ::p:

"Be afraid but do it anyway."

Plenty of places to eat MikeyC. Last time I was there I bought fish and chips and ate it near Circulay Quay watching the ferries come into dock.


Well-known member
I'm going to Sydney shortly! Excited for the gig I'm seeing but nervous for eating alone. Never done that in the city before. Plus there's a good chance I'm going to get lost. ::p:

"Be afraid but do it anyway."
^ Getting lost is part of the adventure! Or at least it is when you have time to kill. Have fun buddy! :thumbup:


not actually Fiona Apple
Shaving in extremely humid 90 degree weather is one of the most frustratingly painful experiences I have come to know in my short 21 years here on earth.


Well-known member
Hula hooping looks real fun. I should try it, maybe even sign up for a class, as some of them are about as cheap as belly dancing classes.


Well-known member
Even eating alone, I'm certain you're going to have a blast!

Plenty of places to eat MikeyC. Last time I was there I bought fish and chips and ate it near Circulay Quay watching the ferries come into dock.

^ Getting lost is part of the adventure! Or at least it is when you have time to kill. Have fun buddy! :thumbup:
Thanks, everyone! I did have fun and I absolutely, totally did get lost. I ate a delicious meal at Cockle Bay, then a delicious dessert, then drove to the gig, then drove home. Well worth it in the end as I had a lot of fun. :)

The restaurant I ate at had waiters in suits. A little too posh for me. :bigsmile:


Well-known member
After months of showering in the morning, I've taken one at night. Now I just have to find ways to make sure my hair isn't flat in the morning from sleeping on it.


Well-known member
I just got back from dinner with my best friend. I hadn't seen him in any real capacity for over a week, so it was good to catch up.

I have noticed that our friendship is skewed in his favour quite a lot. I suggested a restaurant because I hadn't been there in a while, but he didn't want to go there, so we didn't. We do a lot of things he likes, but not many things I enjoy. And so forth in that pattern.

I believe this has come from years and years of disrespecting myself and always being a doormat to him. I don't even believe he realises what he's doing, to be honest.

While I may be just now learning to respect myself and become a better person, I fear the damage has already been done with him.


Well-known member
The Lions roared tonight.



Well-known member
I have been feeling so inferior . Almost in everything. I never had much confidence. Now that every person i have known is doing something with thier life..i feel i just sit and do nothing. I want so much to change my situation.

My career is nothing. From the start i never knew what i wanted to do. Dont know why took up humanities, it would have been better to take something that could have given me some job or something in which i could use my creativity(if i have any) or some technical field.
These thoughts just torture me. I cannot bring back past years..cannot choose anymore. But my school mates ( with whom i went to school) doing great , having career..makes me feel ahhh.

I dont wanna end up like ..sucked in a job that i would hate.