Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
There's this girl that had a few classes with me last semester that I really fancy. We made eye contact a few times but nothing more. Well, the semester is almost over for me (already over for some of my friends), and I only have two exams left to do (on the 12th and 15th). There's a chance that this girl will do the one on the 15th but I can't be sure.

Well, after those two exams I finish my degree. I'll never see her again in my life most likely. I'll be going to the faculty during the week to study for those exams. I was considering sending her a message on facebook telling her that I'll be there and that if she's nearby, I'd like to see her. I haven't done that though because I think it sounds pretty weird, awkward and creepy. I don't want to ask her out either because I wouldn't know where to take a girl for a date, and also because I need to study for those exams and she probably needs to study as well.

Any suggestions on how I should approach this?


Well-known member
Wondering what to do for the day... No one to hang with - they're all at work or thousands of kilometres away - so I went cruising by myself last night haha but that's cool. Mm maybe a Simpsons marathon in the morning and working out sometime in the afternoon... boring. First World Problems.


Well-known member
I'm soooo sick of waking up with headaches :(. This is the third day in a row now and it just won't go away...
Perhaps see a doctor if they're not going away.

I had to print my resume in navy blue because my printer is out of black ink. How unprofessional is that... :kickingmyself:

ETA: It actually doesn't look awful, but, yeah. Not cool.
It means yours will stand out. :D

There's this girl that had a few classes with me last semester that I really fancy. We made eye contact a few times but nothing more. Well, the semester is almost over for me (already over for some of my friends), and I only have two exams left to do (on the 12th and 15th). There's a chance that this girl will do the one on the 15th but I can't be sure.

Well, after those two exams I finish my degree. I'll never see her again in my life most likely. I'll be going to the faculty during the week to study for those exams. I was considering sending her a message on facebook telling her that I'll be there and that if she's nearby, I'd like to see her. I haven't done that though because I think it sounds pretty weird, awkward and creepy. I don't want to ask her out either because I wouldn't know where to take a girl for a date, and also because I need to study for those exams and she probably needs to study as well.

Any suggestions on how I should approach this?
If you're not going to see her any more, go for broke. Write your name and number on a piece of paper, and hand it to her when you see her. You can then walk away and then it's totally up to her if she wants to call you. You either never see her again, which is going to happen anyway if you don't give her your number, or you get in contact with her and something could blossom.

Nothing to lose, everything to gain! Good luck! :thumbup:


Well-known member
Wondering what to do for the day... No one to hang with - they're all at work or thousands of kilometres away - so I went cruising by myself last night haha but that's cool. Mm maybe a Simpsons marathon in the morning and working out sometime in the afternoon... boring. First World Problems.
*clears throat* Some of us are relatively nearby! ;)

Cruising on your own is great. I do that sometimes. :D I hope you had fun.


Any suggestions on how I should approach this?

The cold approach (as in approaching someone you don't even know) takes guts... I've never been able to do it. You sort of need to be super confident about it.

If you can actually do this and you're just looking for advice on what to do, I think the best way to do this is to have something planned out in advance and then ask her if she wants to come along... if there's an exhibition at a museum or something that's ideal because it makes you seem cultured and it will hopefully give you something to talk about while you're there.


Well-known member
I don't know why, but even just looking for potential work online, even when I'm talking to nobody and just browsing, gives me anxiety.

I'll have to try to work out why this is.


Well-known member
The neighbors are setting off fireworks tonight. My dog just came charging into my room freaked out and covered in those little green fuzzy burr things and is now laying under my feet. Thankfully they're not embedded, but poor girl must've just ran outside and hid wherever she could. :sad: I just saw her in the kitchen, I thought the back door was shut, but I guess it was still left open from earlier.

I don't mind fireworks usually, but I hate hearing them when I'm home and seeing my dog cowering the entire time.


Well-known member
I don't know why, but even just looking for potential work online, even when I'm talking to nobody and just browsing, gives me anxiety.

I'll have to try to work out why this is.

It used to scare me so much. Then I was legally forced to find a job, and it was kinda like jumping off a really high diving board... I kinda just sat there and laughed as I sent applications away, as it was naturally terrifying but there was no way around it. 150 or so later, I finally landed a job and the bonus was overcoming this fear :)


Well-known member
It used to scare me so much. Then I was legally forced to find a job, and it was kinda like jumping off a really high diving board... I kinda just sat there and laughed as I sent applications away, as it was naturally terrifying but there was no way around it. 150 or so later, I finally landed a job and the bonus was overcoming this fear :)
That's great! :thumbup: Well done. I actually imagined you laughing maniacally as you tossed applications to people. ::p:

I have a phone number and an email I can contact for more information, which I do need. Obviously I would prefer email. :bigsmile:


Well-known member
That's great! :thumbup: Well done. I actually imagined you laughing maniacally as you tossed applications to people. ::p:

I have a phone number and an email I can contact for more information, which I do need. Obviously I would prefer email.

Haha well laughing was strictly for online applications ;)
Yeah I had the same thing with the phone... I was hoping for email responses. But I turned the phone thing into a game as well... practised ringing up random people with questions, i.e. bill people or some random hobby I might be interested in finding out more about like scuba diving and asked them stuff. Even pretended to be interested in buying a car once.
Lol I sound like a crazy person, but desperate times call for desperate measures right... and it helped me overcome some anxiety :thumbup:


It used to scare me so much. Then I was legally forced to find a job, and it was kinda like jumping off a really high diving board... I kinda just sat there and laughed as I sent applications away, as it was naturally terrifying but there was no way around it. 150 or so later, I finally landed a job and the bonus was overcoming this fear :)

This is something I think that everyone should be aiming for. 150 applications is a LOT and it's hard for anyone to get a job just from cold calling, let alone someone with SA. A lot of normal people would have just given up in that situation.

Maybe it's good that you were legally forced to find a job... sometimes your worst enemy is yourself, and if people accommodate you too much then you're just going to keep on beating yourself up.

Anyways, many congrats!


Well-known member
So today I finally finished up a group project. I was team leader and submitted everything for everybody. Communication was weird. My team members were thanking me, do I say "You're welcome?" Honestly, I wasn't as keen to be team leader but because I was probably the only one who didn't work in the group, I volunteered to make it easy for everyone else. I didn't say "you're welcome" but I did wish everyone a happy 4th of july which I hope will make up for it.
The neighbors are setting off fireworks tonight. My dog just came charging into my room freaked out and covered in those little green fuzzy burr things and is now laying under my feet. Thankfully they're not embedded, but poor girl must've just ran outside and hid wherever she could. :sad: I just saw her in the kitchen, I thought the back door was shut, but I guess it was still left open from earlier.

I don't mind fireworks usually, but I hate hearing them when I'm home and seeing my dog cowering the entire time.

My cat is scared. My neighbors decided to see who could be the loudest with their fireworks. Mercifully, they have called it a night.


Well-known member
This is something I think that everyone should be aiming for. 150 applications is a LOT and it's hard for anyone to get a job just from cold calling, let alone someone with SA. A lot of normal people would have just given up in that situation.

Maybe it's good that you were legally forced to find a job... sometimes your worst enemy is yourself, and if people accommodate you too much then you're just going to keep on beating yourself up.

Anyways, many congrats!

Thanks :) It was incredibly disheartening at times, rejection after rejection, but it'd be great if anyone else in the same boat and having to deal with sp as well could know never to give up, because statistically you're bound to land something eventually. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. :)
Re: heads

I'm soooo sick of waking up with headaches :(. This is the third day in a row now and it just won't go away...

Uh oh. Is there any reason you know of that could be causing them? Otherwise it sounds like it could be cluster headaches or just plain migraines. Definitely see a doctor.

I noticed that during the summer months my migraines happen more frequently. I'm just really sensitive to heat I guess.
I'm not really feelin' the 4th this year. I don't feel very holiday spirity, or patriotic for that matter. I haven't felt patriotic for a long time, though. It's kind of hard to be these days.

I celebrate what this country used to be, but not what it's become (although even in our history you have to overlook things like slavery, racism, etc. Nothing's ever ideal is it :/ ). I still appreciate the freedoms we have and the relative prosperity, but there's so much corruption...


Well-known member
I'm not really feelin' the 4th this year. I don't feel very holiday spirity, or patriotic for that matter. I haven't felt patriotic for a long time, though. It's kind of hard to be these days.

I celebrate what this country used to be, but not what it's become (although even in our history you have to overlook things like slavery, racism, etc. Nothing's ever ideal is it :/ ). I still appreciate the freedoms we have and the relative prosperity, but there's so much corruption...

Hmm History is complex:eek:mg: as is the present.
Always thought USA was not much corrupt:idontknow: but how can i know.


Well-known member
My technical knowledge sucks..downloaded a song with a format thats highly obsucure i think( wma) and now no media player installed runs that song..have been trying to figure out how to make it work takes me further into the realm of unfathomable technical world.

i think i have wasted enough time on this , i know i can only use internet ..why do i even attempt to solve these problems.
I'm not really feelin' the 4th this year. I don't feel very holiday spirity, or patriotic for that matter. I haven't felt patriotic for a long time, though. It's kind of hard to be these days.

I celebrate what this country used to be, but not what it's become (although even in our history you have to overlook things like slavery, racism, etc. Nothing's ever ideal is it :/ ). I still appreciate the freedoms we have and the relative prosperity, but there's so much corruption...

I've never really felt patriotic in that sense. I just choose to celebrate what our Founding Fathers (and Mothers!) did to create such a nation (though things have gone awry ever since), the soldiers who have fought to protect it, and pretty fireworks. :thumbup: I'm not all "USA! USA!"