Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I heard one of the staff at Woolies say he's been in three times today. I only use the supermarket because it has an auto teller and sells Pepsi Max. Annoys me that staff that I don't even want to know or be served by are judging me. I've started going to Coles more often, they also have an auto teller and the staff don't seem to notice me there.

Yeah, get better, mate. That can do some crazy things to you.

Yeah, it's terribly destructive.. I really should wear cloves using that stuff. :X

I hope the affect of the strong chemicals does not last too long for you puma
I suggest chocolate! chocolate fixes everything.:thumbup: ;)

Yeah, it does. ;)

Except bridges, though.. I'm sceptical about chocolate's structural strength. ::p:


Well-known member
There was a letter from Bill Posters in the Sydney Morning Herald today. It is surprising he is not too paranoid to do that given all the signs "Billposters will be prosecuted".


I wish human body was constructed only to be able to take certain amount of depression, once it got past the amount it would automatically die.
I wish human body was constructed only to be able to take certain amount of depression, once it got past the amount it would automatically die.

That would be nice, wouldn't it? Although I think I'd opt for just shutting down for a while rather than dying.
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There was a letter from Bill Posters in the Sydney Morning Herald today. It is surprising he is not too paranoid to do that given all the signs "Billposters will be prosecuted".

I get the joke but I don't know what a bill poster is o_O

I wish human body was constructed only to be able to take certain amount of depression, once it got past the amount it would automatically die.

:( I'm sorry Lea. Come live with me! My family is far from perfect, but at least you wouldn't have to live with someone always on your case.


Well-known member
There was a letter from Bill Posters in the Sydney Morning Herald today. It is surprising he is not too paranoid to do that given all the signs "Billposters will be prosecuted".
I always want to write, "what did Bill Posters do wrong?" every time I see that. :)


Well-known member
I fooled myself into thinking I had made more progress than I really have. I fooled myself into thinking that getting away from my family for a week and spending time with people in another state would free me from my problems, temporarily at least. My eyes have been opened to how deep, how strong of a hold things have on me.