Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I like being tall,But people pointing out my height and making a big deal about it makes me more anxious than most things.
I don't know why.


Well-known member
I like being tall,But people pointing out my height and making a big deal about it makes me more anxious than most things.
I don't know why.
Yeah, like people saying, "wow, you're tall! That must be so cool! I wish I was that tall! Do you like being tall?" I guess it puts the spotlight on you when you don't want it to be.

For the record, I wish I was taller. :ironicsmile:


Well-known member
I think Mikey has come up with a brand new word game for us. And about time too, that other word game was becoming a bit to stale for my liking. A good title would be " Guess The Profanity".

Why is the word "******" filtered? It never used to be. :thinking:

Let's see now, 6 letters, ummm, I think it starts with an F, no wait, can't be that, or maybe it's a B. I'm going to need more time to work this one out.


Well-known member
I think Mikey has come up with a brand new word game for us. And about time too, that other word game was becoming a bit to stale for my liking. A good title would be " Guess The Profanity".
I was going to say just quote it and it'll come up, but it doesn't. This'll be my secret. :mad:
^ Lol

I am beginning to realize that my father not wanting anything to do with me might have more of an influence to my anxiety then I thought.:thinking:


Well-known member
Damn it, my mum caught me singing... on top of that I was singing some japanese song. Hopefully she won't recognise the language. I hope she doesn't make a fuss out of this but I can't see that happening.

This is why I want to live alone.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Damn it, my mum caught me singing... on top of that I was singing some japanese song. Hopefully she won't recognise the language. I hope she doesn't make a fuss out of this but I can't see that happening.

This is why I want to live alone.

And gettin' caught singing by yer mum is bad? Why would yer mum make a fuss about it? :idontknow:

Other than being embarrassed, slightly, ah don't see an issue with being caught singing. (Unless yer really bad at it, like me) :giggle: That said, ah get self-conscious if am overheard playin' ma guitar and my mum mentions it, for some reason? Even if it's a complimentary remark. Maybe am too modest about ma guitar playin' talent? :shyness:


Well-known member
And gettin' caught singing by yer mum is bad? Why would yer mum make a fuss about it? :idontknow:

Other than being embarrassed, slightly, ah don't see an issue with being caught singing. (Unless yer really bad at it, like me) :giggle: That said, ah get self-conscious if am overheard playin' ma guitar and my mum mentions it, for some reason? Even if it's a complimentary remark. Maybe am too modest about ma guitar playin' talent? :shyness:

Well, no one really knows what sort of music I listen too (I find it too embarrassing to share, they probably think it's some other reason). And getting caught by her is bad because of her personality. I can see her bringing it up during dinner so I'll just be mocked by my parents and my sister.


Well-known member
The day turns out to be an okay one finally. Caught with two of my friends amidst a stupid romantic flick was not something i enjoyed(they enjoyed it) but at least i was not alone and bored.

I think i m different from others..i have my own way and i must learn to love myself for it. I m not bound to enjoy a movie ..if i dont believe in something that a majority does nothing is wrong with me. I m a person and i have as much right to think what i like.

i feel many times that i m wierd but thats not the case i just happen to have a different thinking.

Other than that i did house work today , was more or less busy. Thats a good thing ..i dont want internet to take over my life. Its useless to find solutions online it only makes me addictive.
I can help myelf.


Well-known member
Having trouble getting out of bed today....went to a social event last night and now I'm in the ****yzing everything I said and did phase. I'm exhausted. Plus doc upped dosage on my antidepressant and feeling horrible side effects, nausea, blurred vision, tired, just feel foggy like I'm on drugs.


Well-known member
God forbid I complain about not having any friends, because it's totally all my fault that I don't have any. I'm just not trying hard enough to make them. /sarcasm


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Well, no one really knows what sort of music I listen too (I find it too embarrassing to share, they probably think it's some other reason). And getting caught by her is bad because of her personality. I can see her bringing it up during dinner so I'll just be mocked by my parents and my sister.

Awright, ah see what ya mean.... ah get that as well from ma family as well, regardin' ma musical tastes. Yer definitely not alone, there. Ma cousin recently said ah was "weird" for likin' Canadian progressive rock trio Rush. Aye, it's weird tae huv a varied taste in music, isn't it? So ah know how ya feel and am no just sayin' that.