Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
They interviewed Maggie Smith on 60 Minutes. She said her life seems pointless after losing her spouse. I didn't expect to have something like that in common with her.


Well-known member
Having trouble getting out of bed today....went to a social event last night and now I'm in the ****yzing everything I said and did phase. I'm exhausted. Plus doc upped dosage on my antidepressant and feeling horrible side effects, nausea, blurred vision, tired, just feel foggy like I'm on drugs.

I like how **** got bleeped out.


Well-known member
I like how **** got bleeped out.

I can not tell which word you are referring to, since it has been filtered out. It could be one that should have been filtered out a long time ago (assuming it is not the same one). It is not obviously offensive, having a benign meaning, but when used metaphorically it really is, as can be seen if you look at the full expression it comes from.


Well-known member
**** retentive.



mmmm.... I think there is some inconsistency in censoring. We have two proper descriptions of said body part. However the colloquial name for it, often a denigration of character, and possibly more offensive, is not censored.

which other body parts are bleeped out?

testing 1,2, 3, 4
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Well-known member
Cumberland Oval. Were the Eels used to play.

I've had that censored on one site I visited

***berland Oval ;)

That's naught isn't it?
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I have this picture tiled all over my desktop. It's wonderful and painful at the same time.


  • tumblr_mhe9bci7kG1qj2fojo1_500.jpg
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Well-known member
I spent an 1.5 hours searching for the lowest priced etextbook on the Internet. wtf?!?! It feels like OCD. I couldn't help myself. I must have went to Amazon at least 5 times to search for the same textbook. And I had to triple check the price of the textbook on different sites. A part of me was telling me to quit it and just pick one, but I was stubborn. I kept searching and going to the same websites over again, all to compare prices for a textbook! Talk about low efficiency. I feel like an idiot. Next time I'll spend 20 minutes for searching and buying a textbook.