Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Pirate from the North Pole
^Another 20 mins? Haven't you chosen one yet? :p

My face is stuck like this :sad:
I don't feel that unhappy, it's just stuck there


Well-known member
My face is stuck like this :sad:
I don't feel that unhappy, it's just stuck there

try putting a pencil between your teeth and keeping it there for a few minutes

it forces your mouth into a smile, and the "i'm smiling" signal is sent to your brain releasing the requisite hormones/endorphins that accompany smiling

the more you do it, the more you'll get used to smiling, and the better you'll feel, too



Pirate from the North Pole
try putting a pencil between your teeth and keeping it there for a few minutes

it forces your mouth into a smile, and the "i'm smiling" signal is sent to your brain releasing the requisite hormones/endorphins that accompany smiling

the more you do it, the more you'll get used to smiling, and the better you'll feel, too


Are you serious? Because I'm certainly stupid enough to try that


Well-known member
What the shit is going on with the swear filter?

In other profanity-less news, I have now levelled up to "Leather Wallet". No change pocket is annoying, but I'll survive.


Well-known member
The girl I fancy sat right in front of me in a class today. Given the room layout I could clearly see her notebook from my seat (the seats are pretty close to each other and my row is slightly above hers).
I thought I had seen a typo there in one of the things she copied from the blackboard, since I didn't want her to have wrong things in her notebook and since I also wanted an excuse to talk to her, at the end of the class I told her about it. Turns out she was aware of it though.
I hope it didn't make me look creepy for looking at her notebook.

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Well-known member
I never thought of coconut as a nut (maybe because the portuguese name is just coco and it doesn't resemble a nut at all). But according to the wikipedia article it must be a common mistake since they clearly specify there that it isn't a nut.