Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Ah wonder... does a seemingly ironic yet racist joke become racist when it stops being funny? :thinking: Not that it was that funny tae begin with... Am gettin' really sick o' the "Ha! You look like a ________ <-- insert Post 9/11 Middle Eastern stereotype here" :kickingmyself:

How original! Eh?! Last time ah heard that kinda joke, ah was 5 years auld. How aul' are you - over 40? F**kin' hell. Ah mean am all for the never grow up mentality but some f**kers just take it too far!

Ah cannae remember what ma point was noo, am just sayin' stuff fur laughs noo. :bigsmile: It's funny typin' stuff oot in the Scottish dialect, even funnier when naebody understands whatthef**kyersayin' :sarcastic:


Well-known member
^ It puzzles me how some people in here expect other forum users to be perfect humans. :question:
Keep in mind everyone one in here has faults, including you.

I second this. No one's perfect and the only rules that should be adhered to are the ones set by the mods(not by other users). People come here to practice expressing their opinions (supposedly without feeling judged). I think everyone should feel free to express their opinions anyway they like.


not actually Fiona Apple
For a lot of things I can be more laid back but then there are a lot of fairly insignificant things that I'm anal and particular and makes me neurotic. Like, I was set to make a post. The post was going to have a video, but I couldn't figure out how to make the video embedded (like with the youtube screen in the post) and just hate having the links. I could get it to work with other videos, but not this one. So it feels like having to pick between a rock and a hard place, or between not posting something I want and posting something that I don't want to because of the post style. What a sane person would think is "it's not a big deal, what difference does it make" but a vj's mind makes it feel like an impossible situation, because things need to be a certain way. :kickingmyself:


Well-known member
Sometimes I wonder if my mum is trying to undermine my confidence so I keep living here instead of moving out.

At the end of this year both my sister and I (twins) will end our bachelor's and we want to move out. If we do, our mum will live alone with our grandma. I think my mum would feel pretty lonely because my grandma doesn't do much these days and her conversations with her are dull and quick. She's not someone with whom you can share your problems I guess.

My sister wants to go to the Netherlands. She has always been outgoing and fairly independent (except when it comes to money but she's working on that now) so it's hard to tie her down.

But I've always been the one who spends most days at home and I don't know how to cook. I want to live on my own, I really dislike having other people in the other side of the wall who can hear every single breath I take. At least for this part of my life, I never tried living alone so I can't say for sure that I prefer it.

Anyway, I feel bad for leaving her alone but I can't let that get to me. My mum went through something similar when dealing with my grandma and I can see how destructive that is for my mum's life. Both I but especially my mum have to hold back on important things because she's here.


Pirate from the North Pole
How is it that every f****** year, I make sure I put all my tax papers at the same place, but when the time comes to do my taxes, I can't find ANY of these papers, I can't figure out how to send the tax report, and there is always codes and passwords that I don't have and that I need to have access to the website where I have to go to send the report, am I completely retarded? That must be it.


Well-known member
Okay, so technically my tuition being paid wasn't official before... there was a small chance it wouldn't happen. But I've received the news today that IT'S BEEN APPROVED AND IT WILL BE PAID THIS FRIDAY!!! :D *freaking. out.*


I'm hyperventilating. Might pass out. I'm going to collegecollegecollegecollegecollegecollge I'mfreeI'mfreeI'mfreeI'mfreeI'mfreeI'MFREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

College. Me. This fall. No 30-hour job necessary (I can settle for 15 hours without trouble!). Future. Bright. Get SA therapy starting this summer. Save money. Go to college this FALL.

I feel like I've just found land after being adrift at sea for... months. Like Pi. I read that book twice, you know. Maybe three times.

Thats awesome :D Congrats! :applause:
I cant wait to be so rich i can pay someone to clean for me..

If we lived a bit closer, I would clean for you. I love cleaning!

Okay, so technically my tuition being paid wasn't official before... there was a small chance it wouldn't happen. But I've received the news today that IT'S BEEN APPROVED AND IT WILL BE PAID THIS FRIDAY!!! :D *freaking. out.*


I'm hyperventilating. Might pass out. I'm going to collegecollegecollegecollegecollegecollge I'mfreeI'mfreeI'mfreeI'mfreeI'mfreeI'MFREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

College. Me. This fall. No 30-hour job necessary (I can settle for 15 hours without trouble!). Future. Bright. Get SA therapy starting this summer. Save money. Go to college this FALL.

I feel like I've just found land after being adrift at sea for... months. Like Pi. I read that book twice, you know. Maybe three times.

YAY! :thumbup:

^ It puzzles me how some people in here expect other forum users to be perfect humans. :question:
Keep in mind everyone one in here has faults, including you.

How is it that every f****** year, I make sure I put all my tax papers at the same place, but when the time comes to do my taxes, I can't find ANY of these papers, I can't figure out how to send the tax report, and there is always codes and passwords that I don't have and that I need to have access to the website where I have to go to send the report, am I completely retarded? That must be it.

I am the same ****ing way! I have yet to even start! Cause I know I am missing something despite having placed it all in the same place!


Well-known member
Funny how my courage to be assertive, and not allow the managers to take advantage of me where I volunteer, varies each day.
You think after a while it would become a habit.
Three steps forward, one step back. :sad:
Three steps forward and one step back is still two steps forward. Continue trying to be assertive and you'll get a lot better. :)

Okay, so technically my tuition being paid wasn't official before... there was a small chance it wouldn't happen. But I've received the news today that IT'S BEEN APPROVED AND IT WILL BE PAID THIS FRIDAY!!! :D *freaking. out.*


I'm hyperventilating. Might pass out. I'm going to collegecollegecollegecollegecollegecollge I'mfreeI'mfreeI'mfreeI'mfreeI'mfreeI'MFREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

College. Me. This fall. No 30-hour job necessary (I can settle for 15 hours without trouble!). Future. Bright. Get SA therapy starting this summer. Save money. Go to college this FALL.

I feel like I've just found land after being adrift at sea for... months. Like Pi. I read that book twice, you know. Maybe three times.
Fantastic news! :thumbup:


Well-known member
I want to make Thai green curry, but I have to buy a bunch of ingredients that we don't have, and money is a little tight this pay.

Peanut butter sandwiches it is. :sad:


Well-known member
I'm tired, so tired, but I can't sleep. I'm nodding off at the computer screen, but I don't want to go to bed. I feel alone. I feel bad about myself. I want to be a better person. I just hope it's not too late to change. I've lost my passion. I don't know how I'll get it back. I've made so many mistakes. I don't know how to make up for them all. I've got so many happy memories that make me sad to think about. I want that happiness back.


Well-known member
I'm tired, so tired, but I can't sleep. I'm nodding off at the computer screen, but I don't want to go to bed. I feel alone. I feel bad about myself. I want to be a better person. I just hope it's not too late to change. I've lost my passion. I don't know how I'll get it back. I've made so many mistakes. I don't know how to make up for them all. I've got so many happy memories that make me sad to think about. I want that happiness back.
Its never too late to make changes in your life. Start with small changes to how you go about your day to day life, the flow on effects of those changes might just be what you need to get back on track. :)


Pirate from the North Pole
I am the same ****ing way! I have yet to even start! Cause I know I am missing something despite having placed it all in the same place!

Hahaaha good luck!! I actually found my papers and sent my tax report last night, but it was so fast and easy that I wonder if there is something I missed :question:


Well-known member
I want...more freedom. I want to smash things, to be able to let out anger when I need to, to be able to be a little loud, to be able to things in a non-secretive manner without being uncomfortable and without having to worry about what my family would think. I want to be somewhere else. I want...something else.