Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

Beautiful, Puma! I want to visit the Netherlands so badly. When I finally do get the chance, you'll have to be my tour guide.

That would be a disaster, because I know incredible little about it. :X

''Here's a.. thing. That over there, is another thing. That man to your left is on fire. I don't think he's supposed to be, but I honestly can't be sure. Also, bicycles.''
Well, crap. By trying to link my new phone to my bank account.. I've just blocked all internet access to my bank account.

That'll take a week or two to fix.
For crying out loud.


Well-known member
Last week, I sent an email to a friend admitting to him I have SA, avpd, and other mental problems. I also asked if he could relate to me. It's been a week already, and I have not heard back from him. So I downgraded him from "friend" to "former classmate." I am sick and tired of almost always being the one to initiate contact with him and continuing the friendship. I am the one sending holiday ecards, initiating chat sessions, and doing other stuff to keep in touch. On the other hand, he hasn't done squat to continue the friendship. Sure, he helped me when my car broke down (because I called him) but other than that, he doesn't seem keen on continuing contact with me.

And I'm sick of his friends trying to hook me up with him and putting words in his mouth. They tell me he's "shy", try to come up with possible theories for his behavior, and play romantic songs to try to get me to reconsider. I don't need to hear it from them; I never even ask for their opinion in the first place. My former classmate needs to own up to his actions. Nobody should be taking responsibility for what he did. He ignored me, and that's what happened; maybe he's not interested in the friendship anymore, which is fine by me. What's annoying is his friends who are second-guessing and putting words into his mouth, things that he probably never said. Like I mentioned before, I don't believe anything else until I hear it from him directly.


Well-known member
I've started talking to a new guy off of OKC, and I have to say, it's been a while since I've felt this much of an initial attraction to someone. Hopefully I don't end up disappointed when we meet, but surprisingly, I'm not even thinking of that.


Well-known member
What is it with these people that feel the need to dominate threads? Every time someone posts on that thread, they need to respond with the same points they made on the previous page. Or applaud or smiley to anyone that agrees with them.

And then there's preachy people telling individuals that if they were pure of soul everything would be a gazillion times more enjoyable.

I didn't have an ignore list but over the past couple of days I've decided I'm going to get one.

Hi, and welcome to the forum!* :thumbup:

*Where people are afraid of social interactions for fear of being judged, but are not afraid to judge anyone else who doesn't meet their own expectations.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Ah cannae help feelin' that naebody like me. Cannae even explain why.

Just get this feelin', ye know... :idontknow:
Ah cannae help feelin' that naebody like me. Cannae even explain why.

Just get this feelin', ye know... :idontknow:

I can't speak of any in-depth appreciation because I don't see or know you other then on this site, but I'm rather fond of seeing you here. ;)
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Well-known member
What is it with these people that feel the need to dominate threads? Every time someone posts on that thread, they need to respond with the same points they made on the previous page. Or applaud or smiley to anyone that agrees with them.

Yeah I noticed the same thing. Sometimes I just want to stick to the innocent small-talk threads, because many times when I participate in something more meaningful/substantial, some people quickly express critique of my point of view, as if they were in a political campaign trying to win an arguement.

Hi, and welcome to the forum!* :thumbup:

*Where people are afraid of social interactions for fear of being judged, but are not afraid to judge anyone else who doesn't meet their own expectations.

Haha yeah yeah
Crap. Just realized I need to be somewhere tomorrow, and quite early too. Good thing I didn't go to sleep without checking my calendar. It's a good thing Google syncs theirs through all sorts of devices (and also several time periods and parallel dimensions). It has saved my butt a few times already.
I've renewed this library book 5 times now. 5 TIMES! That must mean I've had it checked out since... at least February, right? Probably before that :eek:

This makes me sad because it just shows me how little time I spend on reading these days. I need to move it up higher on my list of priorities - maybe a half hour each day.


Well-known member
Good still counts! I'm happy for you. :thumbup:
Thank you. :)

Can't be perfect all the time
That's right, and I have to sort of accept that. We didn't have any arguments or anything. I feel this could be a rare time I need to start a thread about something. I must be insane!

That would be a disaster, because I know incredible little about it. :X

''Here's a.. thing. That over there, is another thing. That man to your left is on fire. I don't think he's supposed to be, but I honestly can't be sure. Also, bicycles.''
You know the tour is going well when there's flaming locals.


Well-known member
I cant wait to be so rich i can pay someone to clean for me..

On that note.. i must find a get rich quick scheme that actually works, with no unfortunate or bad consequences.. Any suggestions? ;) (preferably work light if working must be required)


Well-known member
"Why do you want to work here"
Is such an insanely stupid question.

My response: Because I believe working with this corporation will enable me to bring out my fullest potential. I also think that this corporation follows an ethos I strongly agree with and it'd be in my best interests to create progress and continue to build on the reputation this corporation is so well respected for.



Well-known member
My response: Because I believe working with this corporation will enable me to bring out my fullest potential. I also think that this corporation follows an ethos I strongly agree with and it'd be in my best interests to create progress and continue to build on the reputation this corporation is so well respected for.

Ooh, I need to remember that answer. It's exaggerated to the max, but employers would eat that up. :)


Well-known member
I can hardly talk to people anymore, but I can run 45km along the coast into a howling southerly wind, across swift flowing creeks, over headlands, and in soft sand. I was in so much agony in that ultra race that my anxiety was forgotten.
What is it with these people that feel the need to dominate threads? Every time someone posts on that thread, they need to respond with the same points they made on the previous page. Or applaud or smiley to anyone that agrees with them.

And then there's preachy people telling individuals that if they were pure of soul everything would be a gazillion times more enjoyable.

I didn't have an ignore list but over the past couple of days I've decided I'm going to get one.

^ It puzzles me how some people in here expect other forum users to be perfect humans. :question:
Keep in mind everyone one in here has faults, including you.

Funny how my courage to be assertive, and not allow the managers to take advantage of me where I volunteer, varies each day.
You think after a while it would become a habit.
Three steps forward, one step back. :sad: